Time Period

Wade, Cope Collection

About the​​​ 
Wade, Cope Collection

A baseball game is in progress between Palmer and Anchorage teams at Palmer with a batter at the plate, the catcher and umpire in position, and spectators in the background.
A baseball game is in progress, a batter, catcher and umpire are in position at the plate with spectators beyond
At home plate during a lull in a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad, a local man, identified as homesteader John Tully, stands ready at the plate for the pitch.
A crowd is gathered on the Palmer community center quad to watch a baseball game.
Local residents gather on the sidelines of a baseball game in Palmer while their team takes a break from the action.
A man stands on the pitcher's mound of the ball field in Palmer's community center quad and is using a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd.  Community center buildings, trees and mountains are behind.
A view of the infield shows a pitcher pitching on the mound and other players behind.  Community center buildings, trees and mountains are beyond.
Thirteen men in baseball uniforms pose together as a local team and umpire with local Palmer-area mountains recognizable in background.  Uniforms exhibit letters CVFD, interpreted to stand for "Colony Volunteer Fire Department"., identifying them as a local Palmer team.
A crowd stands watching a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad with community center buildings in the background.  A young boy sits on a timber on the ground in foreground.  Mountains are visible in far background.
Early spring view of the Knik River bridge looking from the south end at the temporary plank approach down the length of the bridge with Bodenburg Butte directly in the distance.  Patches of snow are evident and the water level is low in the river.
View of the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north.  The temporary plank approach is still in place.  A car is in the foreground approaching the bridge.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.
Summer view from the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north.  A car approaches the bridge over the gravel fill that has replaced the temporary planks.  Water level is high in the river.  Bodenburg Butte is visible at the north end of the bridge and mountains are evident in background.
Image is a summer view of the Matanuska River bridge near Palmer taken from the north end down-stream side looking west.  In foreground is what appears to be a boat launch way down to the water.
Image is of the Palmer school bus fleet of eight buses parked in front of the creamery building across the street from the Palmer school.  Part of the creamery building, the post office and the powerhouse smoke stack are visible behind.  Two men stand near the far bus and children are visible in the near bus.
Five men pose in the Colony Cabinet Shop among many tools used to construct the cabinetry for the colony homes and other new buildings.  Some cabinets under construction are visible.
Image shows some of the tools in the carpentry shop used by builders of the colony  buildings
Five horseback riders lead the Palmer Fourth-of-July parade marchers along a gravel road.  Four marchers in military uniforms carry a large American flag directly behind the horses and they are followed by members of the local fire department.
A young girl, identified as Darlene Higginbotham, waits with the parked busses in front of the creamery for the Palmer 4th-of-July parade to begin.
A crown is gathered on the quad in front of the speaker's platform as two floats from the Palmer 4th-of July parade arrive.  Men of the local fire department are prominent in foreground, the Teachers Dorm is in middle ground behind the crowd.
Don Irwin speaks to the crowd gathered for the 1936 Fourth-of July celebration on the Palmer community center quad in front of the new school building.  An open window on the top floor of the school revels a photographer taking photos of events below and responsible for some of the related images in this collection.
People gather at the speaker's platform on the community center quad during celebration of the 4th-of-July in 1936.  Musicians and speakers are on the platform, two cars are parked next to the "Teacher's Dorm" behind the crowd, and the flag pole is erected but without the large concrete slab yet at the base.  The photo appears to have been taken from the upper floor window of the school.
A clown entertains the assembled crowd gathered on the community center quad during Palmer's 1936 Fourth of July celebration.
A crowd is gathered at a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" and appear to be watching some unidentified activity in the booth.
People are gathering at the corner of what is now Alaska Street and Evergreen Ave. in Palmer during the 1936 Fourth-of-July celebration.  Some people are walking on the gravel streets, a decorated car is on Alaska Street in front of the buildings. Many of the people appear to be watching some activity in a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" at the north end of the building along Evergreen Ave.  A water tower structure is evident behind the corner building.
A group of children dance holding hands on the community center quad as they celebrate "Palmer Day", May 15-1937.
Children are holding hands and dancing on the quad in front of the Trading Post as adults look on.
Girls prepare to do the May Pole dance on the quad.  Part of the Trading Post and other community center buildings are beyond.
Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in the 1936 Forth-of-July parade.  A large American flag is carried by the second rank of marchers.
Children are dancing around the May Pole on the quad with adults looking on behind and the gym in background.
Young boys are gathered on the ball field east of the school building in preparation for foot races to be held as part of "Palmer Day" celebrations.  Adults look on from behind and the east side of the school building and other building to the south form the background.
Children and adults are gathered at the flag pole on the west side of the school.  At center is the "Palmer Day" queen on her high-backed "throne".  Next to her is the presumed king in front of a piano.
Don Irwin stands on the concrete apron around the community center flag pole and addresses a crowd of adults and children.  A "cornerstone", lying at the base of the pole, is about to be installed in a hole in the concrete at Irwin's feet.
A group of people is gathered around the community center flag pole watching the laying of a "cornerstone" at the base of the pole.  Don Irwin stands next to a wheelbarrow and a man installing the stone.
Image shows a band marching up "Market Street" (now Dahlia Ave.) in Palmer with cars parked in foreground and the Creamery building in middle ground beyond.
Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in Palmer's Fourth-of-July parade.  A youngster has joined the group in the first rank.
Four men sit on the decorated bed of a truck playing various musical instruments as a float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.
A pickup truck, decorated with bunting as an entry in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade, has three people riding in the bed and a young boy riding on the running board.  One man in the back is holding a surveyor's stadia rod while the other two are wrapped in a costume.  Flags are visible beyond the hood of the truck
A pick up truck, decorated with bunting, holds a throne-like chair in back upon which is seated a pretty young girl.  A sign over her head says "Matanuska Maid".  Two people are evident in the cab of this float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.
A pick up truck, wrapped in bunting, carries a young girl seated on a throne-like chair in the back.  Two people are visible in the cab, one, a young boy at the wheel guiding this float in the 1936 Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.
A late model car, festooned with flags and ribbon and followed by a bus, takes its place in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.  A member of the local fire department is apparent on the sideline along with other men.
A young girl dressed in a simple clown suit and holding a small American flag, stands ready to join the Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.  A pickup truck is partially visible behind.
View is of the Colony farmstead of Walt & Melva Pippel showing the house, wellhouse, barn and part of a field.
Cold frame covers are evident in foreground, a vintage truck with water barrels on the back is just beyond the cold frames.  A small field is beyond with a fringe of trees in background.
Image is a spring view across several cold frames with the covers raised to show plants growing below.  A truck with water barrels on the back is at the side with an unplanted clearing beyond.   Heavy brushy forest is the background.
Image is a springtime view across a cleared field to a low hillside where several cold frames with white covers are installed.  A truck, with water barrels evident on the back, is parked nearby.  Several people stand at left.
Summer overview of a cabbage field with a woman and two young boys working in it bent over as if harvesting.
Image is a summer view of a log house with white trim in foreground and a colony barn with a "barrel vault" roof beyond.
A new colony "Cottage", appearing externally complete, along with two other small buildings, an exposed pitcher pump and some scattered lumber, sits on bare ground next to the road to Matanuska and the railroad tracks south of Palmer.  Pioneer Peak with new snow on top is in background.
Image is of a barnyard with cows and chickens in foreground, a Colony barn and shed in middle ground, a white frame Colony house beyond, and Pioneer Peak with new snow on top in background.
Image is a summer view of a two-story log house, identified as belonging to Colonists Joe & Albertina Sieber.  The yard has been cleared of construction material, a wooden fence is partially visible at right, a clothesline is partially visible at left, and the cold frames against the house stand open.  The spruce/birch forest forms the background.
A Matanuska Colony house constructed of spruce logs on the main walls and dimension lumber, painted white, on the upper part under the roof and the single dormer.
Image is of a Matanuska Colony house. The base walls are of unpeeled spruce logs, the upper part under the roof is of dimension lumber.  Cold frames are installed under the windows on the south side of the house.  A pile of lumber is in the foreground.
Image is of a white Matanuska Colony frame house within a heavily forested setting.  A greenhouse structure is attached to the exterior south-facing wall. A large pile of stove wood is visible in the woods near the house.
Image is of the north and west sides of the Colony manager's house with two cars parked in front.  Another staff house is partially visible behind.  Pioneer Peak forms the background.
Image shows a white house with a hip roof identified as one of the houses within the Matanuska Colony community center furnished for personnel working for the colony administration.  Pioneer Peak forms the background.
Image is of a small log house on newly cleared land at the edge of the forest.
Image is of a white frame house in a close forest setting, identified as a Matanuska Colony home.
A small log house sits in a heavily forested setting with pioneer Peak in the background.  The family "outhouse" is visible in the trees and the original tent home is seen behind the house.
"Colony Kid" Bud Bouwens stands next to his young horse as he shows it at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer.  The lumber skeleton of a building is behind which was covered with tarps to provide an animal barn for the fair.
Four young people sit on their horses waiting for the 4th of July parade to begin.  Two men stand behind.
A youngster sits astride a white horse in Palmer's community center with two buildings behind.  The rear part of another horse is visiblw at left.
"Colony Kid" Adelbert "Bubs" Ring shows his 4-H project calf at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer.  A white blanket over the calf's back identifies them as part of the "Midnight Sun 4-H Club".
Young boys, Jim and Bob Pippel, stand in front of a white house with a shaggy dog in front of them.
A group of seven children are seated on a grassy slope with buckets of current berries they have picked.  Trees and brush are behind.
A young girl, identified as Delores Bouwens, is showing her small bucket full of berries as she stands next to a large bucket of berries picked by the older children she is with on their outing seen in photo "Colony Kids 15".
Two young boys stand in a field of head-high grain in the Matanuska Valley.
A black pickup truck with several children riding in the back and a sign on the side identifying a 4-H club forms a float for the 1936 4th-of-July parade in Palmer.  Two other automobiles are visible behind.
Two little boys in their parade costumes are drinking from bottles as they stand in front of a pickup truck after the 4th-of-July parade.
A summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post.  It shows the completed construction of the included three small offices with tree tops showing behind.
A late summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post.  View is of the west (entrance) side of the building looking to the northeast.  The center entrance displays a barber pole and sign advertising the barbershop.
Image is an easterly view from the water tower showing some of the temporary buildings of the Palmer community center, the end of the rail spur, and homestead clearings beyond.
Image is a southerly view from the water tower with the powerhouse smokestack in foreground, several buildings in middle ground and the future Chugach Street clearing through homestead fields and trees in background.
Image is of the community center dormitory living room showing furniture and layout
Image shows furniture and layout of the community center dormitory living room.  A woman and a man sit reading newspapers.
Image shows the fireplace in the living room of the community center dormitory
View of the west end of the powerhouse in the Palmer community center showing an electrical transformer surrounded by a chain link fence with a sign "DANGER High Voltage" on it.
An early spring easterly view of the Palmer community center including the school, gym, dorm, and some staff houses.  Snow is still on the mountains in background but clear of the foreground.
Summer view overlooks construction begun on the foundation for the Co-op Creamery building in foreground, temporary tents in middle ground and the gym and school in background.
Scaffolds are erected on the south end of the new Co-op cannery building with one man working at the top and two others walking past.  Part of the Creamery building can be seen, also under construction.
View is looking at the intersection of the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings under construction with a temporary shed in the foreground and the tip of the powerhouse smokestack and the tank of the water tower visible above the roof.  A man is working on the roof of the Creamery building and another on the wall scaffold.
The image is of the north & east sides of the Co-op Creamery building under construction with scaffolds in place.  The rail spur tracks are visible in foreground.
A man on a Cat tractor and a man with a shovel backfill and grade the ground at the east end of Warehouse #1 in preparation for construction to begin on the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings.  The rail spur tracks are visible beyond and several tents are apparent beyond that at the edge of the forest.  One tent has a sign indicating it is storing gasoline.  Three men and a truck are in front of three other tents
View shows the south side of Warehouse #1 intersecting the west side of the Cannery building in Palmer's industrial complex.  A dump truck is parked in front of the Warehouse and several men are working around stacks of lumber and under a small roofed structure next to the Cannery.
Image shows men beginning to construct the foundation for Co-op Warehouse #2 in the industrial complex of Palmer's Community Center.  The recently constructed water tower is obvious in middle ground behinde and heavy forest is beyond.
View is of the south and east sides of the Co-op Warehouse under construction and mostly framed in. Two men are seen working on the roof.  The water tower is visible above the roof behind the building.
Image is a view of the front of the Co-op Trading Post and west side of the Cannery building in 1945 with automobiles parked in the lot and women shoppers walking from the store.
Image is a summer view of the Palmer school building looking east across the quad with Buyers Peak beyond.  The ground in foreground has been disked and ready to be smoothed and planted to grass.  Two Birch trees remain and frame the image of the school.
Image is of part of the Experiment Farm barn complex as it appeared in 1936
Numerous examples of sewing, knitting and crocheting articles are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.
Numerous articles demonstrating sewing skills are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair
A wooden three-drawer chest, a desk with several drawers, and a bench made by a local craftsman are on display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.
Image is of two chests of drawers made by a local craftsman and on exhibit at the Matanuska Valley Fair.
Image is of an alcove booth at the fair covered in white sheets and the interior sides and back hold posters advocating for good health.  A table and sink are in foreground.
Image is of a white sheet-covered corner fair booth holding posters advocating vaccination against Diphtheria, Small Pox, and Typhoid.  Two small desks are in center foreground holding handout information.
Image is of a floral display at the 1937 fair with vases of flower arrangements on a stair-step platform.  Two small signs are on the wall behind, one stating "No Smoking Allowed", and the other requiring that "Children Must Be Quiet and Remain Seated".
Image is of booth at the 1937 fair with a large central panel sitting on a table and telling about how Christmas Seals help save lives.  Posters hang on the wall behind discussing Tuberculosis. The Christmas Seal double-arm cross is prominent on the posters.  A large picture of a snow-covered cabin scene is in foreground at the bottom against the table.
Image is of a fair display with a white wall panel holding posters related to the dangers of Syphilis.  A small table in foreground holds handout material with a small sign instructing to "Take One".
Image is of an enclosed room with quilts hanging on the walls, a spinning wheel, jars of preserves and other objects on trestle tables, exposed pipes and globe lights overhead, and three people examining objects on display as part of the Matanuska Valley fair.  This image strongly appears to be of the 1936 fair rather than the one in 1937.  Why the photographer numbered it in the 1937 sequence or identified it as 1937 is unknown.
Image is of an enclosed room, identified as a basement Palmer school classroom, with numerous hand craft objects displayed on tables and along the wall.  Two men are viewing the exhibits.
Image is of a canned salmon display at the first Matanuska Valley Fair at Palmer in fall of 1936.  An array of cans of salmon on the table support a sign: "Matanuska Valley's First ANNUAL FAIR and ALASKA'S 58th NEW SALMON PACK FESTIVAL".  Hanging on the wall above is a picture of a leaping salmon.  Striped curtains are at both upper corners of the display and two ads for the salmon festival are tacked to the front of the table.
A display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair with grain and forage crop samples hanging on the wall surrounding a sign identifying it as an exhibit by the Wasilla 4-H Club.  Other product samples are displayed on two tables in front.
Image is of many canning jars of various contents arranged in a stairstep display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair with a sign identifying that it is presented by the "Sourdough Homemakers Club".
Many quilts and blankets made by local residents form a display at the first Matanuska Valley Fair at Palmer, Alaska in 1936.
Image is a brown tint news photo of a wide easterly view across a farm field with an apparent Colony farmstead at the far end.   A starkly white road leads past the field.  Heavy forest surrounds the scene with the mountains at the east end of Matanuska Valley in the background.  Dramatic clouds are overhead.
The image is a northerly view across a field of harvested grain formed into shocks to dry.  Evidence of the town of Palmer is seen through intervening trees at the far end of the field.  New snow caps the mountains in the background.
A man is riding a potato planter pulled by a team of two white horses over prepared ground with brushey forest behind
A man stands on a sled, or "Stone Boat", being pulled by a team of white horses over newly plowed ground
A man, identified as colonist Earl Barry, is seated on a mowing machine being pulled by a two-horse team, cutting grass on a steep hillside.  Middle ground is a large expanse of forest with portions of a lake, identified as Finger Lake (or "Barry's Lake) visible.  Mountains, including Pioneer Peak, are faintly visible in background.
A man and two-horse team are disking a tilled field in foreground in front of a log colony house.  Another small house, scattered trees, and minor parts of mountains are in background.
A man stands with a two-horse team harnessed and ready to hitch to a wagon.   A white shed-roofed building is behind.
Image is a low oblique of a grain field on the Matanuska Experiment Farm being harvested with a three-horse team pulling a grain binder.  One man rides the binder while another man gathers the harvested grain bundles into upright shocks to dry.
Image is of a cat tractor pulling a heavy disk over a newly cleared and plowed hillside field.
A large area has been cleared from the forest and part of the cleared area has been plowed.  A cat tractor is pulling a heavy disk over the plowed portion to prepare the ground for planting.
A man driving a cat tractor is pulling a grain drill and cultipacker on a prepared field.  Another man rides the drill to operate the levers to manage the drill.
Image shows nine men in a large field digging, pulling and sacking carrots.  A small building is in background at left and a white tent is in background at right with dense forest beyond.  The photographer's title at bottom mistakenly identifies this as "the Spud Crop".
Image is of a man in coveralls and soft hat standing in front of a building partially in view showing a line of windows and assumed to be a chicken house.  Around the man's feet are numerous young chickens feeding on the ground.  Two wooden nail kegs, a "Blazo" can and a sawhorse are visible next to the building.
Image is of a man in coveralls and soft hat standing among a flock of young chickens feeding on the ground.  Land behind the man appears rough and challenging to farm.
A man and boy hold up a section of gill net set at low tide showing salmon caught in the net
Four men and two boys stand in water next to a wooden skiff, tilting it to show their bountiful salmon catch in the bottom of the boat.
Four men and two boys pose next to their wooden skiff showing off the salmon they caught in a set gill net in Goose Bay
Four men and two boys pose standing on a beach holding several salmon
Four men and two boys stand on a beach holding up several salmon on display
Two men in a skiff off a muddy shore pull a gill net laden with caught salmon
Two men in a skiff on the water pull a gill net laden with caught salmon
Two men in a skiff on the water picking a gill net of salmon
Two men stand on a muddy beach at low tide and pick salmon from a gill net
Image is low oblique view of a mountainside on the left with Knik Glacier on the right butted up against the mountain.  In foreground is Lake George with ice bergs floating in it.  Upper left is the glacier protruding down Knik River valley.
Image is of a log house in a clearing of heavy forest with a cleared field in foreground and middle ground.  Numerous haystacks are on the fields.  A truck with no cab is parked near the house.  A mower, grain binder and buck rake implements are parked on the field.   New snow is on the background mountains.  White chickens forage in the fields.
A southwesterly summer view of the completed Palmer hospital in the community center.  A car is parked in front of the entrance. A couple birch trees remain in front and forest forms the backdrop behind.
Joe Flakney, Agricultural Extension Agent for the Matanuska Valley, stands next to a pickup truck in 1936
A man is showing a prize-winning heifer in front of a building with "Matanuska Valley Fair" painted on the roof.
A man shows a small calf at the 1937 Matanuska Valley Fair.  Brush and mountains in background.
A man shows a prize-winning bull at the 1937 Matanuska Valley Fair with a partial view of a barn building behind and mountains in background.
One horse of a two-horse team is partially down and astraddle of the wagon's tongue as they are being hitched up.  One man and two other sets of hands are evident in trying to get the horse straightened up.
This low oblique fall image shows some of the farms carved out of the heavy forest south of Palmer and part of the Springer System roads that connect those farms.  The Matanuska River crosses the photo in the middle ground with snow-clad mountains beyond.
A workman saws a board at a table saw in the colony carpenter shop
Two men (one identified as Bud Fritz) squat next to a cat tractor obviously under repair
Four mechanics pose next to a cat tractor partially disassembled for repair.  Two men are identified
Two men, apparently carpenters, pose next to an unfinished building of the Matanuska Colony Project
Two carpenters are sawing boards with a large fuel tank lying on its side behind them
A group of men, with shovels, a wheelbarrow and a cement mixer, are constructing the base for the flag pole in Palmer's community center.  The Trading Post and trees are visible beyond.
Five men with shovels and a wheelbarrow pose as they participate in construction of the flag pole base in Palmer's community center.  Part of the gym is visible beyond.
Men labor with hand tools to construct the flag pole base in Palmer's community center
A carpenter is standing near a stack of boards and is cutting a board with a hand saw as part of a construction project associated with the Matanuska Colony.
Image is a northerly view along Palmer's main street (South Colony Way) showing streetside businesses at left with numerous cars parked in front.  Several associated signs are apparent.  A pickup is parked along the right side of the street.  The Water Tower, Co-op Garage, and Railroad Depot are visible at right.  Talkeetna Mountains are visible under cloudy skys in background.
A group of people are standing on a railroad depo platform with a train car behind.  Three men greet each other in center while women look on.  Two priests shake hands while the third man looks on.
A group of people are gathered on the train depot with a train car behind.  Three men stand in center with several well-dressed women behind and on both sides.
Several men in business attire stand talking next to the Palmer rail depot.  Alaska Governor Troy and ARRC representative Ross Sheeley are recognizable speaking together.  Several other men are in background.
Ross Sheeley greets Alaska Governor Troy at the Palmer train depot.  Several other men and a young boy are also on the platform.
Alaska Governor John Troy stands next a table set for a potluck lunch on the newly cleared ground of the Palmer quad and attended by several women.  He is talking to a man who has his back to the camera.
A large group of adults and children are gathered near the south side of the Trading Post on the quad, many appear to be eating at tables.  Several leafless birch trees are obvious. The ground is still rough from clearing and a dirt track crosses in foreground.
Janet Sherrod sits in the vegetable patch and shows off a large cabbage and large turnips.
View is looking down the Palmer High School lunchroom serving line with student servers and supervisor Thelma Cope at left and students being served at right.
Image is of the lobby of the new Post Office in Palmer's community center, including the mail boxes and walk-up windows.
A man rides a bucking horse while spectators watch from the board fence beyond
A man rides a bucking brown horse while the pick-up man rides a white horse nearby.  A couple of spectators are visible at the edge of the image.  Poultry houses are visible beyond.
A man rides a brown bucking horse while his pick-up man rides a white horse nearby.  Poultry houses are beyond with geese visible in a pen.  A parked car is visible in middle ground and heavy forest forms the background.
Five horses and riders are racing in line in front of spectators seated on bleachers behind a baseball backstop.  The horses appear to be running in a large circle on the open baseball field on the east side of the school building.  The poultry houses are visible behind the action with heavy forest in background.
Rusty & Russ Dow stand together in front of a hay wagon on a sunny winter day dressed in light winter clothing.   Written on the image is "Our Announcement and Seasons Greetings Rusty and Russ Dow".
Two men operate a portable sawmill for cutting house logs for colony houses, barns & other buildings
Spring view of the west side of the Palmer school and gym showing the scaffolding removed from the gym but remaining on the school building.  Numerous intervening birch trees are still bare.  Telephone lines are visible attached to a tree.  A late model car is apparent in foreground.
Image is of Colony tents in foreground and middle ground with Pioneer Peak in background
Eastern view of the tent office of the U.S. Army Signal Corps headquarters in Palmer showing antennas, boardwalks and garden plot in foreground, school and other buildings at middle ground, and mountains in background.
The image is a late summer easterly view of Palmer taken from Bugge's hill looking down the length of the "Wasilla road" at the town.  Based on an assessment of what buildings are present or absent, the date is determined to be1936.
Several men are erecting a well drilling derrick in preparation for drilling a water well for a new colony home.
Men operate a well drilling machine adjacent to a new Colony home.  A large pile of firewood, a stack of lumber, and a large box structure are nearby.  A hand lettered sign on the box structure inexplicably says "Fresh Fish".
Two men sit beside a shed in foreground with a well drilling machine visible behind them adjacent to partially visible house.
No items found.
A baseball game is in progress between Palmer and Anchorage teams at Palmer with a batter at the plate, the catcher and umpire in position, and spectators in the background.

Baseball 1


Hewitts Photo Shop


A baseball game is in progress, a batter at the plate, the catcher and umpire in position and spectators watching


A baseball game is in progress between Palmer and Anchorage teams at Palmer with a batter at the plate, the catcher and umpire in position, and spectators in the background.


Palmer, Alaska

A baseball game is in progress, a batter, catcher and umpire are in position at the plate with spectators beyond

Baseball 2


Hewitts Photo Shop


A baseball game is in progress, the batter swings and misses, the catcher and umpire are in position, spectators are beyond


A baseball game is in progress, a batter, catcher and umpire are in position at the plate with spectators beyond


Palmer, Alaska

At home plate during a lull in a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad, a local man, identified as homesteader John Tully, stands ready at the plate for the pitch.

Baseball 3


Hewitts Photo Shop


During a pause in the action of a baseball game in Palmer, local homesteader John Tully takes up the bat at home plate.


At home plate during a lull in a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad, a local man, identified as homesteader John Tully, stands ready at the plate for the pitch.


Palmer, Alaska

A crowd is gathered on the Palmer community center quad to watch a baseball game.

Baseball 4


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crowd stands on the Palmer community center quad watching a baseball game.


A crowd is gathered on the Palmer community center quad to watch a baseball game.


Palmer, Alaska

Local residents gather on the sidelines of a baseball game in Palmer while their team takes a break from the action.

Baseball 5


Hewitts Photo Shop


Spectators are gathered to watch a baseball game in Palmer while the local team takes a break from the action.


Local residents gather on the sidelines of a baseball game in Palmer while their team takes a break from the action.


Palmer, Alaska

A man stands on the pitcher's mound of the ball field in Palmer's community center quad and is using a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd.  Community center buildings, trees and mountains are behind.

Baseball 6


Hewitts Photo Shop


A man stands on the pitcher's mound and uses a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd.


A man stands on the pitcher's mound of the ball field in Palmer's community center quad and is using a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd. Community center buildings, trees and mountains are behind.


Palmer, Alaska

A view of the infield shows a pitcher pitching on the mound and other players behind.  Community center buildings, trees and mountains are beyond.

Baseball 7


Hewitts Photo Shop


A baseball game is in progress with the pitcher throwing a pitch from the mound.


A view of the infield shows a pitcher pitching on the mound and other players behind. Community center buildings, trees and mountains are beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Thirteen men in baseball uniforms pose together as a local team and umpire with local Palmer-area mountains recognizable in background.  Uniforms exhibit letters CVFD, interpreted to stand for "Colony Volunteer Fire Department"., identifying them as a local Palmer team.

Baseball 8


Hewitts Photo Shop


A local Palmer-area baseball team pose for a team photo


Thirteen men in baseball uniforms pose together as a local team and umpire with local Palmer-area mountains recognizable in background. Uniforms exhibit letters CVFD, interpreted to stand for "Colony Volunteer Fire Department"., identifying them as a local Palmer team.


Palmer, Alaska

A crowd stands watching a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad with community center buildings in the background.  A young boy sits on a timber on the ground in foreground.  Mountains are visible in far background.

Baseball 9


Hewitts Photo Shop


A croud stands watching a baseball game on Palmer's community center quad.


A crowd stands watching a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad with community center buildings in the background. A young boy sits on a timber on the ground in foreground. Mountains are visible in far background.


Palmer, Alaska

Early spring view of the Knik River bridge looking from the south end at the temporary plank approach down the length of the bridge with Bodenburg Butte directly in the distance.  Patches of snow are evident and the water level is low in the river.

Bridge 4


Hewitts Photo Shop


View from the south end of the Knik River bridge down its length to the north.


Early spring view of the Knik River bridge looking from the south end at the temporary plank approach down the length of the bridge with Bodenburg Butte directly in the distance. Patches of snow are evident and the water level is low in the river.


Knik River, Alaska

View of the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north.  The temporary plank approach is still in place.  A car is in the foreground approaching the bridge.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.

Bridge 5


Hewitts Photo Shop


A car approaches the south end of Knik River bridge to cross the temporary cribbed planking to reach the bridge itself. A summer view, the water level in the river is moderate.


View of the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north. The temporary plank approach is still in place. A car is in the foreground approaching the bridge. Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.


Knik River, Alaska

Summer view from the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north.  A car approaches the bridge over the gravel fill that has replaced the temporary planks.  Water level is high in the river.  Bodenburg Butte is visible at the north end of the bridge and mountains are evident in background.

Bridge 6


Hewitts Photo Shop


A car approaches the south end of Knik River bridge, trees on both sides of the road are in leaf and the water level is high in the river.


Summer view from the south end of the Knik River bridge looking north. A car approaches the bridge over the gravel fill that has replaced the temporary planks. Water level is high in the river. Bodenburg Butte is visible at the north end of the bridge and mountains are evident in background.


Knik River, Alaska

Image is a summer view of the Matanuska River bridge near Palmer taken from the north end down-stream side looking west.  In foreground is what appears to be a boat launch way down to the water.

Bridge 7




Subject is the Matanuska River bridge neat Palmer looking at the down-stream side from the north end.


Image is a summer view of the Matanuska River bridge near Palmer taken from the north end down-stream side looking west. In foreground is what appears to be a boat launch way down to the water.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the Palmer school bus fleet of eight buses parked in front of the creamery building across the street from the Palmer school.  Part of the creamery building, the post office and the powerhouse smoke stack are visible behind.  Two men stand near the far bus and children are visible in the near bus.

Buses 1


Hewitts Photo Shop


Eight buses of the Palmer school bus fleet are parked in a row in front of the Co-op creamery in Palmer.


Image is of the Palmer school bus fleet of eight buses parked in front of the creamery building across the street from the Palmer school. Part of the creamery building, the post office and the powerhouse smoke stack are visible behind. Two men stand near the far bus and children are visible in the near bus.


Palmer, Alaska

Five men pose in the Colony Cabinet Shop among many tools used to construct the cabinetry for the colony homes and other new buildings.  Some cabinets under construction are visible.

Cabinet Shop 1


Hewitts Photo Shop


Five men pause in their work in the colony cabinet shop where they are constructing cabinetry for the new buildings of the colon.


Five men pose in the Colony Cabinet Shop among many tools used to construct the cabinetry for the colony homes and other new buildings. Some cabinets under construction are visible.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows some of the tools in the carpentry shop used by builders of the colony  buildings

Carpentry Shop 1


Hewitts Photo Shop


Some of the tools in the carpentry shop await the builders of the colony buildings


Image shows some of the tools in the carpentry shop used by builders of the colony buildings


Palmer, Alaska

Five horseback riders lead the Palmer Fourth-of-July parade marchers along a gravel road.  Four marchers in military uniforms carry a large American flag directly behind the horses and they are followed by members of the local fire department.

Celebration 1


Hewitts Photo Shop


The 1936 Palmer Fourth-of-July parade begins with five mounted horseback riders, followed by marchers carrying the American flag.


Five horseback riders lead the Palmer Fourth-of-July parade marchers along a gravel road. Four marchers in military uniforms carry a large American flag directly behind the horses and they are followed by members of the local fire department.


Palmer, Alaska

A young girl, identified as Darlene Higginbotham, waits with the parked busses in front of the creamery for the Palmer 4th-of-July parade to begin.

Celebration 10


Hewitts Photo Shop


Young "Colony Kid" Darlene Higginbotham waits with the busses for the 1936 4th-of-July parade in Palmer to begin.


A young girl, identified as Darlene Higginbotham, waits with the parked busses in front of the creamery for the Palmer 4th-of-July parade to begin.


Palmer, Alaska

A crown is gathered on the quad in front of the speaker's platform as two floats from the Palmer 4th-of July parade arrive.  Men of the local fire department are prominent in foreground, the Teachers Dorm is in middle ground behind the crowd.

Celebration 11


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crown is gathering near the speakers platform on the quad as two parade floats arrive


A crown is gathered on the quad in front of the speaker's platform as two floats from the Palmer 4th-of July parade arrive. Men of the local fire department are prominent in foreground, the Teachers Dorm is in middle ground behind the crowd.


Palmer, Alaska

Don Irwin speaks to the crowd gathered for the 1936 Fourth-of July celebration on the Palmer community center quad in front of the new school building.  An open window on the top floor of the school revels a photographer taking photos of events below and responsible for some of the related images in this collection.

Celebration 12


Hewitts Photo Shop


Don Irwin addresses the 4th-of-July crowd gathered on the community center quad in Palmer in 1936.


Don Irwin speaks to the crowd gathered for the 1936 Fourth-of July celebration on the Palmer community center quad in front of the new school building. An open window on the top floor of the school revels a photographer taking photos of events below and responsible for some of the related images in this collection.


Palmer, Alaska

People gather at the speaker's platform on the community center quad during celebration of the 4th-of-July in 1936.  Musicians and speakers are on the platform, two cars are parked next to the "Teacher's Dorm" behind the crowd, and the flag pole is erected but without the large concrete slab yet at the base.  The photo appears to have been taken from the upper floor window of the school.

Celebration 13


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crowd gathers at the speaker's platform on the quad during 4th-of-July celebrations in Palmer.


People gather at the speaker's platform on the community center quad during celebration of the 4th-of-July in 1936. Musicians and speakers are on the platform, two cars are parked next to the "Teacher's Dorm" behind the crowd, and the flag pole is erected but without the large concrete slab yet at the base. The photo appears to have been taken from the upper floor window of the school.


Palmer, Alaska

A clown entertains the assembled crowd gathered on the community center quad during Palmer's 1936 Fourth of July celebration.

Celebration 14


Hewitts Photo Shop


A clown is in foreground with an assembled crowd behind him.


A clown entertains the assembled crowd gathered on the community center quad during Palmer's 1936 Fourth of July celebration.


Palmer, Alaska

A crowd is gathered at a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" and appear to be watching some unidentified activity in the booth.

Celebration 15


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crowd is watching some unknown activity within a street-side booth advertising "KING DODO" during the Palmer 4th-of-JUly celebration.


A crowd is gathered at a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" and appear to be watching some unidentified activity in the booth.


Palmer, Alaska

People are gathering at the corner of what is now Alaska Street and Evergreen Ave. in Palmer during the 1936 Fourth-of-July celebration.  Some people are walking on the gravel streets, a decorated car is on Alaska Street in front of the buildings. Many of the people appear to be watching some activity in a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" at the north end of the building along Evergreen Ave.  A water tower structure is evident behind the corner building.

Celebration 16


Hewitts Photo Shop


People are gathered at a booth advertising "KING DODO" at the corner of what are now Evergreen Ave. and Alaska Street in Palmer during the 4th-of-July celebration in 1936. Several buildings are evident and people and cars are on the street.


People are gathering at the corner of what is now Alaska Street and Evergreen Ave. in Palmer during the 1936 Fourth-of-July celebration. Some people are walking on the gravel streets, a decorated car is on Alaska Street in front of the buildings. Many of the people appear to be watching some activity in a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" at the north end of the building along Evergreen Ave. A water tower structure is evident behind the corner building.


Palmer, Alaska

A group of children dance holding hands on the community center quad as they celebrate "Palmer Day", May 15-1937.

Celebration 17


Hewitts Photo Shop


Children are dancing on the quad during "Palmer Day" celebrations.


A group of children dance holding hands on the community center quad as they celebrate "Palmer Day", May 15-1937.


Palmer, Alaska

Children are holding hands and dancing on the quad in front of the Trading Post as adults look on.

Celebration 18


Hewitts Photo Shop


Children are dancing on the community center quad


Children are holding hands and dancing on the quad in front of the Trading Post as adults look on.


Palmer, Alaska

Girls prepare to do the May Pole dance on the quad.  Part of the Trading Post and other community center buildings are beyond.

Celebration 19


Hewitts Photo Shop


Girls get ready to do the May Pole dance as part of the "Palmer Day" celebration.


Girls prepare to do the May Pole dance on the quad. Part of the Trading Post and other community center buildings are beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in the 1936 Forth-of-July parade.  A large American flag is carried by the second rank of marchers.

Celebration 2


Hewitts Photo Shop


Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department are marching in the 1936 Forth-of-July parade in Palmer. Some marchers are carrying a large American flag.


Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in the 1936 Forth-of-July parade. A large American flag is carried by the second rank of marchers.


Palmer, Alaska

Children are dancing around the May Pole on the quad with adults looking on behind and the gym in background.

Celebration 20


Hewitts Photo Shop


Children are dancing around the May Pole during "Palmer Day" celebrations


Children are dancing around the May Pole on the quad with adults looking on behind and the gym in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Young boys are gathered on the ball field east of the school building in preparation for foot races to be held as part of "Palmer Day" celebrations.  Adults look on from behind and the east side of the school building and other building to the south form the background.

Celebration 21


Hewitts Photo Shop


Young boys are preparing to run foot races during "Palmer Day" celebrations.


Young boys are gathered on the ball field east of the school building in preparation for foot races to be held as part of "Palmer Day" celebrations. Adults look on from behind and the east side of the school building and other building to the south form the background.


Palmer, Alaska

Children and adults are gathered at the flag pole on the west side of the school.  At center is the "Palmer Day" queen on her high-backed "throne".  Next to her is the presumed king in front of a piano.

Celebration 22


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crowd is gathered around the "Palmer Day" queen and king next to the school and flag pole. A piano and pianist are also present suggesting songs were sung.


Children and adults are gathered at the flag pole on the west side of the school. At center is the "Palmer Day" queen on her high-backed "throne". Next to her is the presumed king in front of a piano.


Palmer, Alaska

Don Irwin stands on the concrete apron around the community center flag pole and addresses a crowd of adults and children.  A "cornerstone", lying at the base of the pole, is about to be installed in a hole in the concrete at Irwin's feet.

Celebration 23


Hewitts Photo Shop


Don Irwin addresses a crowd around the community center flag pole prior to installation of a "cornerstone" at the base of the pole.


Don Irwin stands on the concrete apron around the community center flag pole and addresses a crowd of adults and children. A "cornerstone", lying at the base of the pole, is about to be installed in a hole in the concrete at Irwin's feet.


Palmer, Alaska

A group of people is gathered around the community center flag pole watching the laying of a "cornerstone" at the base of the pole.  Don Irwin stands next to a wheelbarrow and a man installing the stone.

Celebration 24


Hewitts Photo Shop


A crowd watches the installation of a "cornerstone" at the base of the community center flag pole.


A group of people is gathered around the community center flag pole watching the laying of a "cornerstone" at the base of the pole. Don Irwin stands next to a wheelbarrow and a man installing the stone.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a band marching up "Market Street" (now Dahlia Ave.) in Palmer with cars parked in foreground and the Creamery building in middle ground beyond.

Celebration 25




A band marches up "Market Street" between parked cars on both sides of the street and pased the Creamery in Palmer.


Image shows a band marching up "Market Street" (now Dahlia Ave.) in Palmer with cars parked in foreground and the Creamery building in middle ground beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in Palmer's Fourth-of-July parade.  A youngster has joined the group in the first rank.

Celebration 3


Hewitts Photo Shop


Several members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department, and one youngster, are marching in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.


Members of the Colony Volunteer Fire Department march in Palmer's Fourth-of-July parade. A youngster has joined the group in the first rank.


Palmer, Alaska

Four men sit on the decorated bed of a truck playing various musical instruments as a float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.

Celebration 4


Hewitts Photo Shop


Four men ride on the back of a decorated truck while they play musical instruments, including a tuba, trombone, accordion and drum set, as a float in Palmer's Fourth-of-July parade.


Four men sit on the decorated bed of a truck playing various musical instruments as a float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.


Palmer, Alaska

A pickup truck, decorated with bunting as an entry in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade, has three people riding in the bed and a young boy riding on the running board.  One man in the back is holding a surveyor's stadia rod while the other two are wrapped in a costume.  Flags are visible beyond the hood of the truck

Celebration 5


Hewitts Photo Shop


A decorated pick up truck, with three people in the back and one on the running board, serves as a float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.


A pickup truck, decorated with bunting as an entry in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade, has three people riding in the bed and a young boy riding on the running board. One man in the back is holding a surveyor's stadia rod while the other two are wrapped in a costume. Flags are visible beyond the hood of the truck


Palmer, Alaska

A pick up truck, decorated with bunting, holds a throne-like chair in back upon which is seated a pretty young girl.  A sign over her head says "Matanuska Maid".  Two people are evident in the cab of this float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.

Celebration 6


Hewitts Photo Shop


A pick up truck, festooned with bunting, carries the pretty "Matanuska Maid" in the 1936 Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer, Alaska.


A pick up truck, decorated with bunting, holds a throne-like chair in back upon which is seated a pretty young girl. A sign over her head says "Matanuska Maid". Two people are evident in the cab of this float in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.


Palmer, Alaska

A pick up truck, wrapped in bunting, carries a young girl seated on a throne-like chair in the back.  Two people are visible in the cab, one, a young boy at the wheel guiding this float in the 1936 Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.

Celebration 7


Hewitts Photo Shop


A pick up truck, wrapped in ribbon, carries a young girl on a throne-like chair as a float in the 1936 Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.


A pick up truck, wrapped in bunting, carries a young girl seated on a throne-like chair in the back. Two people are visible in the cab, one, a young boy at the wheel guiding this float in the 1936 Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.


Palmer, Alaska

A late model car, festooned with flags and ribbon and followed by a bus, takes its place in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade.  A member of the local fire department is apparent on the sideline along with other men.

Celebration 8


Hewitts Photo Shop


A decorated late model care, followed by a bus, is float in a Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.


A late model car, festooned with flags and ribbon and followed by a bus, takes its place in Palmer's 1936 Fourth-of-July parade. A member of the local fire department is apparent on the sideline along with other men.


Palmer, Alaska

A young girl dressed in a simple clown suit and holding a small American flag, stands ready to join the Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer.  A pickup truck is partially visible behind.

Celebration 9


Hewitts Photo Shop


A girl in a clown suit and holding an American flag, gets ready to join the 1936 4th-of-July parade in Palmer.


A young girl dressed in a simple clown suit and holding a small American flag, stands ready to join the Fourth-of-July parade in Palmer. A pickup truck is partially visible behind.


Palmer, Alaska

View is of the Colony farmstead of Walt & Melva Pippel showing the house, wellhouse, barn and part of a field.

Colony Farm 33


Hewitts Photo Shop


Summer view of the Pippel Colony farmstead including the house, wellhouse and barn


View is of the Colony farmstead of Walt & Melva Pippel showing the house, wellhouse, barn and part of a field.


Palmer, Alaska

Cold frame covers are evident in foreground, a vintage truck with water barrels on the back is just beyond the cold frames.  A small field is beyond with a fringe of trees in background.

Colony Farm 34


Hewitts Photo Shop


Early spring view of cold frames in foreground with a truck parked behind them with barrels on the back for hauling water to the plant in the cold frames. A small clearing beyond awaits planting.


Cold frame covers are evident in foreground, a vintage truck with water barrels on the back is just beyond the cold frames. A small field is beyond with a fringe of trees in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a spring view across several cold frames with the covers raised to show plants growing below.  A truck with water barrels on the back is at the side with an unplanted clearing beyond.   Heavy brushy forest is the background.

Colony Farm 35


Hewitts Photo Shop


Early spring plants are shown in cold frames with a vintage truck nearby used to haul water to them.


Image is a spring view across several cold frames with the covers raised to show plants growing below. A truck with water barrels on the back is at the side with an unplanted clearing beyond. Heavy brushy forest is the background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a springtime view across a cleared field to a low hillside where several cold frames with white covers are installed.  A truck, with water barrels evident on the back, is parked nearby.  Several people stand at left.

Colony Farm 36


Hewitts Photo Shop


Several people stand at left viewing the cold frames and water truck on the Pippel farm.


Image is a springtime view across a cleared field to a low hillside where several cold frames with white covers are installed. A truck, with water barrels evident on the back, is parked nearby. Several people stand at left.


Palmer, Alaska

Summer overview of a cabbage field with a woman and two young boys working in it bent over as if harvesting.

Colony Farm 37


Hewitts Photo Shop


A woman and two young boys standing bent over in a large cabbage field as if harvesting.


Summer overview of a cabbage field with a woman and two young boys working in it bent over as if harvesting.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a summer view of a log house with white trim in foreground and a colony barn with a "barrel vault" roof beyond.

Colony Farm 38


Hewitts Photo Shop


View of a Colony farmstead with log house and colony barn with distinctive "barrel vault" roof.


Image is a summer view of a log house with white trim in foreground and a colony barn with a "barrel vault" roof beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

A new colony "Cottage", appearing externally complete, along with two other small buildings, an exposed pitcher pump and some scattered lumber, sits on bare ground next to the road to Matanuska and the railroad tracks south of Palmer.  Pioneer Peak with new snow on top is in background.

Colony Farm 39


Hewitts Photo Shop


A colony house, two small outbuildings and an exposed water pump sit on bare ground as the beginning of a farmstead while new snow covers tops of nearby mountains indicate the summer construction seas is fast coming to an end.


A new colony "Cottage", appearing externally complete, along with two other small buildings, an exposed pitcher pump and some scattered lumber, sits on bare ground next to the road to Matanuska and the railroad tracks south of Palmer. Pioneer Peak with new snow on top is in background.


South of Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a barnyard with cows and chickens in foreground, a Colony barn and shed in middle ground, a white frame Colony house beyond, and Pioneer Peak with new snow on top in background.

Colony Farm 40


Des Moines Sunday Register


Cows and chickens populate the farmyard in front of a Colony barn and house. Snow on the mountain beyond indicates that winter is approaching.


Image is of a barnyard with cows and chickens in foreground, a Colony barn and shed in middle ground, a white frame Colony house beyond, and Pioneer Peak with new snow on top in background.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is a summer view of a two-story log house, identified as belonging to Colonists Joe & Albertina Sieber.  The yard has been cleared of construction material, a wooden fence is partially visible at right, a clothesline is partially visible at left, and the cold frames against the house stand open.  The spruce/birch forest forms the background.

Colony Home 37


Hewitts Photo Shop


A summer view of a log Colony house show a cleaned-up yard with a clothesline and wooden fence erected. Cold frames stand open to the sun.


Image is a summer view of a two-story log house, identified as belonging to Colonists Joe & Albertina Sieber. The yard has been cleared of construction material, a wooden fence is partially visible at right, a clothesline is partially visible at left, and the cold frames against the house stand open. The spruce/birch forest forms the background.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A Matanuska Colony house constructed of spruce logs on the main walls and dimension lumber, painted white, on the upper part under the roof and the single dormer.

Colony Home 38


Hewitts Photo Shop


A log Colony house


A Matanuska Colony house constructed of spruce logs on the main walls and dimension lumber, painted white, on the upper part under the roof and the single dormer.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is of a Matanuska Colony house. The base walls are of unpeeled spruce logs, the upper part under the roof is of dimension lumber.  Cold frames are installed under the windows on the south side of the house.  A pile of lumber is in the foreground.

Colony Home 39


Hewitts Photo Shop


A Matanuska Colony house sits with the exterior construction apparently finished. A pile of lumber is stacked in front, possibly to be used to finish the interior. Cold frames are installed on the ground along the south wall to be used to start plants that will be transplanted into garden or field.


Image is of a Matanuska Colony house. The base walls are of unpeeled spruce logs, the upper part under the roof is of dimension lumber. Cold frames are installed under the windows on the south side of the house. A pile of lumber is in the foreground.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is of a white Matanuska Colony frame house within a heavily forested setting.  A greenhouse structure is attached to the exterior south-facing wall. A large pile of stove wood is visible in the woods near the house.

Colony Home 40


Hewitts Photo Shop


A white frame Matanuska Colony house with a small greenhouse attached is sitting in a forested setting.


Image is of a white Matanuska Colony frame house within a heavily forested setting. A greenhouse structure is attached to the exterior south-facing wall. A large pile of stove wood is visible in the woods near the house.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is of the north and west sides of the Colony manager's house with two cars parked in front.  Another staff house is partially visible behind.  Pioneer Peak forms the background.

Colony Home 41


Hewitts Photo Shop


Two cars are parked on the street in front of the Colony manager's house on a sunny summer day.


Image is of the north and west sides of the Colony manager's house with two cars parked in front. Another staff house is partially visible behind. Pioneer Peak forms the background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a white house with a hip roof identified as one of the houses within the Matanuska Colony community center furnished for personnel working for the colony administration.  Pioneer Peak forms the background.

Colony Home 42


Hewitts Photo Shop


Image is of one of the houses constructed in Palmer's community center to house colony administrators and staff. A sunny summer day with clouds hanging over Pioneer Peak in background.


Image shows a white house with a hip roof identified as one of the houses within the Matanuska Colony community center furnished for personnel working for the colony administration. Pioneer Peak forms the background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a small log house on newly cleared land at the edge of the forest.

Colony Home 43


Hewitts Photo Shop


A newly constructed log house stands next to the forest.


Image is of a small log house on newly cleared land at the edge of the forest.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image is of a white frame house in a close forest setting, identified as a Matanuska Colony home.

Colony Home 44


Hewitts Photo Shop


A white frame house sits in a close forested setting.


Image is of a white frame house in a close forest setting, identified as a Matanuska Colony home.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A small log house sits in a heavily forested setting with pioneer Peak in the background.  The family "outhouse" is visible in the trees and the original tent home is seen behind the house.

Colony Home 45


Hewitts Photo Shop


A new log colony house sits in a clearing surrounded by heavy forest.


A small log house sits in a heavily forested setting with pioneer Peak in the background. The family "outhouse" is visible in the trees and the original tent home is seen behind the house.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

"Colony Kid" Bud Bouwens stands next to his young horse as he shows it at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer.  The lumber skeleton of a building is behind which was covered with tarps to provide an animal barn for the fair.

Colony Kids 10


Hewitts Photo Shop


"Colony Kid" Bud Bouwens shows his young horse at the Fair.


"Colony Kid" Bud Bouwens stands next to his young horse as he shows it at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer. The lumber skeleton of a building is behind which was covered with tarps to provide an animal barn for the fair.


Palmer, Alaska

Four young people sit on their horses waiting for the 4th of July parade to begin.  Two men stand behind.

Colony Kids 11


Hewitts Photo Shop


Four youngsters wait on their horses for the parade to start.


Four young people sit on their horses waiting for the 4th of July parade to begin. Two men stand behind.


Palmer, Alaska

A youngster sits astride a white horse in Palmer's community center with two buildings behind.  The rear part of another horse is visiblw at left.

Colony Kids 12


Hewitts Photo Shop


A youngster waits on a white horse for "Palmer Days" activities to begin.


A youngster sits astride a white horse in Palmer's community center with two buildings behind. The rear part of another horse is visiblw at left.


Palmer, Alaska

"Colony Kid" Adelbert "Bubs" Ring shows his 4-H project calf at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer.  A white blanket over the calf's back identifies them as part of the "Midnight Sun 4-H Club".

Colony Kids 13


Hewitts Photo Shop


A young boy shows his 4-H project calf at the fair.


"Colony Kid" Adelbert "Bubs" Ring shows his 4-H project calf at the first Matanuska Valley Fair in Palmer. A white blanket over the calf's back identifies them as part of the "Midnight Sun 4-H Club".


Palmer, Alaska

Young boys, Jim and Bob Pippel, stand in front of a white house with a shaggy dog in front of them.

Colony Kids 14


Hewitts Photo Shop


"Colony Kids", Jim and Bob Pippel, pose with their shaggy dog in front of a white house.


Young boys, Jim and Bob Pippel, stand in front of a white house with a shaggy dog in front of them.


Palmer, Alaska

A group of seven children are seated on a grassy slope with buckets of current berries they have picked.  Trees and brush are behind.

Colony Kids 15


Hewitts Photo Shop


Children of the Ring and Bouwens Matanuska Colony families are seated in an open patch of woods with buckets of wild red current berries they have picked


A group of seven children are seated on a grassy slope with buckets of current berries they have picked. Trees and brush are behind.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A young girl, identified as Delores Bouwens, is showing her small bucket full of berries as she stands next to a large bucket of berries picked by the older children she is with on their outing seen in photo "Colony Kids 15".

Colony Kids 16


Hewitts Photo Shop


Young girl is showing the small pail full of berries she has picked as she stands next to a large bucket full of berries


A young girl, identified as Delores Bouwens, is showing her small bucket full of berries as she stands next to a large bucket of berries picked by the older children she is with on their outing seen in photo "Colony Kids 15".


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Two young boys stand in a field of head-high grain in the Matanuska Valley.

Colony Kids 17


Hewitts Photo Shop


Two colonist's sons, Jim and Bob Pippel, stand in a field of head-high grain in the Matanuska Valley.


Two young boys stand in a field of head-high grain in the Matanuska Valley.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

A black pickup truck with several children riding in the back and a sign on the side identifying a 4-H club forms a float for the 1936 4th-of-July parade in Palmer.  Two other automobiles are visible behind.

Colony Kids 18


Hewitts Photo Shop


A group on children riding in the back of a pickup truck are part of a float in the 1936 Palmer 4th-of-July parade.


A black pickup truck with several children riding in the back and a sign on the side identifying a 4-H club forms a float for the 1936 4th-of-July parade in Palmer. Two other automobiles are visible behind.


Palmer, Alaska

Two little boys in their parade costumes are drinking from bottles as they stand in front of a pickup truck after the 4th-of-July parade.

Colony Kids 19


Hewitts Photo Shop


Two little boys in their 4th-of-July parade costumes stand drinking soda from bottles


Two little boys in their parade costumes are drinking from bottles as they stand in front of a pickup truck after the 4th-of-July parade.


Palmer, Alaska

A summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post.  It shows the completed construction of the included three small offices with tree tops showing behind.

Community Center 11


Hewitts Photo Shop


With construction completed, the small building in the community center stands ready to open its three office spaces for business.


A summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post. It shows the completed construction of the included three small offices with tree tops showing behind.


Palmer, Alaska

A late summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post.  View is of the west (entrance) side of the building looking to the northeast.  The center entrance displays a barber pole and sign advertising the barbershop.

Community Center 12


Hewitts Photo Shop


The small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post exhibits a barber pole and sign advertising the barbershop in the center of three office entries.


A late summer view of the small office building in the community center next to the Trading Post. View is of the west (entrance) side of the building looking to the northeast. The center entrance displays a barber pole and sign advertising the barbershop.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is an easterly view from the water tower showing some of the temporary buildings of the Palmer community center, the end of the rail spur, and homestead clearings beyond.

Community Center 13


Hewitts Photo Shop


An easterly view from the water tower shows some temporary buildings of the Palmer community center and homestead clearings in the trees beyond.


Image is an easterly view from the water tower showing some of the temporary buildings of the Palmer community center, the end of the rail spur, and homestead clearings beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a southerly view from the water tower with the powerhouse smokestack in foreground, several buildings in middle ground and the future Chugach Street clearing through homestead fields and trees in background.

Community Center 14


Hewitts Photo Shop


View from the Palmer water tower looking south over buildings of the community center and homestead clearings beyond.


Image is a southerly view from the water tower with the powerhouse smokestack in foreground, several buildings in middle ground and the future Chugach Street clearing through homestead fields and trees in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the community center dormitory living room showing furniture and layout

Community Center 15


Hewitts Photo Shop


Image shows the furniture and layout of the community center dormitory living room


Image is of the community center dormitory living room showing furniture and layout


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows furniture and layout of the community center dormitory living room.  A woman and a man sit reading newspapers.

Community Center 16


Hewitts Photo Shop


A man and woman sit reading newspapers in the community center dormitory living room


Image shows furniture and layout of the community center dormitory living room. A woman and a man sit reading newspapers.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows the fireplace in the living room of the community center dormitory

Community Center 17


Hewitts Photo Shop


The fireplace in the community center dormitory living room sits empty awaiting a fire to be laid


Image shows the fireplace in the living room of the community center dormitory


Palmer, Alaska

View of the west end of the powerhouse in the Palmer community center showing an electrical transformer surrounded by a chain link fence with a sign "DANGER High Voltage" on it.

Community Center 18


Hewitts Photo Shop


Summer view of the west end of the powerhouse in the community center showing electrical equipment inside a chain link fence


View of the west end of the powerhouse in the Palmer community center showing an electrical transformer surrounded by a chain link fence with a sign "DANGER High Voltage" on it.


Palmer, Alaska

An early spring easterly view of the Palmer community center including the school, gym, dorm, and some staff houses.  Snow is still on the mountains in background but clear of the foreground.

Community Center 19


Hewitts Photo Shop


An early spring view of the community center including the school, gym, dorm and some staff houses


An early spring easterly view of the Palmer community center including the school, gym, dorm, and some staff houses. Snow is still on the mountains in background but clear of the foreground.


Palmer, Alaska

Summer view overlooks construction begun on the foundation for the Co-op Creamery building in foreground, temporary tents in middle ground and the gym and school in background.

Community Center 20


Hewitts Photo Shop


Construction has begun on the Co-op Creamery building while the gym and school in background appear largely complete e


Summer view overlooks construction begun on the foundation for the Co-op Creamery building in foreground, temporary tents in middle ground and the gym and school in background.


Palmer, Alaska

Scaffolds are erected on the south end of the new Co-op cannery building with one man working at the top and two others walking past.  Part of the Creamery building can be seen, also under construction.

Community Center 21


Unidentified, assumed to be Hewitts


Carpenters are building the south end of the Co-op Cannery building


Scaffolds are erected on the south end of the new Co-op cannery building with one man working at the top and two others walking past. Part of the Creamery building can be seen, also under construction.


Palmer, Alaska

View is looking at the intersection of the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings under construction with a temporary shed in the foreground and the tip of the powerhouse smokestack and the tank of the water tower visible above the roof.  A man is working on the roof of the Creamery building and another on the wall scaffold.

Community Center 22


Hewitts Photo Shop


The Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings are under construction.


View is looking at the intersection of the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings under construction with a temporary shed in the foreground and the tip of the powerhouse smokestack and the tank of the water tower visible above the roof. A man is working on the roof of the Creamery building and another on the wall scaffold.


Palmer, Alaska

The image is of the north & east sides of the Co-op Creamery building under construction with scaffolds in place.  The rail spur tracks are visible in foreground.

Community Center 23


Hewitts Photo Shop


The Co-op Creamery building is under construction in Palmer's community center


The image is of the north & east sides of the Co-op Creamery building under construction with scaffolds in place. The rail spur tracks are visible in foreground.


Palmer, Alaska

A man on a Cat tractor and a man with a shovel backfill and grade the ground at the east end of Warehouse #1 in preparation for construction to begin on the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings.  The rail spur tracks are visible beyond and several tents are apparent beyond that at the edge of the forest.  One tent has a sign indicating it is storing gasoline.  Three men and a truck are in front of three other tents

Community Center 24


Hewitts Photo Shop


Ground is being filled and graded to begin construction of the Creamery and Cannery buildings.


A man on a Cat tractor and a man with a shovel backfill and grade the ground at the east end of Warehouse #1 in preparation for construction to begin on the Co-op Cannery and Creamery buildings. The rail spur tracks are visible beyond and several tents are apparent beyond that at the edge of the forest. One tent has a sign indicating it is storing gasoline. Three men and a truck are in front of three other tents


Palmer, Alaska

View shows the south side of Warehouse #1 intersecting the west side of the Cannery building in Palmer's industrial complex.  A dump truck is parked in front of the Warehouse and several men are working around stacks of lumber and under a small roofed structure next to the Cannery.

Community Center 25


Hewitts Photo Shop


Several men are working next to the Cannery building around stacks of lumber and under a small roof cover. Their work is undetermined.


View shows the south side of Warehouse #1 intersecting the west side of the Cannery building in Palmer's industrial complex. A dump truck is parked in front of the Warehouse and several men are working around stacks of lumber and under a small roofed structure next to the Cannery.


Palmer, Alaska

Image shows men beginning to construct the foundation for Co-op Warehouse #2 in the industrial complex of Palmer's Community Center.  The recently constructed water tower is obvious in middle ground behinde and heavy forest is beyond.

Community Center 26


Hewitts Photo Shop


Men are seen constructing forms for the foundation of Co-op Warehouse #2 below Palmer's new water tower.


Image shows men beginning to construct the foundation for Co-op Warehouse #2 in the industrial complex of Palmer's Community Center. The recently constructed water tower is obvious in middle ground behinde and heavy forest is beyond.


Palmer, Alaska

View is of the south and east sides of the Co-op Warehouse under construction and mostly framed in. Two men are seen working on the roof.  The water tower is visible above the roof behind the building.

Community Center 27


Hewitts Photo Shop


Warehouse #2 is under construction and mostly framed in with two men working on the roof.


View is of the south and east sides of the Co-op Warehouse under construction and mostly framed in. Two men are seen working on the roof. The water tower is visible above the roof behind the building.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a view of the front of the Co-op Trading Post and west side of the Cannery building in 1945 with automobiles parked in the lot and women shoppers walking from the store.

Community Center 28


Des Moines Sunday Register


Women shoppers are walking from the Co-op store past parked cars with the store and Cannery building behind them.


Image is a view of the front of the Co-op Trading Post and west side of the Cannery building in 1945 with automobiles parked in the lot and women shoppers walking from the store.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is a summer view of the Palmer school building looking east across the quad with Buyers Peak beyond.  The ground in foreground has been disked and ready to be smoothed and planted to grass.  Two Birch trees remain and frame the image of the school.

Community Center 29


Hewitts Photo Shop


The quad has been disked and is ready to be smoothed aand planted to grass.


Image is a summer view of the Palmer school building looking east across the quad with Buyers Peak beyond. The ground in foreground has been disked and ready to be smoothed and planted to grass. Two Birch trees remain and frame the image of the school.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of part of the Experiment Farm barn complex as it appeared in 1936

Experiment Farm 35


Hewitts Photo Shop


A summer view of part of the Experiment Farm barn complex in 1936


Image is of part of the Experiment Farm barn complex as it appeared in 1936


Matanuska, Alaska

Numerous examples of sewing, knitting and crocheting articles are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.

Fair 10


Hewitts Photo Shop


Locally produced examples of sewing, knitting and crocheting are on exhibit


Numerous examples of sewing, knitting and crocheting articles are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.


Palmer, Alaska

Numerous articles demonstrating sewing skills are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair

Fair 11


Hewitts Photo Shop


Many articles showing fancy sewing skills are on exhibit


Numerous articles demonstrating sewing skills are on exhibit at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair


Palmer, Alaska

A wooden three-drawer chest, a desk with several drawers, and a bench made by a local craftsman are on display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.

Fair 12


Hewitts Photo Shop


Locally made furniture is on display at the fair


A wooden three-drawer chest, a desk with several drawers, and a bench made by a local craftsman are on display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of two chests of drawers made by a local craftsman and on exhibit at the Matanuska Valley Fair.

Fair 13


Hewitts Photo Shop


A three-drawer chest and a six-drawer chest made by a local craftsman are on exhibit at the fair


Image is of two chests of drawers made by a local craftsman and on exhibit at the Matanuska Valley Fair.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of an alcove booth at the fair covered in white sheets and the interior sides and back hold posters advocating for good health.  A table and sink are in foreground.

Fair 14


Hewitts Photo Shop


A white sheet-covered booth at the fair holds material advocating for good milk handling and good health


Image is of an alcove booth at the fair covered in white sheets and the interior sides and back hold posters advocating for good health. A table and sink are in foreground.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a white sheet-covered corner fair booth holding posters advocating vaccination against Diphtheria, Small Pox, and Typhoid.  Two small desks are in center foreground holding handout information.

Fair 15


Hewitts Photo Shop


A fair booth advocates for Immunization and Vaccination against Diphtheria, Small Pox, and Typhoid


Image is of a white sheet-covered corner fair booth holding posters advocating vaccination against Diphtheria, Small Pox, and Typhoid. Two small desks are in center foreground holding handout information.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a floral display at the 1937 fair with vases of flower arrangements on a stair-step platform.  Two small signs are on the wall behind, one stating "No Smoking Allowed", and the other requiring that "Children Must Be Quiet and Remain Seated".

Fair 16


Hewitts Photo Shop


Image shows a fair display of cut flowers and flower arrangements


Image is of a floral display at the 1937 fair with vases of flower arrangements on a stair-step platform. Two small signs are on the wall behind, one stating "No Smoking Allowed", and the other requiring that "Children Must Be Quiet and Remain Seated".


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of booth at the 1937 fair with a large central panel sitting on a table and telling about how Christmas Seals help save lives.  Posters hang on the wall behind discussing Tuberculosis. The Christmas Seal double-arm cross is prominent on the posters.  A large picture of a snow-covered cabin scene is in foreground at the bottom against the table.

Fair 17


Hewitts Photo Shop


A fair booth provides information about Tuberculosis and promotes sale of Christmas Seals.


Image is of booth at the 1937 fair with a large central panel sitting on a table and telling about how Christmas Seals help save lives. Posters hang on the wall behind discussing Tuberculosis. The Christmas Seal double-arm cross is prominent on the posters. A large picture of a snow-covered cabin scene is in foreground at the bottom against the table.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a fair display with a white wall panel holding posters related to the dangers of Syphilis.  A small table in foreground holds handout material with a small sign instructing to "Take One".

Fair 18


Hewitts Photo Shop


A fair display provides information regarding the dangers of Syphilis.


Image is of a fair display with a white wall panel holding posters related to the dangers of Syphilis. A small table in foreground holds handout material with a small sign instructing to "Take One".


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of an enclosed room with quilts hanging on the walls, a spinning wheel, jars of preserves and other objects on trestle tables, exposed pipes and globe lights overhead, and three people examining objects on display as part of the Matanuska Valley fair.  This image strongly appears to be of the 1936 fair rather than the one in 1937.  Why the photographer numbered it in the 1937 sequence or identified it as 1937 is unknown.

Fair 3


Hewitts Photo Shop


Three people examine objects on display at the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair


Image is of an enclosed room with quilts hanging on the walls, a spinning wheel, jars of preserves and other objects on trestle tables, exposed pipes and globe lights overhead, and three people examining objects on display as part of the Matanuska Valley fair. This image strongly appears to be of the 1936 fair rather than the one in 1937. Why the photographer numbered it in the 1937 sequence or identified it as 1937 is unknown.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of an enclosed room, identified as a basement Palmer school classroom, with numerous hand craft objects displayed on tables and along the wall.  Two men are viewing the exhibits.

Fair 4


Hewitts Photo Shop


Two men examine hand craft exhibits in a basement school classroom as part of the 1936 Matanuska Valley Fair


Image is of an enclosed room, identified as a basement Palmer school classroom, with numerous hand craft objects displayed on tables and along the wall. Two men are viewing the exhibits.


Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a canned salmon display at the first Matanuska Valley Fair at Palmer in fall of 1936.  An array of cans of salmon on the table support a sign: "Matanuska Valley's First ANNUAL FAIR and ALASKA'S 58th NEW SALMON PACK FESTIVAL".  Hanging on the wall above is a picture of a leaping salmon.  Striped curtains are at both upper corners of the display and two ads for the salmon festival are tacked to the front of the table.

Fair 5


Hewitts Photo Shop


A table-top display advertises the First Matanuska Valley Fair and 58th New Salmon Pack Festival.


Image is of a canned salmon display at the first Matanuska Valley Fair at Palmer in fall of 1936. An array of cans of salmon on the table support a sign: "Matanuska Valley's First ANNUAL FAIR and ALASKA'S 58th NEW SALMON PACK FESTIVAL". Hanging on the wall above is a picture of a leaping salmon. Striped curtains are at both upper corners of the display and two ads for the salmon festival are tacked to the front of the table.


Palmer, Alaska

Explore the Rich History of the Matanuska Valley

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