ARRC House 1
Hewitts Photo Shop
The photo shows part of the bedroom arrangement and modern furnishings.
Image is an interior view of an ARRC Staff house bedroom showing a dressing table with nine drawers and a stool. A large mirror is on the table. A corner of the bedstead is visible, a metal folding chair is partially visible. A closet door and room entry door occupy the wall on either side of the table. A portion of the floor is visible at lower right showing bare wood boards.
Palmer, Alaska
Alice Mikami & Beatrice McNally 1
Alice & Beatrice stand for their picture to be taken in a vacant area of Palmer's "Tent City".
Alice Mikami and Beatrice McNally stand together in a low grass field for their picture to be taken. Alice is dressed in a black dress with a black & white checked over-dress and a full length light brown coat over her shoulders. Beatrice is in a full-length black coat. Temporary "Tent City" frame buildings are partially visible behind, as are piles of material for the Colony project. Heavy forest forms the backdrop with mountains faintly visible in the distance.
Palmer, Alaska
Alice Mikami 1
Alice Mikami is standing at the entry of a Colony tent
Miss Alice Mikami, stenographer in the ARRC main office, stands in a black dress in front of a white Colony tent.
Palmer, Alaska
Baseball 4
Hewitts Photo Shop
A crowd stands on the Palmer community center quad watching a baseball game.
A crowd is gathered on the Palmer community center quad to watch a baseball game.
Palmer, Alaska
Baseball 6
Hewitts Photo Shop
A man stands on the pitcher's mound and uses a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd.
A man stands on the pitcher's mound of the ball field in Palmer's community center quad and is using a megaphone to make announcements to the crowd. Community center buildings, trees and mountains are behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Baseball 7
Hewitts Photo Shop
A baseball game is in progress with the pitcher throwing a pitch from the mound.
A view of the infield shows a pitcher pitching on the mound and other players behind. Community center buildings, trees and mountains are beyond.
Palmer, Alaska
Baseball 9
Hewitts Photo Shop
A croud stands watching a baseball game on Palmer's community center quad.
A crowd stands watching a baseball game on the Palmer community center quad with community center buildings in the background. A young boy sits on a timber on the ground in foreground. Mountains are visible in far background.
Palmer, Alaska
Beatrice McNally 1
Beatrice McNally, stenographer in the ARRC accounting department, stands for her photograph.
Beatrice stands in this summer scene for her photo in a vacant area of "Tent City" dressed in a white shirt, short black jacket, black high-cuff pants and a black hat. Behind her several colony tents are partially visible and an automobile. Heavy forest forms the backdrop.
Palmer, Alaska
Butte Community Hall 1
Don Irwin
Community hall near Bodenburg Butte
Image shows the front and south side of the log community hall constructed soon afer the Matanuska Colonists settled the area around the Bodenburg Butte. A portion of the Butte is visible behind the building as is one of the typical colony tents.
Beside Bodenburg Butte Lp near Bodenburg Butte in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Butte Community Hall 2
Hewitt's Photo Shop - Anchorage, Alaska
Log Community Hall near Bodenburg Butte
Image shows the front and south side of the log community hall constructed soon after the Matanuska Colonists settled the area around the Bodenburg Butte. Two concrete chimneys are in evidence. A portion of the Butte is visible behind the building. This image is on a commercial post card.
Beside Bodenburg Butte Loop road near Bodenburg Butte in the Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Butte Community Hall 3
Ruth Estelle
Image shows the north side of the log Butte Community Hall with lumber and clearing debris in foreground and Pioneer Peak in background.
Bodenburg Butte Area of Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Bygone Barn 1
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a winter view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract#157 near Bodenburg Butte and having originally belonged to Colonists Lawrence and Grace Dreghorn. The barn exhibits evidence of early stages of collapse. A smaller structure, possibly a chicken coop, is apparent at left and a pick-up truck is parked in foreground. Pioneer Peak is the backdrop.
Bodenburg Butte, Matanuska Valley
Bygone Barn 2
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a summer view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #134 north of Palmer, having originally belonged to Colonists Oscar and Elvi Kerttula. The barn exhibits significance evidence of advanced stages of collapse and came down in 2006. A smaller attached structure, perhaps a milking parlor, is at right and a concrete upright silo is behind at left.
North of Palmer, Alaska
Bygone Barn 3
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a summer view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #134 north of Palmer, having originally belonged to Colonists Oscar and Elvi Kerttula. The barn exhibits significance evidence of advanced stages of collapse and came down in 2006. A smaller attached structure, perhaps a milking parlor, is at right, Talkeetna Mountains evident in background.
North of Palmer, Alaska
Bygone Barn 4
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a summer view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #134 north of Palmer, having originally belonged to Colonists Oscar and Elvi Kerttula. The barn exhibits significance evidence of advanced stages of collapse and came down in 2006. A smaller attached structure, perhaps a milking parlor, is at right, part of another smaller log structure, perhaps a chicken coop, is at left, and a concrete upright silo is behind at left.
North of Palmer, Alaska
Bygone Barn 5
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a fall view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #194 near Bodenburg Butte, having originally belonged to Colonists Lloyd and Dorothy Bell. The barn exhibits significance evidence of advanced stages of collapse. Portions of other buildings are evident adjacent and nearby, Beyers Peak is in background. This farm, located at the corner of Bodenburg Loop Road and Doc. McKinley Ave., was later owned by dentist Lee McKinley prior to the later demise of the barn. This photo is number one of three documenting the collapse of this barn.
Near Bodenburg Butte, Alaska
Bygone Barn 6
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a summer view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #194 near Bodenburg Butte, having originally belonged to Colonists Lloyd and Dorothy Bell. The barn exhibits significance evidence of advanced stages of collapse. A portion of an attached concrete block building is evident at left. Bodenburg Butte is behind. This farm, located at the corner of Bodenburg Loop Road and Doc. McKinley Ave., was later owned by dentist Lee McKinley prior to the later demise of the barn. This photo is number two in a series of three documenting the collapse of this barn.
Near Bodenburg Butte, Alaska
Bygone Barn 7
Richard Estelle
Colony barn in state of collapse
Image is a summer view of a Colony Barn, identified as located on Tract #194 near Bodenburg Butte, having originally belonged to Colonists Lloyd and Dorothy Bell. The barn is in final stages of collapse. A portion of an attached concrete block building is evident at left and Chugach Mountains are in background. This farm, located at the corner of Bodenburg Loop Road and Doc. McKinley Ave., was later owned by dentist Lee McKinley prior to the later demise of the barn. This photo is number three in a series of three documenting the collapse of this barn.
Near Bodenburg Butte, Alaska
Cabinet Shop 1
Hewitts Photo Shop
Five men pause in their work in the colony cabinet shop where they are constructing cabinetry for the new buildings of the colon.
Five men pose in the Colony Cabinet Shop among many tools used to construct the cabinetry for the colony homes and other new buildings. Some cabinets under construction are visible.
Palmer, Alaska
Camp 6
Anton Anderson
Camp 6 was composed of tents housing colony families who drew land tracts at the northeast side of the project area. The photo shows the camp tents located adjacent to an improved section of the road leading to the Moose Creek area further north.
The lower half of this image shows a finished grade gravel road running from foreground right to middle ground left. Three white canvas tents parallel the far side of the road in middle ground. A water tower supporting a wooden tank on top is apparent at center left at the end of the row of tents. A truck is visible parked below the water tower. A canvas-covered structure is visible near the water tower at left. A man appears to be standing beside the far side of the road at extreme left. Heavy broadleaf forest is visible behind the tents in middle ground and mountains are dimly visible in background.
North of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 7
Tents of Temporary Camp 7 & Homestead Barn on Tract #157
Image shows six white Colony tents in a row at Camp #7. Camp 7 was located on Tract #157 drawn by Albert Fredericks along the Fishhook Road north of Palmer, Alaska. This tract was located on what had apparently previously been part of a homestead with buildings and some land already cleared as apparent in this photo.
Tract #157 North of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 7 Tents
Ruth Bailey
Tents of Temporary Camp 7
Image shows six white Colony tents in a row at Camp #7. A small child stands in the path at right. Camp 7 was located on Tract #157 drawn by Albert Fredericks along the Fishhook Road north of Palmer, Alaska. This tract was located on what had apparently previously been part of a homestead with buildings and some land already cleared.
North of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 7 Wash Day
Neil Miller
Clothes washing at tent #1, Camp 7
Image shows a woman, identified as Margret Miller, hand-washing clothes in wash tubs set up in front of their tent at Colonist Camp 7. Two young girls, identified as Mardie and Janell Miller, sit nearby. An outhouse and clothesline are evident at right
Camp 7 north of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 8 Air View
Colonist's Camp 8
Image is an aerial view of Colony tents forming Camp 8 located within a large expanse of heavy forest with the Matanuska River visible in background. Portions of the airplane’s wing and struts are obvious in foreground.
Matanuska Valley south of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 9 Logging 1
Bill Ising skids firewood logs to the tents of Camp 9.
Image is of Colonist Bill Ising skidding firewood logs to Camp 9 tents for firewood with his two-horse team.
Camp 9 south of Palmer
Camp 9 Logging2
Colonist Allen Frederick skids a log of firewood to the tents of Camp 9
Allen Frederick skidding firewood logs to Colony Camp 9 with his horse
Camp 9 south of Palmer, Alaska
Camp 9 Tents
Colonist's tents at Camp #9 while waiting for their houses to be built.
Image shows the Colonist's tents at Camp #9 with Pioneer Pk. in the background. Initials or names of the occupants have been noted by each tent along with a quote that accompanied the photo.
Tract # 82
Carpentry Shop 1
Hewitts Photo Shop
Some of the tools in the carpentry shop await the builders of the colony buildings
Image shows some of the tools in the carpentry shop used by builders of the colony buildings
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 11
Hewitts Photo Shop
A crown is gathering near the speakers platform on the quad as two parade floats arrive
A crown is gathered on the quad in front of the speaker's platform as two floats from the Palmer 4th-of July parade arrive. Men of the local fire department are prominent in foreground, the Teachers Dorm is in middle ground behind the crowd.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 12
Hewitts Photo Shop
Don Irwin addresses the 4th-of-July crowd gathered on the community center quad in Palmer in 1936.
Don Irwin speaks to the crowd gathered for the 1936 Fourth-of July celebration on the Palmer community center quad in front of the new school building. An open window on the top floor of the school revels a photographer taking photos of events below and responsible for some of the related images in this collection.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 13
Hewitts Photo Shop
A crowd gathers at the speaker's platform on the quad during 4th-of-July celebrations in Palmer.
People gather at the speaker's platform on the community center quad during celebration of the 4th-of-July in 1936. Musicians and speakers are on the platform, two cars are parked next to the "Teacher's Dorm" behind the crowd, and the flag pole is erected but without the large concrete slab yet at the base. The photo appears to have been taken from the upper floor window of the school.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 15
Hewitts Photo Shop
A crowd is watching some unknown activity within a street-side booth advertising "KING DODO" during the Palmer 4th-of-JUly celebration.
A crowd is gathered at a booth with a sign advertising "KING DODO" and appear to be watching some unidentified activity in the booth.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 17
Hewitts Photo Shop
Children are dancing on the quad during "Palmer Day" celebrations.
A group of children dance holding hands on the community center quad as they celebrate "Palmer Day", May 15-1937.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 18
Hewitts Photo Shop
Children are dancing on the community center quad
Children are holding hands and dancing on the quad in front of the Trading Post as adults look on.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 19
Hewitts Photo Shop
Girls get ready to do the May Pole dance as part of the "Palmer Day" celebration.
Girls prepare to do the May Pole dance on the quad. Part of the Trading Post and other community center buildings are beyond.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 20
Hewitts Photo Shop
Children are dancing around the May Pole during "Palmer Day" celebrations
Children are dancing around the May Pole on the quad with adults looking on behind and the gym in background.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 21
Hewitts Photo Shop
Young boys are preparing to run foot races during "Palmer Day" celebrations.
Young boys are gathered on the ball field east of the school building in preparation for foot races to be held as part of "Palmer Day" celebrations. Adults look on from behind and the east side of the school building and other building to the south form the background.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 22
Hewitts Photo Shop
A crowd is gathered around the "Palmer Day" queen and king next to the school and flag pole. A piano and pianist are also present suggesting songs were sung.
Children and adults are gathered at the flag pole on the west side of the school. At center is the "Palmer Day" queen on her high-backed "throne". Next to her is the presumed king in front of a piano.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 25
A band marches up "Market Street" between parked cars on both sides of the street and pased the Creamery in Palmer.
Image shows a band marching up "Market Street" (now Dahlia Ave.) in Palmer with cars parked in foreground and the Creamery building in middle ground beyond.
Palmer, Alaska
Celebration 26
Hewitts Photo Shop
The American flag is being raised on the community flagpole in Palmer on the 4th-of-July, 1936.
A Navy and Army color guard stand by as two other men begin to raise the American flag on the community flagpole as part of the fourth-of-July celebration in 1936. Two mounted riders, a small boy with a decorated bicycle and other spectators watch from beyond. A parade float vehicle and the Community Gym form the backdrop.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 1
Protestant Church in Palmer
Image shows the north side of the Palmer Protestant Church in winter with trees in the foreground and background and with snow all over. A power pole and power lines are in the foreground. This photo is printed on a postcard, but has no attribution to a photographer.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 11
Interior of St. Michaels Catholic Church in Palmer
Image is a view of the interior sanctuary of the log St. Michaels Catholic Church in Palmer as it appeared not long after it was construction in 1937. Statues, pictures and other religious objects are apparent.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 16
Harry Wolfe, Architect
Architect’s rendering of the new Catholic Church to be built in Palmer.
Image is of the architect’s rendering of the new St. Michael’s Catholic Church to be built in Palmer, Alaska to serve the increase in population associated with the Matanuska Colony project.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 3
Elsie Havens Blue
Log Church Building
Image shows the front of the Lutheran church in Palmer surrounded by trees. Two cars are parked in front of the church.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 4
Unknown, possibly Irv Plitt
Palmer Lutheran Church
Image is of the front (west side) of the log Lutheran church with grass expanse in front and birch trees beyond.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 5
Unknown, possibly Irv Plitt
Palmer Lutheran Church
Image is of the front (west side) of the Palmer Lutheran log church with birch trees in foreground and a mountain beyond. A sign is visible in the left foreground and a plaque is visible on the church wall.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 6
Lutheran Church in Palmer, Alaska
Summer view of north and west side of the Lutheran Church in Palmer, Alaska.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 7
Lutheran Church in Palmer, Alaska
Summer view of west and south sides of the Lutheran Church in Palmer, Alaska. Construction appears to be complete but grounds are not yet fully cleaned up.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 8
Church, Building
Image shows the north side of a log church, identified as the Protestant Church, also commonly referred to as the Community (Presbyterian) Church or the "Church of a Thousand Trees", in Palmer, Alaska. Trees are evident in front and beyond and power lines overhead.
Palmer, Alaska
Church 9
Funeral setting in Palmer Protest Church
Image is of the interior of the Palmer Protestant Church, unoccupied pews in foreground, a closed casket in front with floral bouquets prominent.
Palmer, Alaska
Church Construction 1
Church, Building
Image shows a man standing on a log wall beside several peeled log rafters with log walls behind and below. Various boards lean against the rafters and a power cord with a light bulb hangs from one rafter. The structure under construction is identified as the Community (Presbyterian) Church of Palmer. There is evidence of light snow cover and the man is warmly dressed. Tress form the backdrop.
Palmer, Alaska
Church Construction 2
United Protestant Church under construction in Palmer
Image is a winter view of the United Protestant Church in Palmer under construction. Several men are visible applying roof boards on the log structure. Birch trees are in foreground with snow on the ground.
Palmer, Alaska
Clarence Sjodin
Clarence Sjodin stands in front of his barn and chicken house on his Colony farm.
Image is of Clarence Sjodin standing in front of his barn and chicken house on his Colony farm.
Co-op Creamery 1
Matanuska Colony (Co-op) Creamery and Cannery
Image is a summer view of the Matanuska Colony (Co-op) creamery and cannery building. The water tower and powerhouse smoke stack are visible behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Creamery 2
Matanuska Valley Co-op Creamery Building with ARRC Car in front and Water Tower behind.
Image is a summer view of the Matanuska Valley Farmer’s Co-op Creamery building in Palmer with exterior construction essentially complete but with foundation work still under way. The water tower is visible behind and an ARRC car is in front. A man is visible working on a retaining wall.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Creamery 3
Matanuska Valley Co-op Creamery Building
Image is a summer view of the Matanuska Valley Farmer’s Co-op Creamery building in Palmer with three vehicles in front. The water tower is visible behind and the powerhouse is partially visible at left.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Creamery 4
A man in police or army uniform stands at the open door of the Co-op Creamery loading dock apparently talking with someone inside.
A summer view of the Co-op Creamery loading dock area with a man in uniform, possibly Palmer policeman Bill Bouwens, standing on the ground gesturing and apparently talking with someone inside the open door. Numerous milk delivery cans are stacked on the dock, likely empty ones awaiting return to the dairy farmers to be re-filled. A partial view of a late 1940's era car is visible parked at right.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Garage 1
Louis Odsather
Community Center Garage & Automobiles, Building
Image shows the large garage building in middle ground with an automobile parked in front of one of the bay doors. In foreground are two automobiles on soft ground, on with a rear wheel missing. Powerhouse smokestack producing smoke is in middle ground as is the roof of the warehouse. Lazy Mountain is seen in the far background.
Community Center, Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Garage 2
Co-op Garage
Image shows a large single story building, identified as the Co-op garage, in middle ground with a gravel street and many water puddles in foreground, a variety of automobiles parked in front of the building, and the Palmer water tower above it. Fuel tanks are visible at the left behind the building. Gas pumps are apparent at the right of the building, the smokestack from the powerhouse is visible at right and Lazy Mountain is apparent at the far right.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Garage 3
Community Center garage, to become known as the Co-op Garage, is nearing exterior completion
Palmer Community Center garage nearing exterior completion showing west side and south end
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Garage 4
Co-op Garage as it evolved into the 1940's. Several automobiles are parked adjacent, signs are evident, and the water tower is prominent.
The Co-op Garage as it evolved into the 1940's, including a gas station, signage and parking. Several automobiles are present as is the water tower evident behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Store 1
The hard goods department of the co-op store thought to be as it was established in the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street.
Image shows the dry goods section of the Co-op Store thought to occupy the vacated warehouse and moved from the Trading Post across the street. Nick Nichols stands at left. A clerk and two other women are also visible. Stairs are seen at left leading to the upper floor. Decorative streamers are strung from the overhead lights, possibly indicating celebration of the recent move.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Store 2
Christmas-time business is being conducted in the drygoods department of the Co-op Store.
This image is an interior view of the Co-op store drygoods department after the store moved into the vacated warehouse building from the Trading Post in 1940. Four women are visible, two shoppers and two employees, including Colonist Irene Benson, Manager, at far right.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Store 3
People crowd the recently opened Co-op Store in its new location of the old warehouse as they prepare for Christmas.
Christmas ornaments decorate the Drygoods department of the Co-op Store while several men and women and a child shop and two clerks check out the purchases and wrap the presents.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Warehouse 1
A man pushes a dolly with five sacks of feed to the warehouse loading dock as a rail car stands next to the warehouse deck.
The image is of the front door and deck of the new warehouse showing notices posted on the front door, the decking along the side, the post and rail at the top of the steps leading up to the deck and front door, and a man bringing a dolly loaded with sacks feed forward to the loading dock. A rail car is visible next to the deck at right.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Warehouse 2
Storage space (empty) and construction details of the Co-op Warehouse are evident.
This view shows the storage area (empty) in the attic of the warehouse and construction details of the building.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Warehouse 3
This image shows some of the now empty pipe storage bins after the Co-op Warehouse was closed.
This image is of some of the long (deep) wooden storage bins in the Co-op Warehouse used to hold the stock of pipes and other long items.
Palmer, Alaska
Co-op Warehouse 4
A large array of wooden parts bins sits empty following closure of the Co-op Warehouse
The image is of an array of empty wooden bins of various sizes in the Co-op Warehouse used to hold small items and parts.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Barn 6
Dick Estelle
The Colony barn on tract #152 stands where it was moved to in order to allow the Glenn Highway to cut straight through Bailey Hill. The view is also prior to changes made to the barn for the facilities to qualify as a "Grade A Dairy" in the mid 1950's.
This photo is a foreground view of the east end and south side of the Colony barn constructed on the Bailey Colony farm on tract #152. Standing at the southwest corner of the barn is a wooden silo reaching up above the lower edge of the roof. The lower part of the barn, constructed of spruce logs, has been covered in this case with boards. The south wall exhibits an open doorway and two clear windows. A third window is mostly covered by the silo. The roofing paper on the roof is covered with numerous wood strips to reinforce against the strong valley winds. A young bull calf stands in front of the barn and a good deal of lumber and other miscellaneous material is visible at the right of the barn. Talkeetna Mountains are faintly visible in background.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Barn Under Construction 3
Hewitts Photo Shop
A typical Matanuska Colony barn is under construction and almost complete. Scaffolding is still in place and roofing paper is yet to be applied.
Image is a front and left side view of a typical Matanuska Colony barn under construction and almost completed. Scaffolding is still in place and roofing paper is yet to be applied.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Barns 1
Unknown press photo
Two Colony barns on a dairy farm.
Press photo image shows several dairy cows gathered in front of a typical Colony chicken house and another building. Two Colony barns are prominent behind the other buildings. Heavy forest and Lazy Mountain are visible beyond under a partly cloudy sky.
Matanuska Valley south of Palmer, Alaska
Colony Barns 2
View of the front of the Sjodin Colony barn with the Dutch door open and the lower hay mow door open.
A brown-tinted image of the front of the typical Colony barn on the Sjodin farm.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Barns 3
Colonist's Allen & Leonora's barn and two cows
Image is of the barn of Colonists Allen & Leanora Frederick and their two cows.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Barns 4
Richard Estelle
A Colony barn stands on the Estelle family farm with several young cows penned close by and stacks of hay visible.
Image is of the Colony barn on tract #152, original to Ferber Bailey and then Howard Estelle. Shown on its final location after having been moved to allow highway construction through Bailey Hill. Several young cows are evident penned near the barn and hay stacks are seen at left of the barn for winter feed.
Palmer Alaska
Colony Barns 5
Alaska Road Commission
A Colony barn shows loss of roofing paper to strong winter winds.
Image is a winter view across a vacant field at a typical Colony barn in middle ground right. The barn exhibits considerable missing roofing paper resulting from strong winter winds. Thick birch/spruce forest stands beyond the barn at far middle ground and the eastern mountains of the valley are faintly visible in left background. Ground is mostly clear of snow with small, scattered patches apparent. Location of the farm is unidentified.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Buildings 1
Ruth Bailey
Colony Pump House, Garage & Barn of Ferber & Ruth Bailey
Image is a winter, easterly view, of the barn, garage and pump house of Colonists Ferber & Ruth Bailey, located on Tract # 152. A two-story hexagonal tower at the back of the pump house is identified as the water tank enclosure. The barn is at its original location before it was moved to make way for the highway construction cut straitening the Glen Highway up Bailey Hill.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Buildings 2
Ruth Bailey
Colony Pump House & Barn of Ferber & Ruth Bailey
Image is a winter scene of a small white, single story building in foreground, identified as the pump house of Colonists Ferber & Ruth Bailey, located on Tract # 152. A two-story hexagonal tower at the back of the pump house is identified as the water tank enclosure. Part of the barn is visible behind the pump house at its original location before it was moved to make way for the highway construction cut straitening the Glen Highway up Bailey Hill.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Construction Headquarters 1
Matanuska Colony construction headquarters building
Image shows the first log building constructed by the transient workers employed to build the new buildings associated with the Matanuska Colony. The building was thought to have been disassembled and reassembled as a training exercise for the workers, and then served as the headquarters for the rest of the construction activities. A bus is apparent in foreground with two passengers visible inside, two other men are nearby. A power pole is in foreground and the American flag flies on a tall pole over the building. Tents are partially visible. Heavy forest forms a backdrop behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Construction Headquarters 2
Matanuska Colony construction headquarters building
Image shows the first log building constructed by the transient workers employed to build the new buildings associated with the Matanuska Colony. The building was thought to have been disassembled and reassembled as a training exercise for the workers, and then served as the headquarters for the rest of the construction activities. The American flag flies on a tall pole over the building. A low log fence encloses the yard. Tents are apparent on both sides of the building. Heavy forest forms a backdrop behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Construction Headquarters 3
Matanuska Colony construction headquarters building
Image shows the first log building constructed by the transient workers employed to build the new buildings associated with the Matanuska Colony. The building was thought to have been disassembled and reassembled as a training exercise for the workers, and then served as the headquarters for the rest of the construction activities. A low log fence encloses the front yard. A tent is partially visible at right.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Construction Headquarters 4
Hewitts Photo Shop
Matanuska Colony construction headquarters building
Image shows the first log building constructed by the transient workers employed to build the new buildings associated with the Matanuska Colony. The building was thought to have been disassembled and reassembled as a training exercise for the workers, and then served as the headquarters for the rest of the construction activities. The American flag flies above the building on a high mast. A tent is partially visible at left and a man is standing nearby.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Family 1
Associated Press
Colonists Vernon & Pearl Olmstead and their two children at their new log home.
Image is of Colonists Vernon and Pearl Olmstead with their children Jane and Gerald, and the family dog, in front of their new log home located on tract #28 near the Matanuska Experiment Farm. They were reported to be the first Colonists to move from their tents into their new home in 1935. The squared logs used in construction were milled at a sawmill set up not far away near Camp 2.
Matanuska, Alaska
Colony Farm 10
Thomas Kodagraph
Pippel Colony Farm
Image is a late summer view of a colony barn, well house and house with heavy cottonwood and birch forest beyond. A field of vegetables is at right with evidence that some crops have been harvested. The front of a truck is visible next to the barn. A horse is lying on the ground at right foreground. The farmstead is identified as that of Colonists Walt and Melva Pippel on tract #106 near Palmer, Alaska.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 12
Neil Miller
Neil & Margaret's first Colony farmstead
Image is a winter scene of Neil & Margaret Miller's first Colony farm on tract #155 along the Fishhook Road north of Palmer, Alaska. A typical Colony barn is apparent, a very atypical colonist house is visible, and an automobile is evident in the driveway.
Tract #155 north of Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 15
Matanuska Colony farmstead
Image shows a Colony farmstead of house, barn and outbuildings in middle ground framed by trees and brush in foreground. Talkeetna mountains form the background. Note on the reverse indicates the location is 25 miles west of Palmer. The name "Mrs. Amos Landis" is also written on the back.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Farm 16
Colony farm of Joe & Blanche Puhl
Image is a late summer view of a Colony log home, a barn under construction, and harvested hay stacked on stakes to dry in foreground. Scattered birch and cottonwood trees are in foreground and middle ground with heavy forest as the backdrop.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 18
Thomas Kodagraph
A Colony farmstead house, barn and outbuildings with haystacks and fence in foreground
Image is of a Colony farmstead showing the house, barn and outbuildings in middle ground with a fence and numerous haystacks in foreground. Birch and spruce forest forms the backdrop.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Farm 19
Colony home and outbuildings of Walt & Melva Pippel
Image is of Colonists Walt and Melva Pippel’s frame house and two outbuildings. Row crops are in foreground and beyond the buildings. A wood pile is apparent. A road is visible beyond the house, this being the Fishhook Road leading at left to Hatcher Pass and the gold mines. Beyond the road is a heavily forested ridge formed of wind-blown soil from the Matanuska River unseen just beyond. The Glenn Highway was later located on this ridge.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 20
Colony farm and fields of harvested grain in shocks at the base of Bodenburg Butte
Image is a fall view across fields of harvested and shocked grain to a Colony farmstead, identified as belonging to Colonists Ingolf and Agnes Sandvik. Bodenbutg Butte rises prominently to the left and other mountains to the right.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska
Colony Farm 21
Ruth Bailey
View of Chris Anderson’s Colony farmstead and snow plow clearing the highway on Bailey Hill north of Palmer
Image is a winter scene of the Chris Anderson Colony farmstead, tract #113, as viewed from the Bailey farmstead, tract #152. A snow plow is visibly clearing snow from the main road leading north from Palmer as it crests Bailey Hill and passes between the two farms.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 22
A. Eide
Farmstead of Colonists Ferber & Ruth Bailey, Tract 152
Image is a summer view of a Matanuska Colony house, barn and outbuildings, identified as belonging to Colonists Ferber and Ruth Bailey on tract #152 located on the northern outskirts of Palmer. The foreground is a harvested grain field partially disked. The barn would later be moved forward past the house to allow the Glenn Highway to be straightened by cutting through “Bailey Hill” at the location where the barn is shown in this photo.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 23
View of Sandvik’s Colony farm near Bodenburg Butte with Pioneer Peak beyond
Image is a low oblique summer view of Ingolf and Agnes Sandvik’s Colony farmstead at the base of Bodenburg Butte south of Palmer. People are visible in the yard. Pioneer Peak, with remnant snow at elevation, forms the backdrop.
Matanuska Valley near Bodenburg Butte, Alaska
Colony Farm 24
Mel Anderson
Colony farm along Palmer Fishhook Road north of Palmer
Image is an easterly view of a red barn and other outbuildings of a Matanuska Colony farmstead located on tract #169 along the Palmer Fishhook Road north of Palmer. Snow-clad mountains form the prominent background
Near of Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 25
Union Oil Company
View of the Arvid & Edith Johnson Colony farm on Palmer Fishhook Road
Image is a late summer easterly view of a green hay field in foreground with an orange Colony barn and other farm buildings on Colony tract #169 in middle ground. Another Colony barn on tract #112 is visible beyond. Patches of uncut forest are apparent. Lazy Mountain and Beyers Peak, dusted with new snow, are in background with clouds overhead.
Near Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 26
Ray & Edna Rebarchek’s Colony Farm on Tract #52
Image is a summer view of the Colony barn and outbuildings of Ray & Edna Rebarchek on Tract #52 south of Palmer. Included are two smaller log structures and two concrete silos are visible. A gas pump is in foreground. A Ford pickup, two tractors and a hay baler are evident.
South of Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 27
Rebarchek farmstead house, barn and farm equipment.
Image shows the Rebarchek farmstead including the house, barn, outbuildings, two tractors, mower, tedder and hay bailer.
On Rebarchek Road south of Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 28
Clarence Sjodin
"Jr." Sjodin and his dog stand in the snow on the Sjodin farmstead with the Colony barn and chicken coop behind.
Image shows "Jr." Sjodin and his dog in a winter scene in the Sjodin farmstead with the barn and chicken coop behind.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 29
Clarence Sjodin
A single-story log house is in foreground with a typical Colony barn beyond. An automobile is partly visible parked behind the house.
Image shows a log Colony house in foreground and typical Colony barn behind. A four-door sedan is partly visible parked behind the house.
Palmer, Alaska
Colony Farm 30
Winter view of a Colony farmstead
Winter view is of a colony farmstead, identified as that of the Allen Frederick family, including a colony house, barn and several outbuildings, with a backdrop of snow-clad mountains and trees. Snow on the ground.
Matanuska Valley, Alaska