Clare "Nick" Nichols
Time Period

Nichols Collection

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid
About the​​​ 
Nichols Collection

Clare "Nick" Nichols was employed at the Trading Post during early years of the Matanuska Colony establishment. He was active in the social scene with the numerous other single Corporation employees, teachers, nurses and others. Many of his 267 images in this collection document people, social activities, and various other aspects of the earliest days of the Colony project.

A close-up view of the front of a car designated for use by ARRC officials.  Shown are the front left tire, fender, headlight, part of the bumper and part of the grill.  Mounted below the headlight is a small sign: "A.R.R.C. OFFICIAL", tucked behind which is an apparently empty whisky bottle.
Alice Mikami and Beatrice McNally stand together in a low grass field for their picture to be taken.  Alice is dressed in a black dress with a black & white checked over-dress and a full length light brown coat over her shoulders.  Beatrice is in a full-length black coat.  Temporary "Tent City" frame buildings are partially visible behind, as are piles of material for the Colony project.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop with mountains faintly visible in the distance.
Miss Alice Mikami, stenographer in the ARRC main office, stands in a black dress in front of a white Colony tent.
Arnold Newman, dressed in leather coat, gloves and aviator cap, and with his large right pants cuff tied in place to keep it out of the chain, stands ready to ride the bicycle he holds at the ready.  Parts of log buildings are visible behind him, identified as part of Jim Felton's place in Palmer.
Beatrice stands in this summer scene for her photo in a vacant area of "Tent City" dressed in a white shirt, short black jacket, black high-cuff pants and a black hat.  Behind her several colony tents are partially visible and an automobile.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop.
The image is of Miss Betty Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, dressed in a white dress with diamond pattern, and with a kitten on her shoulder, standing in a dirt road with heavy forest behind.  Shadows of others standing nearby are apparent.
Image is an aerial view of Colony tents forming Camp 8 located within a large expanse of heavy forest with the Matanuska River visible in background.  Portions of the airplane’s wing and struts are obvious in foreground.
Image is of Nick Nichols posing in a “Classy Car”.  Contemporary photos in our collection support the assumption that this photo was made on a group outing to the Goose Bay area, and the car may have belonged to Grace Bagoy of Anchorage.
Image shows the dry goods section of the Co-op Store thought to occupy the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street.  Nick Nichols stands at left.  A clerk and two other women are also visible.  Stairs are seen at left leading to the upper floor.  Decorative streamers are strung from the overhead lights, possibly indicating celebration of the recent move.
:  Image shows a stake-bed truck with five people in back with barrels and tubs covered with white canvas on their way to gather salmon for the winter.  People are unidentified.  Forest forms the backdrop
A white frame house sits in a wooded setting, identified as being the new home of Colonists Bernard and Alice Reitan.  Two people stand on the landing at the front door, bed springs are leaning against the wall near the entry.
A new Matanuska Colony house is under construction in a forest setting with log walls in place and men on scaffolding building the roof.  Gable ends are complete and rafters are in place.
This house under construction in a forested setting is a different view of the house shown in photo "Colony House@1x-Nic".  It shows an end view of the house located in a brush field with standing forest in middle ground behind the house.  The brush in foreground is several years old, indicating the possibility that this Colony tract was part of an earlier homestead with acreage that was cleared but not cultivated.
Image shows a group of small children sitting on a rail in front of a rail car. Trees and mountains are visible in background.
Image shows two trucks used to deliver commissary goods to Matanuska Colonists throughout valley.  Tents are visible behind the trucks.
This is a northeast view across a stubble field at Palmer Community Center buildings under construction, including the school, staff houses and the hospital.  Lazy Mountain is prominent, and Byers Peak (Matanuska Peak) is visible in background.
A northerly view of the Community Center garage showing the south and west walls in fall of 1935.  Several vehicles are evident including two "cat" tractors.  Considerable disturbed ground is in foreground with no formal street established.  Parts of the Warehouse and the Powerhouse are visible.
A stake bed truck and four men are in foreground with the frame skeleton of part of the Palmer school building under construction behind them.
Forms for the concrete basement of the Powerhouse are under construction in foreground with the mostly complete framed skeleton of the Trading Post building stands in middle ground beyond.  Dense trees form the backdrop behind the Trading Post building.
View is of the north side of the Trading Post building under construction with framing essentially complete.
View is of the north side of the community Trading Post with exterior siding and roof complete but entry steps not yet in place.
This view is of the south side of Palmer's original Community Center "Trading Post" framed through the standing birch trees still standing on the quad.  The Powerhouse smokestack is visible over the roof of the Trading Post.
Colony manager Don Irwin stands in front of his temporary office and is holding up samples of grain and pea crops grown in the area.
Image shows Colony manager Don Irwin and author Rex Beach displaying examples of farm plants presumably produced in the local area.  The men stand in front of a frame building exhibiting signs indicating it was Irwin’s office.
Young Donny Irwin, son of Colony Manager Don Irwin, stands in his play suit and hat on a "Tent City" street with tents behind him and an automobile partially visible parked between two of the tents.
Dr. Ostrom, Chief of the Construction Division medical staff during early construction of colony infrastructure, stands for his photograph with Colony tents and construction materials evident behind.
Eugene Carr, a trouble-shooter sent from Washington D.C. to investigate the Matanuska Colony Project, stands on the front step of a Colony tent.
Image shows a grass field in foreground, the barn, silos and associated buildings of the Experiment Farm in middle ground, forest behind and part of Pioneer Peak in background.
In this summer view, Mrs. Fannie Wirtanen, in patterned shirt and black dress, stands for her photo in front of the wall of a wood-sided building.
Fay Stoddard and friend Jerry pose together outside the back of a bus.  Jerry has his arm around Fay's shoulder.
This low oblique air photo looks east up the Knik Glacier from its terminus to the mountains beyond.  Its major medial moraine is evident as is considerable calved ice captured behind an old terminal moraine at the glacier's face.  Considerable snow remains on the surrounding mountains.
Harry Wolfe, Matanuska Colony Project architect, stands in front of his tent office in "Tent City" Palmer.
Image shows a winter scene of workers uncrating incubators for installation in the new poultry hatchery building in the community center of the Matanuska Colony Project in Palmer.  The Colony warehouse and water tower are visible in background.  Overhead electric lines are evident, dense forest is apparent at right and a truck is partially visible at left.
This summer image shows a side view of a log homestead cabin standing in a clearing with additional clearing and uncleared forest behind.  A garden plot is in foreground.
Two young women of the valley stand together for their photo on their visit to "Tent City".  Anna Snider in white shorts at left, and Mary Snodgrass in dark shirt and pants were residents of the area before the Matanuska Colony arrived.  Colony tents are visible behind them.
View is of the west side of the new Palmer Hospital showing that exterior construction is largely complete but with some scaffold still up, the entry steps are not yet in place, and gravel piles are still in the yard.  A man stands at the entry at the top of the access ramp.
Image is a view down a dirt street showing tents and two frame structures on the right in foreground and tents at left in middle ground.  Large tents in center are medical facilities.  The colony ambulance and “nurses car” is visible in front of one of the hospital tents.  The American flag is visible on a pole over the complex.
Image is a view of four tents with an American flag and a Red Cross flag flying on a pole overhead, identified as the Colony hospital tent complex.
Image is dominated by a log Colony house with exterior construction essentially complete.  A colony tent is partially visible at left, lumber arranged at right with chopping block and sawbuck in foreground.  Heavy forest behind.
In this summer view, Nick Nickols and Roland Pasco stand on either side of a car, each holding a long gun, and displaying a string of dead grouse across the front of the car between them.  They are dressed in moderately heavy coats, hats, heavy pants and outdoor boots.  Several Colony tents are visible behind them with solid woods beyond.
Irene Plumley is shown coming forward from behind a counter holding what may be milkshakes to serve customers at the "Rec Hall" Cafe in Palmer.
Jimmy Mcann, described as a "Jack-of-all-trades", stands for his photo in a vacant area in "Tent City".  Behind him parts of colony tents are visible and two people are seen walking away.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop.
John Osseward, ARRC Accountant, sits on a table in front of a white canvas on a sunny summer day.
The image shows Miss June Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, standing in what appears to be the unfinished main entry to the new Palmer hospital.
Image is a low oblique view of water running through the gorge between Knik Glacier (left) and Mt. Palmer (right) as it empties Lake George into the Knik River.
Louis Odsather, ARRC commissary worker, stands near some lumber for his photo.  An automobile and colony tents are visible behind him.  Heavy forest is beyond.
Marceline (Marcy) Venne, teenage daughter of colonists George & Irene Venne, exhibits the fashion of the day in pants ware with tight fit on the legs with wide flare at the hips.
Image shows railroad tracks in foreground with a steam engine and the Matanuska depot in middle ground.  Two automobiles are evident.  A man is visible walking into the building and another man is evident in the cab of the engine.  A water tower is visible in the background with trees beyond.
"Nick" Nickols and Louis Odsather stand on the divide between Willow Creek and Little Susitna River in the Talkeetna Mountains at Hatcher Pass with a valley and mountains behind them.  For their summer day trip to the mountains with others they are dressed in white shirt and tie.
Image is a summer view of "Nick" Nichols and Ralph Moore standing on rocks in the Little Susitna River near Hatcher Pass with trees and mountains in the background and water rushing past them at their feet.
Nick Nichols leans on a sign showing directions to temporary Colony tent camps # 5 & 6.  He holds a rifle, indicating that he is on a fall hunt.
Image is a high oblique view of Palmer in the summer of 1935 when it was often called “Tent City” because of all the tents in place housing the Colonists and others associated with the Matanuska Colony project.  The numbers in evidence on the photo identify: #3-Trading Post; #4-Isolation Hospital; #5-General & Maternity Hospital; #6-Manager Don Irwin’s Residence.  Homesteader John Bugge’s fields are in the lower right and other homestead clearings within the heavy forest are apparent.
Image shows five men associated with the early colony activity.  They’re identified as: (l to r): Clair (Nick) Nichols & Louis Odsather (commissary); John Osseward (ARRC Accountant); Ron Pasco (Railroad Agent); and Skip Cowden (Commissary).  A dog also poses with the men.  A small wooden building and several tents are visible behind the group and mountains are visible in background.
A group of seven young people associated with the earliest days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer pose together for their photo.  They are identified in the foot note below the image.
Three couples associated with the early days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer stand together in front of a small frame house.  The couples are identified. A railroad car and a tent are visible in background.
Image shows a group of young adults standing on a dirt mountain road, ostensibly playing some form of "Duck on a Rock".  The group of mostly single young workers associated with the Matanuska Colony project often took excursions to areas surrounding Palmer.
Image is of Mrs. Edith McKendry, Colonist, and Miss Helen Barry, "Colony Kid", standing together in front of a frame building south of Felton's store in Palmer.  Both were residents of Camp 5 while awaiting construction of their respective houses.
Ralph Moore, ARRC Commissary Clerk, stands at the mountain divide between the Willow Creek drainage and the Little Susitna River drainage in the Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer.  The photo is taken somewhat above him clearly showing the road crossing Hatcher Pass below.  A car is visible on the road.
This view is of the Hatcher Pass road looking down hill at "Pinnacle Rock", or "The Thumb" with a pickup truck and three women stopped on the road beside the rock feature.  This rock formation was left in place next to the river when the original trail, and road, were located.  In later years it was removed to allow widening of the road.  Throughout its existence this feature was a favorite stopping point on the road for photos, rock climbing and graffiti.
Roland Pasco stands among some lumber on the Community Center quad holding a cardboard box.  Various tents and an automobile are visible in the background backed up by forest.
Image shows six people gathered on a four-door car parked in front of a building identified by a sign on the front as “Palmer Post Office, General Store”.  Another sign advertises "Gasoline For Sale".  Five women are apparent and identified as Palmer school teachers: (l to r) Lorrinda Ward, Unidentified, Zelda Pilkerton, Peggy Pimperton, Unidentified, and Mildred Ferguson.  An unidentified sixth person can be seen peeking through the car from the other side.
Stewart Campbell, Property Custodian for the ARRC in Palmer, stands beside one of the Corporation pickup trucks parked near a Colony tent visible in background.  Lettering on the truck door identifies it as "RRC of A, NO. 6".
Three women, teachers in the Palmer school, stand on the front steps of a Colony house.  Part of the wall of the house behind is painted white.  The women are wearing coats, suggesting a fall outing.  No snow is eident.
The five Palmer teachers in 1935 pose for their group photo standing on the platform of the Matanuska railroad depot.  They are dressed up in heavy coats and two hold cameras.
Miss Virginia Berg, ARRC employee, stands in the field in front of the new house of Colonists Walt & Melva Pippel.  She holds what appears to be a .22 caliber pump action rifle and is dressed in warm but fashionable attire in this fall photo.
Miss Virginia Berg, in short sleeved blouse and dress, stands on a sunny summer day in front of a tent in Palmer's "Tent City".
Image is a summer view of Vivian Stoddard, ARRC employee, standing in front of a colony tent with another tent behind.  Vivian is wearing a stylish cross-check dress and white shoes.
A summer southerly view down Wasilla's Main Street, across the railroad tracks to the Knik Road.  Buildings are apparent as are numerous automobiles and people.
Image shows a straight gravel road through heavy forest in foreground leading past tents and buildings in far middle ground with Adam Werner’s homestead buildings evident at the end.  Chugach Mountains are in background.
Image shows three people sitting in foreground, identified as: Willis T. Geisman (official Colony photographer) at left; Lorinda Ward (school teacher) center; and Freddie.  Other people are evident in middle ground standing in front of a tent.  Heavy forest is in background.
No items found.
No items found.
A close-up view of the front of a car designated for use by ARRC officials.  Shown are the front left tire, fender, headlight, part of the bumper and part of the grill.  Mounted below the headlight is a small sign: "A.R.R.C. OFFICIAL", tucked behind which is an apparently empty whisky bottle.

ARRC Car 1




The photo documents that there apparently was an "Official" ARRC car as proclaimed by the small sign. What was happening in relation to the empty whisky bottle is anybody's guess.


A close-up view of the front of a car designated for use by ARRC officials. Shown are the front left tire, fender, headlight, part of the bumper and part of the grill. Mounted below the headlight is a small sign: "A.R.R.C. OFFICIAL", tucked behind which is an apparently empty whisky bottle.


Palmer, Alaska

Alice Mikami and Beatrice McNally stand together in a low grass field for their picture to be taken.  Alice is dressed in a black dress with a black & white checked over-dress and a full length light brown coat over her shoulders.  Beatrice is in a full-length black coat.  Temporary "Tent City" frame buildings are partially visible behind, as are piles of material for the Colony project.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop with mountains faintly visible in the distance.

Alice Mikami & Beatrice McNally 1




Alice & Beatrice stand for their picture to be taken in a vacant area of Palmer's "Tent City".


Alice Mikami and Beatrice McNally stand together in a low grass field for their picture to be taken. Alice is dressed in a black dress with a black & white checked over-dress and a full length light brown coat over her shoulders. Beatrice is in a full-length black coat. Temporary "Tent City" frame buildings are partially visible behind, as are piles of material for the Colony project. Heavy forest forms the backdrop with mountains faintly visible in the distance.


Palmer, Alaska

Miss Alice Mikami, stenographer in the ARRC main office, stands in a black dress in front of a white Colony tent.

Alice Mikami 1




Alice Mikami is standing at the entry of a Colony tent


Miss Alice Mikami, stenographer in the ARRC main office, stands in a black dress in front of a white Colony tent.


Palmer, Alaska

Arnold Newman, dressed in leather coat, gloves and aviator cap, and with his large right pants cuff tied in place to keep it out of the chain, stands ready to ride the bicycle he holds at the ready.  Parts of log buildings are visible behind him, identified as part of Jim Felton's place in Palmer.

Arnold Newman 1




Arnold Newman, with hands on the handlebars of a bicycle, stands ready to go for a ride.


Arnold Newman, dressed in leather coat, gloves and aviator cap, and with his large right pants cuff tied in place to keep it out of the chain, stands ready to ride the bicycle he holds at the ready. Parts of log buildings are visible behind him, identified as part of Jim Felton's place in Palmer.


Palmer, Alaska

Beatrice stands in this summer scene for her photo in a vacant area of "Tent City" dressed in a white shirt, short black jacket, black high-cuff pants and a black hat.  Behind her several colony tents are partially visible and an automobile.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop.

Beatrice McNally 1




Beatrice McNally, stenographer in the ARRC accounting department, stands for her photograph.


Beatrice stands in this summer scene for her photo in a vacant area of "Tent City" dressed in a white shirt, short black jacket, black high-cuff pants and a black hat. Behind her several colony tents are partially visible and an automobile. Heavy forest forms the backdrop.


Palmer, Alaska

The image is of Miss Betty Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, dressed in a white dress with diamond pattern, and with a kitten on her shoulder, standing in a dirt road with heavy forest behind.  Shadows of others standing nearby are apparent.

Betty Hermon 1




Miss Betty Hermon stands for her picture to be taken with a kitten on her shoulder


The image is of Miss Betty Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, dressed in a white dress with diamond pattern, and with a kitten on her shoulder, standing in a dirt road with heavy forest behind. Shadows of others standing nearby are apparent.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is an aerial view of Colony tents forming Camp 8 located within a large expanse of heavy forest with the Matanuska River visible in background.  Portions of the airplane’s wing and struts are obvious in foreground.

Camp 8 Air View




Colonist's Camp 8


Image is an aerial view of Colony tents forming Camp 8 located within a large expanse of heavy forest with the Matanuska River visible in background. Portions of the airplane’s wing and struts are obvious in foreground.


Matanuska Valley south of Palmer, Alaska

Image is of Nick Nichols posing in a “Classy Car”.  Contemporary photos in our collection support the assumption that this photo was made on a group outing to the Goose Bay area, and the car may have belonged to Grace Bagoy of Anchorage.

Classy Car




Nick Nichols Poses in a Classy Car


Image is of Nick Nichols posing in a “Classy Car”. Contemporary photos in our collection support the assumption that this photo was made on a group outing to the Goose Bay area, and the car may have belonged to Grace Bagoy of Anchorage.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image shows the dry goods section of the Co-op Store thought to occupy the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street.  Nick Nichols stands at left.  A clerk and two other women are also visible.  Stairs are seen at left leading to the upper floor.  Decorative streamers are strung from the overhead lights, possibly indicating celebration of the recent move.

Co-op Store 1




The hard goods department of the co-op store thought to be as it was established in the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street.


Image shows the dry goods section of the Co-op Store thought to occupy the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street. Nick Nichols stands at left. A clerk and two other women are also visible. Stairs are seen at left leading to the upper floor. Decorative streamers are strung from the overhead lights, possibly indicating celebration of the recent move.


Palmer, Alaska

:  Image shows a stake-bed truck with five people in back with barrels and tubs covered with white canvas on their way to gather salmon for the winter.  People are unidentified.  Forest forms the backdrop

Colonists Going Salmon Fishing




People in a truck going to catch salmon for subsistence


: Image shows a stake-bed truck with five people in back with barrels and tubs covered with white canvas on their way to gather salmon for the winter. People are unidentified. Forest forms the backdrop


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A white frame house sits in a wooded setting, identified as being the new home of Colonists Bernard and Alice Reitan.  Two people stand on the landing at the front door, bed springs are leaning against the wall near the entry.

Colony Home 46




A new Matanuska Colony house appears to be complete and two people standing at the front door appear to be moving in.


A white frame house sits in a wooded setting, identified as being the new home of Colonists Bernard and Alice Reitan. Two people stand on the landing at the front door, bed springs are leaning against the wall near the entry.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A new Matanuska Colony house is under construction in a forest setting with log walls in place and men on scaffolding building the roof.  Gable ends are complete and rafters are in place.

Colony Home 47




A new house is being constructed. The log walls are in place and men on scaffolding are building the roof.


A new Matanuska Colony house is under construction in a forest setting with log walls in place and men on scaffolding building the roof. Gable ends are complete and rafters are in place.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This house under construction in a forested setting is a different view of the house shown in photo "Colony House@1x-Nic".  It shows an end view of the house located in a brush field with standing forest in middle ground behind the house.  The brush in foreground is several years old, indicating the possibility that this Colony tract was part of an earlier homestead with acreage that was cleared but not cultivated.

Colony Home 48




A new Colony house is being constructed, with log walls in place and the roof partially complete. This is a different view of the house in photo "Colony House@1x-Nic".


This house under construction in a forested setting is a different view of the house shown in photo "Colony House@1x-Nic". It shows an end view of the house located in a brush field with standing forest in middle ground behind the house. The brush in foreground is several years old, indicating the possibility that this Colony tract was part of an earlier homestead with acreage that was cleared but not cultivated.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image shows a group of small children sitting on a rail in front of a rail car. Trees and mountains are visible in background.

Colony Kids 2


Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage




Image shows a group of small children sitting on a rail in front of a rail car. Trees and mountains are visible in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows two trucks used to deliver commissary goods to Matanuska Colonists throughout valley.  Tents are visible behind the trucks.

Commissary Delivery Trucks




ARRC Commissary Delivery Trucks


Image shows two trucks used to deliver commissary goods to Matanuska Colonists throughout valley. Tents are visible behind the trucks.


Palmer, Alaska

This is a northeast view across a stubble field at Palmer Community Center buildings under construction, including the school, staff houses and the hospital.  Lazy Mountain is prominent, and Byers Peak (Matanuska Peak) is visible in background.

Community Center 30




The view is of several Community Center buildings still under construction in fall of 1935.


This is a northeast view across a stubble field at Palmer Community Center buildings under construction, including the school, staff houses and the hospital. Lazy Mountain is prominent, and Byers Peak (Matanuska Peak) is visible in background.


Palmer, Alaska

A northerly view of the Community Center garage showing the south and west walls in fall of 1935.  Several vehicles are evident including two "cat" tractors.  Considerable disturbed ground is in foreground with no formal street established.  Parts of the Warehouse and the Powerhouse are visible.

Community Center 31




The Community Center garage appears complete with several vehicles parked nearby, including two "cat" tractors. Foreground surface is roughly graded and no formal street is in place. The Powerhouse and Warehouse are partially visible.


A northerly view of the Community Center garage showing the south and west walls in fall of 1935. Several vehicles are evident including two "cat" tractors. Considerable disturbed ground is in foreground with no formal street established. Parts of the Warehouse and the Powerhouse are visible.


Palmer, Alaska

A stake bed truck and four men are in foreground with the frame skeleton of part of the Palmer school building under construction behind them.

Community Center 32




Construction of the Palmer school building is in the early stages with part of the first story framing in progress.


A stake bed truck and four men are in foreground with the frame skeleton of part of the Palmer school building under construction behind them.


Palmer, Alaska

Forms for the concrete basement of the Powerhouse are under construction in foreground with the mostly complete framed skeleton of the Trading Post building stands in middle ground beyond.  Dense trees form the backdrop behind the Trading Post building.

Community Center 33




Construction of the community Powerhouse is in the early stages while framing of the Trading Post framing is almost complete. Three weeks after the photo was taken the Powerhouse was in operation.


Forms for the concrete basement of the Powerhouse are under construction in foreground with the mostly complete framed skeleton of the Trading Post building stands in middle ground beyond. Dense trees form the backdrop behind the Trading Post building.


Palmer, Alaska

View is of the north side of the Trading Post building under construction with framing essentially complete.

Community Center 34




The framing skeleton of the community Trading Post is essentially complete and ready for siding to be applied. for exterior


View is of the north side of the Trading Post building under construction with framing essentially complete.


Palmer, Alaska

View is of the north side of the community Trading Post with exterior siding and roof complete but entry steps not yet in place.

Community Center 35




The Trading Post is essentially enclosed but not yet accessible and open for business.


View is of the north side of the community Trading Post with exterior siding and roof complete but entry steps not yet in place.


Palmer, Alaska

This view is of the south side of Palmer's original Community Center "Trading Post" framed through the standing birch trees still standing on the quad.  The Powerhouse smokestack is visible over the roof of the Trading Post.

Community Center 36


Hewitts Photo Shop


The Trading Post building appears to be complete.


This view is of the south side of Palmer's original Community Center "Trading Post" framed through the standing birch trees still standing on the quad. The Powerhouse smokestack is visible over the roof of the Trading Post.


Palmer, Alaska

Colony manager Don Irwin stands in front of his temporary office and is holding up samples of grain and pea crops grown in the area.

Don Irwin 1




Don Irwin displays samples of pea and grain crops grown in the local area.


Colony manager Don Irwin stands in front of his temporary office and is holding up samples of grain and pea crops grown in the area.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows Colony manager Don Irwin and author Rex Beach displaying examples of farm plants presumably produced in the local area.  The men stand in front of a frame building exhibiting signs indicating it was Irwin’s office.

Don Irwin and Rex Beach




Don Irwin & Rex Beach display examples of crops being grown in the area


Image shows Colony manager Don Irwin and author Rex Beach displaying examples of farm plants presumably produced in the local area. The men stand in front of a frame building exhibiting signs indicating it was Irwin’s office.


Palmer, Alaska

Young Donny Irwin, son of Colony Manager Don Irwin, stands in his play suit and hat on a "Tent City" street with tents behind him and an automobile partially visible parked between two of the tents.

Donny Irwin 1




Donny Irwin poses for his photo on a "Tent City" street.


Young Donny Irwin, son of Colony Manager Don Irwin, stands in his play suit and hat on a "Tent City" street with tents behind him and an automobile partially visible parked between two of the tents.


Palmer, Alaska

Dr. Ostrom, Chief of the Construction Division medical staff during early construction of colony infrastructure, stands for his photograph with Colony tents and construction materials evident behind.

Dr. Ostrom 1




Dr. Ostrom stands for his photo.


Dr. Ostrom, Chief of the Construction Division medical staff during early construction of colony infrastructure, stands for his photograph with Colony tents and construction materials evident behind.


Palmer, Alaska

Eugene Carr, a trouble-shooter sent from Washington D.C. to investigate the Matanuska Colony Project, stands on the front step of a Colony tent.

Eugene Carr 1




Eugene Carr is standing in front of a Colony tent


Eugene Carr, a trouble-shooter sent from Washington D.C. to investigate the Matanuska Colony Project, stands on the front step of a Colony tent.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a grass field in foreground, the barn, silos and associated buildings of the Experiment Farm in middle ground, forest behind and part of Pioneer Peak in background.

Experiment Farm 30




Matanuska Experiment Farm


Image shows a grass field in foreground, the barn, silos and associated buildings of the Experiment Farm in middle ground, forest behind and part of Pioneer Peak in background.


Matanuska, Alaska

In this summer view, Mrs. Fannie Wirtanen, in patterned shirt and black dress, stands for her photo in front of the wall of a wood-sided building.

Fannie Wirtanen 1




Fannie Wirtanen stands for her picture to be taken.


In this summer view, Mrs. Fannie Wirtanen, in patterned shirt and black dress, stands for her photo in front of the wall of a wood-sided building.


Palmer, Alaska

Fay Stoddard and friend Jerry pose together outside the back of a bus.  Jerry has his arm around Fay's shoulder.

Fay Stoddard & Friend 1




Fay Stoddard and her friend Jerry pose together next to a bus.


Fay Stoddard and friend Jerry pose together outside the back of a bus. Jerry has his arm around Fay's shoulder.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This low oblique air photo looks east up the Knik Glacier from its terminus to the mountains beyond.  Its major medial moraine is evident as is considerable calved ice captured behind an old terminal moraine at the glacier's face.  Considerable snow remains on the surrounding mountains.

Glacier 2


Nick Nichols


This photo shows the condition of the glacier as it appeared in 1935 or 1936.


This low oblique air photo looks east up the Knik Glacier from its terminus to the mountains beyond. Its major medial moraine is evident as is considerable calved ice captured behind an old terminal moraine at the glacier's face. Considerable snow remains on the surrounding mountains.


Knik Glacier in Chugach Mountains near Palmer, Alaska

Harry Wolfe, Matanuska Colony Project architect, stands in front of his tent office in "Tent City" Palmer.

Harry Wolfe 1




Matanuska Colony Project architect, Harry Wolef, is standing in front of his canvas tent office.


Harry Wolfe, Matanuska Colony Project architect, stands in front of his tent office in "Tent City" Palmer.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a winter scene of workers uncrating incubators for installation in the new poultry hatchery building in the community center of the Matanuska Colony Project in Palmer.  The Colony warehouse and water tower are visible in background.  Overhead electric lines are evident, dense forest is apparent at right and a truck is partially visible at left.

Hatchery Incubators




Workers unload incubators for installation in the new hatchery building


Image shows a winter scene of workers uncrating incubators for installation in the new poultry hatchery building in the community center of the Matanuska Colony Project in Palmer. The Colony warehouse and water tower are visible in background. Overhead electric lines are evident, dense forest is apparent at right and a truck is partially visible at left.


Palmer, Alaska

This summer image shows a side view of a log homestead cabin standing in a clearing with additional clearing and uncleared forest behind.  A garden plot is in foreground.

Homestead 7




A homesteader's cabin stands in a clearing with additional clearing and standing forest behind. A garden plot near the cabin shows several rows of what appears to be potatoes indicating the summer is well advanced.


This summer image shows a side view of a log homestead cabin standing in a clearing with additional clearing and uncleared forest behind. A garden plot is in foreground.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Two young women of the valley stand together for their photo on their visit to "Tent City".  Anna Snider in white shorts at left, and Mary Snodgrass in dark shirt and pants were residents of the area before the Matanuska Colony arrived.  Colony tents are visible behind them.

Homestead Girls 1




Anna Snider and Mary Snodgrass stand for their picture in Palmer's "Tent City".


Two young women of the valley stand together for their photo on their visit to "Tent City". Anna Snider in white shorts at left, and Mary Snodgrass in dark shirt and pants were residents of the area before the Matanuska Colony arrived. Colony tents are visible behind them.


Palmer, Alaska

View is of the west side of the new Palmer Hospital showing that exterior construction is largely complete but with some scaffold still up, the entry steps are not yet in place, and gravel piles are still in the yard.  A man stands at the entry at the top of the access ramp.

Hospital 8




The photo shows exterior construction of Palmer's new hospital is essentially complete.


View is of the west side of the new Palmer Hospital showing that exterior construction is largely complete but with some scaffold still up, the entry steps are not yet in place, and gravel piles are still in the yard. A man stands at the entry at the top of the access ramp.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a view down a dirt street showing tents and two frame structures on the right in foreground and tents at left in middle ground.  Large tents in center are medical facilities.  The colony ambulance and “nurses car” is visible in front of one of the hospital tents.  The American flag is visible on a pole over the complex.

Hospital Tents 1


Nick Nichols


Tent City


Image is a view down a dirt street showing tents and two frame structures on the right in foreground and tents at left in middle ground. Large tents in center are medical facilities. The colony ambulance and “nurses car” is visible in front of one of the hospital tents. The American flag is visible on a pole over the complex.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a view of four tents with an American flag and a Red Cross flag flying on a pole overhead, identified as the Colony hospital tent complex.

Hospital Tents 2


Hewitts Photo Shop


Colony Hospital Tents


Image is a view of four tents with an American flag and a Red Cross flag flying on a pole overhead, identified as the Colony hospital tent complex.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is dominated by a log Colony house with exterior construction essentially complete.  A colony tent is partially visible at left, lumber arranged at right with chopping block and sawbuck in foreground.  Heavy forest behind.

House 8


Hewitts Photo Shop


Log Colony House on tract 73


Image is dominated by a log Colony house with exterior construction essentially complete. A colony tent is partially visible at left, lumber arranged at right with chopping block and sawbuck in foreground. Heavy forest behind.


Matanuska Valley near Palmer, Alaska

In this summer view, Nick Nickols and Roland Pasco stand on either side of a car, each holding a long gun, and displaying a string of dead grouse across the front of the car between them.  They are dressed in moderately heavy coats, hats, heavy pants and outdoor boots.  Several Colony tents are visible behind them with solid woods beyond.

Hunters 4




Nick Nichols and Roland Pasco are displaying the successful results of a grouse-hunting trip.


In this summer view, Nick Nickols and Roland Pasco stand on either side of a car, each holding a long gun, and displaying a string of dead grouse across the front of the car between them. They are dressed in moderately heavy coats, hats, heavy pants and outdoor boots. Several Colony tents are visible behind them with solid woods beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Irene Plumley is shown coming forward from behind a counter holding what may be milkshakes to serve customers at the "Rec Hall" Cafe in Palmer.

Irene Plumley 1




Irene Plumley is serving customers at the "Rec Hall" Cafe in Palmer.


Irene Plumley is shown coming forward from behind a counter holding what may be milkshakes to serve customers at the "Rec Hall" Cafe in Palmer.


Palmer, Alaska

Jimmy Mcann, described as a "Jack-of-all-trades", stands for his photo in a vacant area in "Tent City".  Behind him parts of colony tents are visible and two people are seen walking away.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop.

Jimmy McCann 1




Jimmy McCann poses for his photo in a vacant area of Palmer's "Tent City".


Jimmy Mcann, described as a "Jack-of-all-trades", stands for his photo in a vacant area in "Tent City". Behind him parts of colony tents are visible and two people are seen walking away. Heavy forest forms the backdrop.


Palmer, Alaska

John Osseward, ARRC Accountant, sits on a table in front of a white canvas on a sunny summer day.

John Osseward 1




John Osseward poses for his photo


John Osseward, ARRC Accountant, sits on a table in front of a white canvas on a sunny summer day.


Palmer, Alaska

The image shows Miss June Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, standing in what appears to be the unfinished main entry to the new Palmer hospital.

June Hermon 1




June Hermon poses in the unfinished entry of the new hospital


The image shows Miss June Hermon, daughter of Colonists John & Hilda Hermon, standing in what appears to be the unfinished main entry to the new Palmer hospital.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a low oblique view of water running through the gorge between Knik Glacier (left) and Mt. Palmer (right) as it empties Lake George into the Knik River.

Lake George outlet 1


Nick Nichols


Lake George waters escape through the gorge it has cut at the edge of Knik Glacier.


Image is a low oblique view of water running through the gorge between Knik Glacier (left) and Mt. Palmer (right) as it empties Lake George into the Knik River.


Knik River Valey, Chugach Mountains, Alaska

Louis Odsather, ARRC commissary worker, stands near some lumber for his photo.  An automobile and colony tents are visible behind him.  Heavy forest is beyond.

Louis Odsather 1




Louis Odsather stands for his photo to be taken


Louis Odsather, ARRC commissary worker, stands near some lumber for his photo. An automobile and colony tents are visible behind him. Heavy forest is beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Marceline (Marcy) Venne, teenage daughter of colonists George & Irene Venne, exhibits the fashion of the day in pants ware with tight fit on the legs with wide flare at the hips.

Marcy Venne 1




Fourteen-year-old "Colony Kid" Marcy Venne shows off the current fashion in pants ware.


Marceline (Marcy) Venne, teenage daughter of colonists George & Irene Venne, exhibits the fashion of the day in pants ware with tight fit on the legs with wide flare at the hips.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows railroad tracks in foreground with a steam engine and the Matanuska depot in middle ground.  Two automobiles are evident.  A man is visible walking into the building and another man is evident in the cab of the engine.  A water tower is visible in the background with trees beyond.

Matanuska Railroad Station 2


Hewitts Photo Shop


Train engine and station house at Matanuska, Alaska


Image shows railroad tracks in foreground with a steam engine and the Matanuska depot in middle ground. Two automobiles are evident. A man is visible walking into the building and another man is evident in the cab of the engine. A water tower is visible in the background with trees beyond.


Matanuska, Alaska

"Nick" Nickols and Louis Odsather stand on the divide between Willow Creek and Little Susitna River in the Talkeetna Mountains at Hatcher Pass with a valley and mountains behind them.  For their summer day trip to the mountains with others they are dressed in white shirt and tie.

Men 10




Nick Nichols & Louis Odsather, on a road trip outing with others, stand at Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Mts. north of Palmer.


"Nick" Nickols and Louis Odsather stand on the divide between Willow Creek and Little Susitna River in the Talkeetna Mountains at Hatcher Pass with a valley and mountains behind them. For their summer day trip to the mountains with others they are dressed in white shirt and tie.


Hatcher Pass north of Palmer, Alaska

Image is a summer view of "Nick" Nichols and Ralph Moore standing on rocks in the Little Susitna River near Hatcher Pass with trees and mountains in the background and water rushing past them at their feet.

Men 12




"Nick" Nichols and Ralph Moore are posing while standing on rocks of the high mountain section of Little Susitna River near Hatcher Pass.


Image is a summer view of "Nick" Nichols and Ralph Moore standing on rocks in the Little Susitna River near Hatcher Pass with trees and mountains in the background and water rushing past them at their feet.


Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer, Alaska

Nick Nichols leans on a sign showing directions to temporary Colony tent camps # 5 & 6.  He holds a rifle, indicating that he is on a fall hunt.

Nick Nichols 1




Nick Nichols, apparently on a fall hunt, takes a rest by leaning on a rustic sign


Nick Nichols leans on a sign showing directions to temporary Colony tent camps # 5 & 6. He holds a rifle, indicating that he is on a fall hunt.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is a high oblique view of Palmer in the summer of 1935 when it was often called “Tent City” because of all the tents in place housing the Colonists and others associated with the Matanuska Colony project.  The numbers in evidence on the photo identify: #3-Trading Post; #4-Isolation Hospital; #5-General & Maternity Hospital; #6-Manager Don Irwin’s Residence.  Homesteader John Bugge’s fields are in the lower right and other homestead clearings within the heavy forest are apparent.

Palmer Air View 15


Hewitts Photo Shop


Aerial view of Palmer in the summer of 1935 with many of the colonist’s tents still present


Image is a high oblique view of Palmer in the summer of 1935 when it was often called “Tent City” because of all the tents in place housing the Colonists and others associated with the Matanuska Colony project. The numbers in evidence on the photo identify: #3-Trading Post; #4-Isolation Hospital; #5-General & Maternity Hospital; #6-Manager Don Irwin’s Residence. Homesteader John Bugge’s fields are in the lower right and other homestead clearings within the heavy forest are apparent.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows five men associated with the early colony activity.  They’re identified as: (l to r): Clair (Nick) Nichols & Louis Odsather (commissary); John Osseward (ARRC Accountant); Ron Pasco (Railroad Agent); and Skip Cowden (Commissary).  A dog also poses with the men.  A small wooden building and several tents are visible behind the group and mountains are visible in background.

People 10




Men of the Colony


Image shows five men associated with the early colony activity. They’re identified as: (l to r): Clair (Nick) Nichols & Louis Odsather (commissary); John Osseward (ARRC Accountant); Ron Pasco (Railroad Agent); and Skip Cowden (Commissary). A dog also poses with the men. A small wooden building and several tents are visible behind the group and mountains are visible in background.


Palmer, Alaska

A group of seven young people associated with the earliest days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer pose together for their photo.  They are identified in the foot note below the image.

People 48




Seven of the young people closely associated with the earliest days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer stand together for their photo.


A group of seven young people associated with the earliest days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer pose together for their photo. They are identified in the foot note below the image.


Palmer, Alaska

Three couples associated with the early days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer stand together in front of a small frame house.  The couples are identified. A railroad car and a tent are visible in background.

People 49




Two young couples closely associated with the Matanuska Colony project, who have met and married in Palmer, stand in front of the first home of Nick & Fran Nichols.


Three couples associated with the early days of the Matanuska Colony project in Palmer stand together in front of a small frame house. The couples are identified. A railroad car and a tent are visible in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a group of young adults standing on a dirt mountain road, ostensibly playing some form of "Duck on a Rock".  The group of mostly single young workers associated with the Matanuska Colony project often took excursions to areas surrounding Palmer.

People 50




A group of young folks working for the Matanuska Colony commissary stop to play on an excursion into the mountains near Palmer


Image shows a group of young adults standing on a dirt mountain road, ostensibly playing some form of "Duck on a Rock". The group of mostly single young workers associated with the Matanuska Colony project often took excursions to areas surrounding Palmer.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is of Mrs. Edith McKendry, Colonist, and Miss Helen Barry, "Colony Kid", standing together in front of a frame building south of Felton's store in Palmer.  Both were residents of Camp 5 while awaiting construction of their respective houses.

People 51




Edith McKendry and Helen Barry stand together for their photo next to one of the temporary buildings in Palmer's "Tent City".


Image is of Mrs. Edith McKendry, Colonist, and Miss Helen Barry, "Colony Kid", standing together in front of a frame building south of Felton's store in Palmer. Both were residents of Camp 5 while awaiting construction of their respective houses.


Palmer, Alaska

Ralph Moore, ARRC Commissary Clerk, stands at the mountain divide between the Willow Creek drainage and the Little Susitna River drainage in the Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer.  The photo is taken somewhat above him clearly showing the road crossing Hatcher Pass below.  A car is visible on the road.

Ralph Moore 1




Ralph Moore is on an outing with friends to the Hatcher Pass area of the Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer.


Ralph Moore, ARRC Commissary Clerk, stands at the mountain divide between the Willow Creek drainage and the Little Susitna River drainage in the Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer. The photo is taken somewhat above him clearly showing the road crossing Hatcher Pass below. A car is visible on the road.


Hatcher Pass, Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska

This view is of the Hatcher Pass road looking down hill at "Pinnacle Rock", or "The Thumb" with a pickup truck and three women stopped on the road beside the rock feature.  This rock formation was left in place next to the river when the original trail, and road, were located.  In later years it was removed to allow widening of the road.  Throughout its existence this feature was a favorite stopping point on the road for photos, rock climbing and graffiti.

Road 3




A pickup truck and three women are stopped on the Hatcher Pass road at "Pinnacle Rock.


This view is of the Hatcher Pass road looking down hill at "Pinnacle Rock", or "The Thumb" with a pickup truck and three women stopped on the road beside the rock feature. This rock formation was left in place next to the river when the original trail, and road, were located. In later years it was removed to allow widening of the road. Throughout its existence this feature was a favorite stopping point on the road for photos, rock climbing and graffiti.


Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer, Alaska

Roland Pasco stands among some lumber on the Community Center quad holding a cardboard box.  Various tents and an automobile are visible in the background backed up by forest.

Roland Pasco 1




Roland Pasco appears to be involved in some project, holding a cardboard box and standing next to lumber lying on sawhorses.


Roland Pasco stands among some lumber on the Community Center quad holding a cardboard box. Various tents and an automobile are visible in the background backed up by forest.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows six people gathered on a four-door car parked in front of a building identified by a sign on the front as “Palmer Post Office, General Store”.  Another sign advertises "Gasoline For Sale".  Five women are apparent and identified as Palmer school teachers: (l to r) Lorrinda Ward, Unidentified, Zelda Pilkerton, Peggy Pimperton, Unidentified, and Mildred Ferguson.  An unidentified sixth person can be seen peeking through the car from the other side.

Sophisticated Ladies


Nick Nichols


Palmer teachers posing on a car


Image shows six people gathered on a four-door car parked in front of a building identified by a sign on the front as “Palmer Post Office, General Store”. Another sign advertises "Gasoline For Sale". Five women are apparent and identified as Palmer school teachers: (l to r) Lorrinda Ward, Unidentified, Zelda Pilkerton, Peggy Pimperton, Unidentified, and Mildred Ferguson. An unidentified sixth person can be seen peeking through the car from the other side.


Palmer, Alaska

Stewart Campbell, Property Custodian for the ARRC in Palmer, stands beside one of the Corporation pickup trucks parked near a Colony tent visible in background.  Lettering on the truck door identifies it as "RRC of A, NO. 6".

Stewart Campbell 1




ARRC Property Custodian "Stew" Campbell stands beside a Corporation pickup truck in Palmer's "Tent City".


Stewart Campbell, Property Custodian for the ARRC in Palmer, stands beside one of the Corporation pickup trucks parked near a Colony tent visible in background. Lettering on the truck door identifies it as "RRC of A, NO. 6".


Palmer, Alaska

Three women, teachers in the Palmer school, stand on the front steps of a Colony house.  Part of the wall of the house behind is painted white.  The women are wearing coats, suggesting a fall outing.  No snow is eident.

Teachers 1




Three women in coats are standing on the front porch of a Colony house.


Three women, teachers in the Palmer school, stand on the front steps of a Colony house. Part of the wall of the house behind is painted white. The women are wearing coats, suggesting a fall outing. No snow is eident.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

The five Palmer teachers in 1935 pose for their group photo standing on the platform of the Matanuska railroad depot.  They are dressed up in heavy coats and two hold cameras.

Teachers 2




Palmer teachers are posing on the Matanuska railroad depot, dressed up in heavy coats and appear to be waiting for the train. s


The five Palmer teachers in 1935 pose for their group photo standing on the platform of the Matanuska railroad depot. They are dressed up in heavy coats and two hold cameras.


Matanuska, Alaska

Miss Virginia Berg, ARRC employee, stands in the field in front of the new house of Colonists Walt & Melva Pippel.  She holds what appears to be a .22 caliber pump action rifle and is dressed in warm but fashionable attire in this fall photo.

Virginia Berg 1




Miss Virginia Berg stands in the field in front of the newly constructed Pippel Colony home.


Miss Virginia Berg, ARRC employee, stands in the field in front of the new house of Colonists Walt & Melva Pippel. She holds what appears to be a .22 caliber pump action rifle and is dressed in warm but fashionable attire in this fall photo.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Miss Virginia Berg, in short sleeved blouse and dress, stands on a sunny summer day in front of a tent in Palmer's "Tent City".

Virginia Berg 2




Miss Virginia Berg, ARRC employee, poses on a sunny summer day in front of a tent in Palmer.


Miss Virginia Berg, in short sleeved blouse and dress, stands on a sunny summer day in front of a tent in Palmer's "Tent City".


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a summer view of Vivian Stoddard, ARRC employee, standing in front of a colony tent with another tent behind.  Vivian is wearing a stylish cross-check dress and white shoes.

Vivian Stoddard 1




Vivian Stoddard stands in front of a colony tent on a sunny day for her photo.


Image is a summer view of Vivian Stoddard, ARRC employee, standing in front of a colony tent with another tent behind. Vivian is wearing a stylish cross-check dress and white shoes.


Palmer, Alaska

A summer southerly view down Wasilla's Main Street, across the railroad tracks to the Knik Road.  Buildings are apparent as are numerous automobiles and people.

Wasilla 1




A view on Wasilla's Main Street


A summer southerly view down Wasilla's Main Street, across the railroad tracks to the Knik Road. Buildings are apparent as are numerous automobiles and people.


Wasilla, Alaska

Image shows a straight gravel road through heavy forest in foreground leading past tents and buildings in far middle ground with Adam Werner’s homestead buildings evident at the end.  Chugach Mountains are in background.

Werner Road


Hewitts Photo Shop


Gravel road to the Werner Homestead


Image shows a straight gravel road through heavy forest in foreground leading past tents and buildings in far middle ground with Adam Werner’s homestead buildings evident at the end. Chugach Mountains are in background.


Matanuska Valley north of Palmer, Alaska

Image shows three people sitting in foreground, identified as: Willis T. Geisman (official Colony photographer) at left; Lorinda Ward (school teacher) center; and Freddie.  Other people are evident in middle ground standing in front of a tent.  Heavy forest is in background.

“Willie, Laura & Freddie”




Two men and a woman in tent city


Image shows three people sitting in foreground, identified as: Willis T. Geisman (official Colony photographer) at left; Lorinda Ward (school teacher) center; and Freddie. Other people are evident in middle ground standing in front of a tent. Heavy forest is in background.


Palmer, Alaska

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