Time Period

Fire Dept. Collection

About the​​​ 
Fire Dept. Collection

This image shows the Matanuska Colony Garage workers and community firemen standing in front of a fire truck with the garage building partially visible behind.  The men's names and their garage positions are cited below.
A fireman in foreground extinguishes burning embers remaining from the edge of a wildland fire by applying water from his backpack with a hand pump.  A log cabin is partially visible in middle ground behind him.  Unburned forest is visible in middle ground.
This summer image shows four men in fire turnout gear in foreground carrying a fire hose about to enter an open door of a house partially visible at far left.  The man at left leading the others in this training exercise is identified as Assistant State Fire Marshal Wally Dawson.  Others are not identified.  Heavy birch forest forms the backdrop in middle ground.
This winter view shows the main 2-1/2 story building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home as seen from the west, exhibiting the west end and back side of the building on slightly elevated ground.  A sweeping driveway forms the foreground with patches of snow evident.  A couple of birch trees grow near the building with dense forest in middle ground beyond.  A portion of snow-covered Lazy Mountain forms the background.
This near middle ground view of the back side and west end of the main building shows it clearly on fire with the roof of the east half collapsed and firemen standing on ladders and on the porch roof hosing water on the structure.  Flames are visible at the peak of the roof. A government surplus tank truck, with "Palmer Fire Dept." painted on the bumper, is parked next to the building furnishing water to the hoses.  Several other people stand at left watching the activity.  Two late model cars stand in foreground.
This foreground view of the main Children's Home complex building shows the west end and back of the building.  A fire truck is partially visible at far left with a man standing atop.  A ladder is propped against the back wall to a second-floor window with a man at the top holding the end of a hose line.  A second man is visible kneeling at the base of the ladder.  Two men are standing on the roof of the porch with a small ladder leaning up to the roof.  A third man is kneeling on the roof edge above with a hose line leaning into a window of the dormer.  On the ground in immediate foreground, a fireman is striding toward the truck past a double birch tree near the building's corner.   Smoke and flames are visible from the roof and gable end windows.
This foreground view shows the eastern half of the back wall with firemen on two ladders hosing water through second floor windows.  Another man is mounting a ladder from atop the porch roof to access the large dormer above.  At far left two ladders stand vacant against the wall with a man standing nearby observing the activity.  The east roof section is clearly collapsed, and fire is visible through the windows at the center of the photo.
This oblique view of the east end and front of the building in foreground shows flames on the roof and at one south-side window.  A small Palmer Fire Department truck stands in foreground with a man pulling hose from the reel.  At left is a fireman in turnout gear holding the hose and directing a stream of water up toward the fire.  Two other men are at photo center near the front of the truck.  A single-story residence is visible in middle ground at far right.
This end view of the main Children's Home building shows flames erupting from the roof and inside through an upstairs window.  Dark smoke obscures the building entrance at left.  A government surplus tanker truck is parked in front of the building end with a water hose extending from the back of the tank to three men, two in fire turnout gear, standing beneath a spruce tree and looking up at the roof.  Another small fire truck is partially visible behind the tanker.  Several men are standing at right in front of the tanker.  A Quonset Hut is partially visible in middle ground at right of the main building with spruce forest beyond.  A single-story house stands in foreground at far right of the image.
This view of the east end of the building shows flames at the roof and heavy smoke obscuring the south entrance.  Two fire trucks are parked in foreground.  At left is a truck identified by lettering on the side of the door, "BUTTE FIRE ASSN." The other truck parked closer to the building is from the Palmer Fire Dept.  Several people are visible standing around watching the action.  One man in turnout gear is standing on a ladder at the left second story window hosing water inside.  A firefighter stands on the landing at the second story center window while another looks up from below. A residence building is partially visible at right.
This oblique view of the east end and front entrance of the building shows extensive flames from the roof and second floor windows.  Two fire hoses are visible crossing a flat gravel area at near foreground, apparently supplying water to the firefighting effort from off sight trucks.  A fire truck is visible at right, identified as from the Butte Fire Assoc.  Several people are standing nearby.  One firefighter is hosing water into a second story window.
This oblique view of the south side and east end of the building shows flames from the roof and second floor windows.  Numerous firefighters and observers are present.  Two firefighters are on ladders at east end second floor windows hosing water inside.  A vehicle is partially visible at far right with several men gathered at it.  Several birch and spruce trees are visible in the yard and small patches of snow are evident on the ground.
This view of the west end of the building in middle ground shows flames erupting from the gable end and from the entrance area on the right side.  A tanker fire truck and several people are visible at the left of the building.  Two people stand at right at the base of a tall power pole and others are vaguely visible in the smoke at far right.  Snow covers the expansive lawn and driveway in immediate foreground.  A portion of lazy Mountain is visible at far right.
This image shows the front side of the building in foreground with the entry arches prominent at left and the roof of the right wing collapsed with flames and smoke visible from the top and upper window.  A fireman stands on the ground below hosing water into the top floor window.  A fire truck is partially visible parked at the base of a spruce tree at right of the building and several men stand nearby.  Two men stand next to a birch tree between the building and truck.  Two Quonset huts and another building are partially visible in background at right.   A dog stands in the snow at near foreground.
This image views the building front and west end in middle ground with the roof in total collapse.  Flames are visible at remnants of the roof, through windows and through the entry arches.  The chimney remains standing and is vaguely visible through rising smoke.  Two people remain watching at far right. A tall power pole is evident at left.  A gravel road crosses the image diagonally in near foreground.  Patchy snow and black soot particles cover the ground.
This image shows the back and west end of the building in middle ground with the roof fully collapsed and flames visible through most of the windows.  A tight group of men stand near the corner of the building at right watching the flames.  A firetruck is partially visible at far right with a man standing on top.  No evidence of continued firefighting is evident.  A roadway crosses the image diagonally in near foreground with three fuel drums standing on the far side.  The spruce and birch trees near the front of the building remain.
This image shows the east end of the building in foreground after the total collapse of the roof with flames visible above and through four of the windows.  A portion of the roof appears to have fallen to the ground in front of the exterior wall.  A ladder is visible leaning against the front wall around the corner at right with a fireman standing below it.  A stream of water appears to be directed at the wall from outside the frame.  The ground in immediate foreground appears to exhibit considerable water or ice cover.
This image of the front of the building shows most of the roof at the entrance has collapsed and the rest is aflame.  The view through the front door shows the interior completely involved.  The chimney still stands visible above.
This foreground view looks through the entry arches of the building showing the complete destruction of the inside.  Some pipes and interior charred wall framing structures appear to be all that remains.
This color image of a winter view looking east on Palmer's East Elmwood Avenue shows the historic "Teacher's Dorm" building in center middle ground with a column of smoke and flames rising from its roof.   Two red fire trucks are parked at the right side of the building with hoses attached to a yellow hydrant.  Several firemen are visible on the building roof and on tall ladders.  An ambulance and third fire truck are parked on the right side of the street in foreground.  The Borough Building is apparent at left middle ground.  Mountains are faintly visible in background.  Snow covers the ground.
This color view looking east shows the west end of the Dorm in near middle ground with a plume of smoke rising from the roof.  Several firemen are visible on the roof, on ladders and on the ground.  Two red fire trucks are parked to the right of the building with hoses attached to a hydrant.  The Borough Building is partially visible at left middle ground.  Several vehicles and part of a house are visible at right across the street from the Dorm.  Snow covers the ground.
This color view is of the south side and west end of the historic "Teacher's Dorm" in foreground as seen from the south side of East Elmwood Street.  A plume of smoke rises from the roof of the building as several firemen are seen laying yellow hose lines, ascending ladders and standing on the roof top.  A red fire truck is obvious at left and a small green car and blue van are parked next to the building.  The south end of the Borough Building is partially visible at right in background.  Thin snow covers the ground.
This color view shows most of the south side of the Dorm with several firemen on the ground, two ascending a ladder and several on the roof top.  A plume of fire and smoke rises from the roof.
No items found.
No items found.
This image shows the Matanuska Colony Garage workers and community firemen standing in front of a fire truck with the garage building partially visible behind.  The men's names and their garage positions are cited below.

Colony Fire Crew 1


Palmer Fire Department


Matanuska Colony garage workers and community firemen stand for their photograph .


This image shows the Matanuska Colony Garage workers and community firemen standing in front of a fire truck with the garage building partially visible behind. The men's names and their garage positions are cited below.


Palmer, Alaska

A fireman in foreground extinguishes burning embers remaining from the edge of a wildland fire by applying water from his backpack with a hand pump.  A log cabin is partially visible in middle ground behind him.  Unburned forest is visible in middle ground.

Fireman 1


Palmer Fire Department


A fireman is "mopping up" hot spots remaining from a wildfire.


A fireman in foreground extinguishes burning embers remaining from the edge of a wildland fire by applying water from his backpack with a hand pump. A log cabin is partially visible in middle ground behind him. Unburned forest is visible in middle ground.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This summer image shows four men in fire turnout gear in foreground carrying a fire hose about to enter an open door of a house partially visible at far left.  The man at left leading the others in this training exercise is identified as Assistant State Fire Marshal Wally Dawson.  Others are not identified.  Heavy birch forest forms the backdrop in middle ground.

Firemen 1


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen participate in a training exercise in entering a burning building with a fire hose.


This summer image shows four men in fire turnout gear in foreground carrying a fire hose about to enter an open door of a house partially visible at far left. The man at left leading the others in this training exercise is identified as Assistant State Fire Marshal Wally Dawson. Others are not identified. Heavy birch forest forms the backdrop in middle ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This winter view shows the main 2-1/2 story building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home as seen from the west, exhibiting the west end and back side of the building on slightly elevated ground.  A sweeping driveway forms the foreground with patches of snow evident.  A couple of birch trees grow near the building with dense forest in middle ground beyond.  A portion of snow-covered Lazy Mountain forms the background.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 001


Palmer Fire Department


The main building of the Children's Home stands just prior to its destruction by fire.


This winter view shows the main 2-1/2 story building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home as seen from the west, exhibiting the west end and back side of the building on slightly elevated ground. A sweeping driveway forms the foreground with patches of snow evident. A couple of birch trees grow near the building with dense forest in middle ground beyond. A portion of snow-covered Lazy Mountain forms the background.


Palmer, Alaska

This near middle ground view of the back side and west end of the main building shows it clearly on fire with the roof of the east half collapsed and firemen standing on ladders and on the porch roof hosing water on the structure.  Flames are visible at the peak of the roof. A government surplus tank truck, with "Palmer Fire Dept." painted on the bumper, is parked next to the building furnishing water to the hoses.  Several other people stand at left watching the activity.  Two late model cars stand in foreground.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 002


Palmer Fire Department


Fire-fighting efforts are underway in a futile effort to save the building.


This near middle ground view of the back side and west end of the main building shows it clearly on fire with the roof of the east half collapsed and firemen standing on ladders and on the porch roof hosing water on the structure. Flames are visible at the peak of the roof. A government surplus tank truck, with "Palmer Fire Dept." painted on the bumper, is parked next to the building furnishing water to the hoses. Several other people stand at left watching the activity. Two late model cars stand in foreground.


Palmer, Alaska

This foreground view of the main Children's Home complex building shows the west end and back of the building.  A fire truck is partially visible at far left with a man standing atop.  A ladder is propped against the back wall to a second-floor window with a man at the top holding the end of a hose line.  A second man is visible kneeling at the base of the ladder.  Two men are standing on the roof of the porch with a small ladder leaning up to the roof.  A third man is kneeling on the roof edge above with a hose line leaning into a window of the dormer.  On the ground in immediate foreground, a fireman is striding toward the truck past a double birch tree near the building's corner.   Smoke and flames are visible from the roof and gable end windows.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 003


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight the fire consuming the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This foreground view of the main Children's Home complex building shows the west end and back of the building. A fire truck is partially visible at far left with a man standing atop. A ladder is propped against the back wall to a second-floor window with a man at the top holding the end of a hose line. A second man is visible kneeling at the base of the ladder. Two men are standing on the roof of the porch with a small ladder leaning up to the roof. A third man is kneeling on the roof edge above with a hose line leaning into a window of the dormer. On the ground in immediate foreground, a fireman is striding toward the truck past a double birch tree near the building's corner. Smoke and flames are visible from the roof and gable end windows.


Palmer, Alaska

This foreground view shows the eastern half of the back wall with firemen on two ladders hosing water through second floor windows.  Another man is mounting a ladder from atop the porch roof to access the large dormer above.  At far left two ladders stand vacant against the wall with a man standing nearby observing the activity.  The east roof section is clearly collapsed, and fire is visible through the windows at the center of the photo.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 004


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight the fire consuming the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This foreground view shows the eastern half of the back wall with firemen on two ladders hosing water through second floor windows. Another man is mounting a ladder from atop the porch roof to access the large dormer above. At far left two ladders stand vacant against the wall with a man standing nearby observing the activity. The east roof section is clearly collapsed, and fire is visible through the windows at the center of the photo.


Palmer, Alaska

This oblique view of the east end and front of the building in foreground shows flames on the roof and at one south-side window.  A small Palmer Fire Department truck stands in foreground with a man pulling hose from the reel.  At left is a fireman in turnout gear holding the hose and directing a stream of water up toward the fire.  Two other men are at photo center near the front of the truck.  A single-story residence is visible in middle ground at far right.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 005


Palmer Fire Department


A Palmer Fire Department truck and several men are attending the fire as it consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This oblique view of the east end and front of the building in foreground shows flames on the roof and at one south-side window. A small Palmer Fire Department truck stands in foreground with a man pulling hose from the reel. At left is a fireman in turnout gear holding the hose and directing a stream of water up toward the fire. Two other men are at photo center near the front of the truck. A single-story residence is visible in middle ground at far right.


Palmer, Alaska

This end view of the main Children's Home building shows flames erupting from the roof and inside through an upstairs window.  Dark smoke obscures the building entrance at left.  A government surplus tanker truck is parked in front of the building end with a water hose extending from the back of the tank to three men, two in fire turnout gear, standing beneath a spruce tree and looking up at the roof.  Another small fire truck is partially visible behind the tanker.  Several men are standing at right in front of the tanker.  A Quonset Hut is partially visible in middle ground at right of the main building with spruce forest beyond.  A single-story house stands in foreground at far right of the image.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 006


Palmer Fire Department


Two Palmer Fire Department trucks and several men are attending the fire as it consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This end view of the main Children's Home building shows flames erupting from the roof and inside through an upstairs window. Dark smoke obscures the building entrance at left. A government surplus tanker truck is parked in front of the building end with a water hose extending from the back of the tank to three men, two in fire turnout gear, standing beneath a spruce tree and looking up at the roof. Another small fire truck is partially visible behind the tanker. Several men are standing at right in front of the tanker. A Quonset Hut is partially visible in middle ground at right of the main building with spruce forest beyond. A single-story house stands in foreground at far right of the image.


Palmer, Alaska

This view of the east end of the building shows flames at the roof and heavy smoke obscuring the south entrance.  Two fire trucks are parked in foreground.  At left is a truck identified by lettering on the side of the door, "BUTTE FIRE ASSN." The other truck parked closer to the building is from the Palmer Fire Dept.  Several people are visible standing around watching the action.  One man in turnout gear is standing on a ladder at the left second story window hosing water inside.  A firefighter stands on the landing at the second story center window while another looks up from below. A residence building is partially visible at right.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 007


Palmer Fire Department


Two Fire Department trucks and several men are attending the fire as it consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This view of the east end of the building shows flames at the roof and heavy smoke obscuring the south entrance. Two fire trucks are parked in foreground. At left is a truck identified by lettering on the side of the door, "BUTTE FIRE ASSN." The other truck parked closer to the building is from the Palmer Fire Dept. Several people are visible standing around watching the action. One man in turnout gear is standing on a ladder at the left second story window hosing water inside. A firefighter stands on the landing at the second story center window while another looks up from below. A residence building is partially visible at right.


Palmer, Alaska

This oblique view of the east end and front entrance of the building shows extensive flames from the roof and second floor windows.  Two fire hoses are visible crossing a flat gravel area at near foreground, apparently supplying water to the firefighting effort from off sight trucks.  A fire truck is visible at right, identified as from the Butte Fire Assoc.  Several people are standing nearby.  One firefighter is hosing water into a second story window.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 008


Palmer Fire Department


Men from the Palmer and Butte fire departments are attending the fire as it consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This oblique view of the east end and front entrance of the building shows extensive flames from the roof and second floor windows. Two fire hoses are visible crossing a flat gravel area at near foreground, apparently supplying water to the firefighting effort from off sight trucks. A fire truck is visible at right, identified as from the Butte Fire Assoc. Several people are standing nearby. One firefighter is hosing water into a second story window.


Palmer, Alaska

This oblique view of the south side and east end of the building shows flames from the roof and second floor windows.  Numerous firefighters and observers are present.  Two firefighters are on ladders at east end second floor windows hosing water inside.  A vehicle is partially visible at far right with several men gathered at it.  Several birch and spruce trees are visible in the yard and small patches of snow are evident on the ground.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 009


Palmer Fire Department


Men from the Palmer and Butte fire departments are attending the fire as it consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This oblique view of the south side and east end of the building shows flames from the roof and second floor windows. Numerous firefighters and observers are present. Two firefighters are on ladders at east end second floor windows hosing water inside. A vehicle is partially visible at far right with several men gathered at it. Several birch and spruce trees are visible in the yard and small patches of snow are evident on the ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This view of the west end of the building in middle ground shows flames erupting from the gable end and from the entrance area on the right side.  A tanker fire truck and several people are visible at the left of the building.  Two people stand at right at the base of a tall power pole and others are vaguely visible in the smoke at far right.  Snow covers the expansive lawn and driveway in immediate foreground.  A portion of lazy Mountain is visible at far right.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 010


Palmer Fire Department


People observe as the fire consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This view of the west end of the building in middle ground shows flames erupting from the gable end and from the entrance area on the right side. A tanker fire truck and several people are visible at the left of the building. Two people stand at right at the base of a tall power pole and others are vaguely visible in the smoke at far right. Snow covers the expansive lawn and driveway in immediate foreground. A portion of lazy Mountain is visible at far right.


Palmer, Alaska

This image shows the front side of the building in foreground with the entry arches prominent at left and the roof of the right wing collapsed with flames and smoke visible from the top and upper window.  A fireman stands on the ground below hosing water into the top floor window.  A fire truck is partially visible parked at the base of a spruce tree at right of the building and several men stand nearby.  Two men stand next to a birch tree between the building and truck.  Two Quonset huts and another building are partially visible in background at right.   A dog stands in the snow at near foreground.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 011


Palmer Fire Department


People observe as the fire consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This image shows the front side of the building in foreground with the entry arches prominent at left and the roof of the right wing collapsed with flames and smoke visible from the top and upper window. A fireman stands on the ground below hosing water into the top floor window. A fire truck is partially visible parked at the base of a spruce tree at right of the building and several men stand nearby. Two men stand next to a birch tree between the building and truck. Two Quonset huts and another building are partially visible in background at right. A dog stands in the snow at near foreground.


Palmer, Alaska

This image views the building front and west end in middle ground with the roof in total collapse.  Flames are visible at remnants of the roof, through windows and through the entry arches.  The chimney remains standing and is vaguely visible through rising smoke.  Two people remain watching at far right. A tall power pole is evident at left.  A gravel road crosses the image diagonally in near foreground.  Patchy snow and black soot particles cover the ground.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 012


Palmer Fire Department


No evidence of fighting the lost cause is in evidence as the fire consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This image views the building front and west end in middle ground with the roof in total collapse. Flames are visible at remnants of the roof, through windows and through the entry arches. The chimney remains standing and is vaguely visible through rising smoke. Two people remain watching at far right. A tall power pole is evident at left. A gravel road crosses the image diagonally in near foreground. Patchy snow and black soot particles cover the ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This image shows the back and west end of the building in middle ground with the roof fully collapsed and flames visible through most of the windows.  A tight group of men stand near the corner of the building at right watching the flames.  A firetruck is partially visible at far right with a man standing on top.  No evidence of continued firefighting is evident.  A roadway crosses the image diagonally in near foreground with three fuel drums standing on the far side.  The spruce and birch trees near the front of the building remain.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 013


Palmer Fire Department


People observe as the fire consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This image shows the back and west end of the building in middle ground with the roof fully collapsed and flames visible through most of the windows. A tight group of men stand near the corner of the building at right watching the flames. A firetruck is partially visible at far right with a man standing on top. No evidence of continued firefighting is evident. A roadway crosses the image diagonally in near foreground with three fuel drums standing on the far side. The spruce and birch trees near the front of the building remain.


Palmer, Alaska

This image shows the east end of the building in foreground after the total collapse of the roof with flames visible above and through four of the windows.  A portion of the roof appears to have fallen to the ground in front of the exterior wall.  A ladder is visible leaning against the front wall around the corner at right with a fireman standing below it.  A stream of water appears to be directed at the wall from outside the frame.  The ground in immediate foreground appears to exhibit considerable water or ice cover.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 014


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight the fire consuming the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This image shows the east end of the building in foreground after the total collapse of the roof with flames visible above and through four of the windows. A portion of the roof appears to have fallen to the ground in front of the exterior wall. A ladder is visible leaning against the front wall around the corner at right with a fireman standing below it. A stream of water appears to be directed at the wall from outside the frame. The ground in immediate foreground appears to exhibit considerable water or ice cover.


Palmer, Alaska

This image of the front of the building shows most of the roof at the entrance has collapsed and the rest is aflame.  The view through the front door shows the interior completely involved.  The chimney still stands visible above.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 015


Palmer Fire Department


Fire consumes the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This image of the front of the building shows most of the roof at the entrance has collapsed and the rest is aflame. The view through the front door shows the interior completely involved. The chimney still stands visible above.


Palmer, Alaska

This foreground view looks through the entry arches of the building showing the complete destruction of the inside.  Some pipes and interior charred wall framing structures appear to be all that remains.

Lazy Mt. Home Fire 016


Palmer Fire Department


A look through the entrance porch shows the fire has consumed the main building of the Lazy Mountain Children's Home.


This foreground view looks through the entry arches of the building showing the complete destruction of the inside. Some pipes and interior charred wall framing structures appear to be all that remains.


Palmer, Alaska

This color image of a winter view looking east on Palmer's East Elmwood Avenue shows the historic "Teacher's Dorm" building in center middle ground with a column of smoke and flames rising from its roof.   Two red fire trucks are parked at the right side of the building with hoses attached to a yellow hydrant.  Several firemen are visible on the building roof and on tall ladders.  An ambulance and third fire truck are parked on the right side of the street in foreground.  The Borough Building is apparent at left middle ground.  Mountains are faintly visible in background.  Snow covers the ground.

Teacher's Dorm Fire 1


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight a fire in the historic "Teachers Dorm" in Palmer.


This color image of a winter view looking east on Palmer's East Elmwood Avenue shows the historic "Teacher's Dorm" building in center middle ground with a column of smoke and flames rising from its roof. Two red fire trucks are parked at the right side of the building with hoses attached to a yellow hydrant. Several firemen are visible on the building roof and on tall ladders. An ambulance and third fire truck are parked on the right side of the street in foreground. The Borough Building is apparent at left middle ground. Mountains are faintly visible in background. Snow covers the ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This color view looking east shows the west end of the Dorm in near middle ground with a plume of smoke rising from the roof.  Several firemen are visible on the roof, on ladders and on the ground.  Two red fire trucks are parked to the right of the building with hoses attached to a hydrant.  The Borough Building is partially visible at left middle ground.  Several vehicles and part of a house are visible at right across the street from the Dorm.  Snow covers the ground.

Teacher's Dorm Fire 2


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight a fire in the historic "Teacher's Dorm".


This color view looking east shows the west end of the Dorm in near middle ground with a plume of smoke rising from the roof. Several firemen are visible on the roof, on ladders and on the ground. Two red fire trucks are parked to the right of the building with hoses attached to a hydrant. The Borough Building is partially visible at left middle ground. Several vehicles and part of a house are visible at right across the street from the Dorm. Snow covers the ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This color view is of the south side and west end of the historic "Teacher's Dorm" in foreground as seen from the south side of East Elmwood Street.  A plume of smoke rises from the roof of the building as several firemen are seen laying yellow hose lines, ascending ladders and standing on the roof top.  A red fire truck is obvious at left and a small green car and blue van are parked next to the building.  The south end of the Borough Building is partially visible at right in background.  Thin snow covers the ground.

Teacher's Dorm Fire 3


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight a fire in the historic "Teacher's Dorm".


This color view is of the south side and west end of the historic "Teacher's Dorm" in foreground as seen from the south side of East Elmwood Street. A plume of smoke rises from the roof of the building as several firemen are seen laying yellow hose lines, ascending ladders and standing on the roof top. A red fire truck is obvious at left and a small green car and blue van are parked next to the building. The south end of the Borough Building is partially visible at right in background. Thin snow covers the ground.


Palmer, Alaska

This color view shows most of the south side of the Dorm with several firemen on the ground, two ascending a ladder and several on the roof top.  A plume of fire and smoke rises from the roof.

Teacher's Dorm Fire 4


Palmer Fire Department


Firemen fight a fire in the historic "Teacher's Dorm".


This color view shows most of the south side of the Dorm with several firemen on the ground, two ascending a ladder and several on the roof top. A plume of fire and smoke rises from the roof.


Palmer, Alaska

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