Erosion Control 012

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid

Alaska Road Commission


Cookman Collection #2

Time Period

July 28, 1936


A row of logs lies slanted against the riverbank in foreground with two large logs placed crosswise on them at the waterline at right. A large row of medium sized rocks, apparently bound together with wire mesh, lie on top of the horizontal logs. Two workmen are walking toward the camera on the land behind this structure. River water occupies a narrow portion of the right side of the image, leading to a similar bank-armoring structure and pilings of Shear Dam #3 in middle ground. Thin forest of cottonwood trees is at left exhibiting stumps of trees used in the armoring structures. Partial views of the river and the far bank are visible in background.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska


Black & White Paper Print, 3-1/2" x 5-3/4"


Erosion Control-Matanuska-Rt75L#13x-Coo

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Cookman Collection #2

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