Mine 13, Premier

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid

Alaska Road Commission


Cookman Collection #1

Time Period

September 10, 1930


Image is a summer view of several mine buildings arrayed at the base of a steep gravel hillside at near middle ground. A narrow-gauge rail track runs from left foreground to a high-roofed structure at the left end of visible buildings, apparently the entrance to the mine. This track is supported by a collection of rough ties and is paralleled on the right by a wide, low deposit of light-colored broken rock. A rail track is visible running parallel to the buildings at middle ground with a rail car at extreme left on it and a speeder car on the rail at center. Two plumes of white steam or smoke arise from small buildings at center and a larger building with a large, tall smokestack occupies the rest of the building array visible at right. Two men in white shirts are visible standing at center near the large building, a third leans on a pole nearby, and three or four sit at extreme right.


Moose Creek Valley, Alaska


Black & White Paper Tinted Print, 3-3/4" x 5-3/4"



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Cookman Collection #1

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