Alaska Road Commission
Time Period

Cookman Collection #1

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid
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Cookman Collection #1

The total Cookman Collection of 464 images came to the Museum from the family of Jack Cookman who salvaged the albums from a dumpster destined to be emptied at the landfill. Photos show projects undertaken by the Alaska Road Commission in Southcentral Alaska during the 1930's. The collection is presented here in two parts. Cookman Collection #1 covers significant road and bridge projects in and around the Matanuska Valley. Cookman Collection #2 includes activities in the Anchorage area and miscellaneous features in both locations. Notes on the photos often include a code identifying the road route being shown. An attempt is made to relate these codes to current road names where possible.

Image is of a wide stream in foreground with a log stringer bridge crossing it in middle ground.  The bridge is composed of two long spruce logs lying from bank to bank, with smaller logs lying parallel between them.  Smaller short logs lie across the center logs to form the running surface.  The view from mid-stream, looking downstream, shows alder brush and heavy spruce and birch forest occupying all the mid and background.
Image shows a portion of a wooden bridge under construction across a frozen stream.  Pilings and bracing are in place with support logs attached to the tops of pilings ready to accept decking not yet in place.  Three people, apparently a woman and two children, stand on the ground at the extreme right of the bridge.  Alder brush and scattered spruce trees form the backdrop.  Ice and protruding rocks of the frozen stream form the foreground.
Image is an oblique view looking east at the bridge under construction showing the "falsework" pilings with bracing and log supports for decking on top.  Middle ground beyond the bridge is open with heavy spruce forest beyond.
Image is a view to the west looking down the length of the bridge under construction in fore ground.  Falsework is in place with cross logs prominently on top.  A man stands at the far end of the bridge looking toward the camera.  Another man nearby is sitting on a small cat tractor.  Two cables and a logging chain are draped over the top logs of the bridge, presumably used to draw timbers onto the bridge.  Mixed spruce and birch forest form the background.
Image is a dark stream-bed side view of the near-complete bridge.  The falsework beneath the bridge is removed and the top-side wooden truss side structure appears complete.  Three men are visible working on the deck.  Snow covers the ground.
Image is a summer side view of the completed bridge viewed from upstream.  Water of Deception Creek running bank-full is in foreground with brush on both sides.  The bridge is across the stream at middle ground with birch forest behind.
Image is of a man in a square-end flat-bottom boat in the water of Eagle River.  The man is pulling on a double rope set-up to allow movement of the boat across the river to ferry men and material across as needed. Some clearing of vegetation and hand work of soil is visible on the far shore.  Birch forest with interspersed spruce covers the land from stream bank to background skyline.
Image is an elevated view of the new bridge location showing the forms for the south buttress in immediate foreground.  The river flows from right to left across the middle ground with a temporary log stringer foot bridge crossing.  Three men are evident working on the south end of the log bridge.  Two other men stand close to the wooden form in foreground, presumably carpenters building the forms, as sawhorses, lumber, and tool boxes are visible nearby at right.  Snow covers the ground.
Image is a close view of the wooden form being constructed to contain the concrete to be poured to form the south buttress pier to support the bridge.  Close inspection revels at least four men working inside and outside the form.  Snow covers the ground.
Image is a winter view with snow on the ground, looking upstream along the boulder-strewn south shore of the flowing river.  A two-plank board walk is evident from the camera viewpoint along the shore to a far middle ground point where four men are working, apparently at a gravel pit.  Another man is walking on the boardwalk in near middle ground.  Snow-covered trees and brush form the backdrop on both sides of the stream.
Image is a winter view downstream from the gravel pit area with flowing water taking up most of the foreground and near middle ground.  At far left is the boardwalk leading to the south pier area with several men visible preparing the south support pier in middle ground.  The log stringer bridge across the stream in middle ground  is visible as is some excavation work on the north side of the river for the north end pier.  Winter mixed forest forms the backdrop on both sides of the river.
Image is an elevated view from the hill at the north end of the bridge looking south at the completed "falsework" and beginning work on placing the permanent support beams for the bridge.  At left foreground appear the end portion of two large beams and at right is a stack of short beams.  One long beam and several of the shorter beams are visible lying on the log falsework of the bridge where four men are at work.  Part of an approach road to the south end work area is visible.  Snow covers the ground.  A hill is prominent beyond in near background and the thin second growth trees on it make it appear decidedly hairy.
This winter view shows the wooden truss bridge structure complete atop the falsework still in place.  Decking and side rail work remains to be completed.  Snow covers all.  Two people are visible below the bridge at left.
This summer oblique view of the upstream side looking south shows the completed bridge with the trusses, decking, and side rails in place and the falsework removed.  Taken from the north side hill, the river is visible below, part of the south support pier is visible, and tree-covered hills beyond are in leaf.  A pile of short timbers is apparent in immediate foreground and at near right stands a scaffold structure that may have been used in setting the trusses.
Cover for Eklutna River bridge series.
This early spring low oblique image shows the Eklutna River flowing from lower left to center of the photo and bending back to the left.  The river is open with snowbanks on shore along both banks.  A patch of trees on both sides of the river is apparent with a large muskeg at right middle ground.  Heavy forest forms the background beyond the muskeg.  At water level on the river bend is a narrow foot bridge appearing very temporary.  A person can be seen on the bridge.
Image is a downstream view of the proposed bridge site showing the river flowing between canyon walls with a temporary foot bridge visible in middle ground.  Patches of snow are still visible along the river bank.
Image is a downstream view of Eklutna River in center foreground.  The righthand canyon wall atop which the north end of the new bridge will sit is in middle ground.  The existing foot bridge below the cliff is visible.  Snow lines the banks of the river.  Two large spruce trees are prominent on top of the cliff at right and trees line the river bank in the background.
Image is an upstream view of the new bridge site showing the north cliff face at left middle ground with a piling and decking structure supporting the "Traveler" crane that will place the steel and other heavy material.  Two concrete footings are visible on the rock face below the Traveler.  An improved foot bridge crossing the river is apparent in middle ground.  A waterfall is visible entering the river on the far bank in background just where the river turns to the right out of sight.
Image is a river level view of the north shore cliff face location of the north end of the bridge.  The temporary foot bridge over the river is partially visible in foreground leading to two concrete piers with steel connecting brackets in place hard against the cliff face ready for steel bridge members to connect.  Directly above, on top of the rock bluff, is a wood post and beam bridge approach structure atop which sits the "Traveler"--the traveling erector machine, ready to set steel in place for the north half of the bridge.
Image is a downstream view taken from the bluff east of the bridge site.  The riverbed occupies most of the foreground and middle ground center of the photo with heavy forest on the shore.  The complete north half of the arch bridge extends from the right over the river at approximately the same level as the photographer's position.  The "Traveler" sits at the left end of the span and is seen lowering a beam to waiting men on the south side of the river.  Several other men are visible on the bridge deck preparing additional material to be transferred to the staging site below.  Based on the dated photos, it took six days to complete construction of the north steel span.
Image is a view of the finished north half of the bridge taken from water level downstream of the bridge site with the structure suspender overhead.  River water occupies most of the foreground, with rock cliffs prominent on the north side of the river in middle ground.   The "Traveler" has been lowered to the south side staging area to be hauled up to the beginning of the south half of the bridge.
This image is of four men operating the "Traveler"--the machine used to place the steel and heavy timbers--on the south half of the bridge.  As construction progresses it "travels" by pulling itself forward, sliding on temporary decking.  It appears that this machine is hand operated by manipulating a series of gears, mostly obscured by the men, that control the operating cables.
Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge seen from the north side of the river.  The "Traveler" sits atop the south section near the center of the bridge.  The steel arch members have been joined at the center into what the caption calls a "3 hinge arch."  The decking is not yet complete between both north and south sections.  Portions of the river are visible below the river in middle ground and mountains are apparent in background.
Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge showing the north and south sections fully connected into what the caption calls a "2 hinge arch."  (Why this differs from photo #9 is unclear).  The "Traveler" is no longer evident.  Side railing on the north section of the deck is largely complete and several men are visible working on the southside deck.  Small portions of the river are visible in middle ground under the bridge.  A tent roof is visible at left in middle ground and mountains are obvious in background.
Image is a view from down river looking at the bridge in middle ground with the cliffs on both sides of the river evident below the bridge.  A rounded, pyramid-shaped mountain is prominent in background. River water occupies much of the foreground and it's obvious that the channel has been widened by bulldozing gravel from the channel into a substantial berm along the left bank.  Part of a temporary access road to the south staging area below the bridge appears to be evident at right. The steel portion of the bridge is complete and the side railing is in place on the north section.
Image is a view from in the river north shore slightly upstream of the bridge.  The completed bridge is high overhead with two men visible on the deck at extreme left.  View down river under the bridge shows heavy forest on the right-side shore in background and brush-covered hill just beyond the bridge at left middle ground.
Image is a low oblique view taken from the bluff upriver from the bridge looking at the river below in foreground and middle ground with the completed bridge across the river in middle ground.  Two people are visible on the bridge.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop across the river in background.
Image is a view of the bridge at eye level from the north shore bluff upstream.  Most of the span is prominent in middle ground spanning right to left with the river in foreground and middle ground below.  Three people are visible standing on the completed bridge.
Image is a view down the length of the upstream side of the bridge taken from the bluff at the north end.  The deck and steel members are seen at right foreground, proceeding to the far end in middle ground.  The south end of the steel arch connection to the concrete buttress pillars is visible.  Three men are visible on the deck.  A short section of the river is visible below the bridge.  Two power poles are visible above the brush beyond the bridge.
Logs are fashioned into a long sled lying crosswise across the image.  Several men are visible on and around the sled, or "freighting skids", that will be used to move the construction derrick while building the Knik River bridge.  A cat tractor is visible at right, ready to pull the skids to the bridge site.
A two-horse team is seen pulling logs in shallow water from right to left.  One man is walking in the water and driving the team while another man at extreme right rides the floating logs and guides them with a paddle.  Trees and brush are apparent on the riverbank in background.
Several men, two cat tractors and the derrick are seen installing temporary "falsework" pilings and decking on the bridge north approach.  Gravel riverbed forms the foreground with heavy forest in background.
Three men are working on a cat tractor on the temporary approach deck to operate the derrick at left to drive "falsework" pilings.  Two other men stand below on the riverbed.  A pile of deck timbers is visible on the riverbed on the far side of the structure.
Image is a northerly view across the Knik River from the south shore location of the imminent bridge south abutment.  Tree stumps are in immediate foreground, river water fills the center middle ground with the beginning bridge work visible on the far shore.  Heavy forest forms the far river boundary with Bodenburg Butte visible in background.
Image is a view of the north approach and bridge falsework from downstream looking upstream.  The derrick is seen at far right driving pilings.  At left another steam engine machine is visible setting sheet pilings to form footings for concrete pier #1.  Extensive gravel riverbed forms the foreground and a forested mountainside forms the backdrop.
Image is of a steam powered derrick positioned on the north approach to the bridge where it is setting steel sheet pilings for construction of the concrete pier #1.
Image shows the steam-powered derrick setting steel sheet pilings to form footings for the concrete pier #1 at the north end of the steel bridge.
Image is of steel sheet pilings being driven into the riverbed next to wooden pilings of the bridge.  The view is from below standing on the riverbed.  A cloud of steam is apparent escaping from the driving head.
Image shows the piledriver in position to continue driving "falsework" pilings into the riverbed below the water level.  Seven men are visible on or near the machine.  The boiler and engine are not yet enclosed.  A skiff with outboard motor is at the shoreline at left with two of the men standing on shore nearby.  River water is apparent in foreground and a portion of a forested mountain forms the near background.
Image is of the piledriver over the river gravel bar at the hole excavated in preparation to drive sheet pilings for footings of concrete pier #1.  A pile of gravel from the hole is in foreground next to the bridge pilings supporting the machine.  Two men are building the enclosure of the boiler and machine works at right.  Two other men are visible at the derrick.
Image is an oblique view of the downstream side of the "falsework" in the river.  The piledriver is visible on the falsework deck through a white cloud of steam.  Logs to be used for pilings are apparent on the gravel bar in foreground.  Two men are at left at the end of the logs.  The river is apparent across the middle ground with the forested mountainside forming the close background.
Image is of the collapsed piledriver derrick that failed while excavating for pier footing construction.  The derrick timbers are visible collapsed to the gravel below the deck with the guide wheel on the deck.  The clamshell bucket is lying on the gravel below.  Two men are visible inside the machinery house partly visible at upper left, two are on the deck near the steel guide wheel, and one is astraddle the broken beam below the wheel.  Lumber and scattered boards are apparent in foreground.
Four men in foreground are working on the collapsed derrick on the bridge deck.  The steel wheel is prominent at left.  Three other men are visible inside the machine shed beyond.
Two men assess the damage of the collapsed derrick from the "falsework" deck.  The steel wheel is prominent as are the heavy deck beams in foreground.  Two other men are visible at far right on the ground.  Gravel of the river bar below the deck appears to be much disturbed by a cat tractor.
Image shows high water overtopping the north approach to the bridge as seen from the bridge looking north.  Piles of lumber and two piles of burlap bags, perhaps filled with sand, sit in the water in foreground.  The gravel bar in middle ground is above water.  The forest beyond shows a cleared roadway in line with the bridge and appears to have a car parked in it.  A couple of white tents are located just inside the timber fringe.
Viewed from downriver, the piledriver is seen operating a clamshell bucket atop the "falsework" and is excavating a hole for concrete pier #2.  Two men stand on the deck to the right watching the action.  At left, men are visible working around the pier #1 location.
Image is of the derrick excavating the hole for pier #2 as viewed from the gravel riverbed below.  The derrick is using a clamshell bucket, seen ready to drop a load of gravel on the pile beside the pilings below.  Two men are visible, one at ground level near the excavation and the other up on the deck at the derrick.  The piledriver is visible on the deck behind the derrick.  The expanse of river gravel in foreground holds scattered lumber, a gas barrel and logs.
Image viewed from ground level in late afternoon shows the falsework pilings and wooden forms that will contain concrete pier #1.  Two men are visible up on the deck.
Image is a vertical view down onto the concrete footing for pier #1.  A square wooden frame approximately 10 feet square surrounds the interlocking steel pilings that contain the concrete.  The sheet piles cross section is visible.
Image shows a crew and equipment on the bridge deck pouring the concrete footing for pier #1.  The view is from ground level on the downriver side.  A man on a cat tractor at left controls the cable that raises and lowers the concrete bucket seen at right.  Behind the cat is a dump truck bringing, sand, gravel and bags of cement to the men and concrete mixer at center right.  The mixed concrete is poured into the bucket and released down the tube to the target form.
Image is of a crew on the temporary bridge setting up the concrete bucket and tube for pouring the footing for pier #1.  The view is from ground level below the activity.  Two men are on the deck while three others are on scaffolding below adjusting the bucket and tube.  The concrete mixer is visible at upper left as well as the chute for carrying the concrete over to the bucket.
Image is an oblique view of the piledriver in middle ground preparing to be moved along a road by skidding it on "go-devil" sleds.  Several short logs and small rustic tables are in foreground.  At left is the driver "house" with a man standing in the rear opening.  To the right is the derrick with two cat tractors farther to the right in front.  A man is walking toward them.  Heavy spruce forest forms the background beyond the road.
Image shows a crew mixing and pouring concrete to form pier #1.  The pier form is wrapped in canvas and a "heating unit" appears to be installed above to keep the concrete from freezing while it cures.  Two trucks are on the deck delivering sand and gravel, sacks of cement are visible stacked on the deck and empty, discarded sacks are seen on the ground below.  Gravel piles and logs are visible in foreground.
Image is a side view from upstream showing the piledriver setting "bearing pilings" for the footing of pier #4.  Three men are visible attending the pilings being driven and black smoke escapes the driver as it hammers the pilings down.
Image shows a pile of sand and gravel, partially covered with a tarp, in middle ground on the gravel riverbed.  Adjacent, to the left, are two steam heating unites apparently used to keep the aggregate pile from freezing.  A covering of frost or light snow is over the foreground gravel and background trees.
This view shows a power shovel at right poised at the edge of the aggregate pile, which has been opened and is steaming in the cold air.  Material has obviously been previously removed.  At left is the heating unit keeping the partially covered aggregate from freezing.  A man is visible beside the heater and smoke rises from the stack.  Light snow covers the ground.
This overhead view is of men below the bridge in the foreground on the river ice before the overflow event occurred which disrupted the work.  They are constructing forms for use in building the concrete piers of the bridge.  Six men are visible.  Close inspection reveals their personal carpentry toolboxes on the ground nearby.  A burn barrel is also evident.  Middle ground shows the frozen river with indications of the road constructed on the far shore.  Steam from activity on the bridge at left drifts across the top of the image.
Three men are shown shoveling at the bottom of a large hole in preparation for constructing the concrete abutment, probably at the south end of the bridge.  Minimal boards are evident shoring up the hole's sides.  Light snow covers the ground surface at least twenty feet above the bottom of the hole.
Image is of the construction of forms in preparation for pouring one of the concrete piers.  The view is from ground level showing the falsework deck and pilings, and the framework for raising the forms.  Three men are evident, one on the ground and two up on the form adding exterior bracing.  Light snow is on the ground.
Image is of three men on the bridge deck in the process of pouring concrete from the bucket down a chute to form pier #5 below.  At left is the heating unit with canvas covering most of it but with the stack partly visible.  Large planks are in the foreground.  A fourth man is visible in background.
Image is of a dump truck standing in ice-covered water with a load of gravel and a man visible in the bed.  At right the pile of aggregate from which the truck is hauling is partially visible.  The water is overflow from the river covering the gravel bar below the bridge where much of the staging work was taking place prior to the flooding.
Image shows two dump trucks in middle ground on the river ice hauling sand and gravel to the bridge site.  In background the bridge is visible with sections of the final steel structure under construction at left.  Snow-covered mountains are in far background.
Image shows two men working to free a cat tractor in foreground which has broken through overflow ice.  Behind is a west side view of the north approach of the bridge and a portion of the falsework for the future steel bridge structure.  A dump truck is visible atop the bridge at right.
Image shows four men in the foreground working to free a cat tractor from where it has broken through river ice in this view upstream from the bridge site.  The cat is submerged to well over its tracks.  Another tractor is visible on the ice beyond and a towing cable is faintly visible between the two vehicles.  Several wooden planks lie on the ice at left.  A crosscut saw is visible leaning on the sunken cat.  Faint sections of gravel and forested riverbank are visible in background.
Two men stand at right foreground looking at large frozen chunks of gravel around a hole excavated to receive a piling.  A portion of a piling is lying on the ground beside the hole.  Heavy forest is visible on the river shore at middle ground and mountains are visible in background.
Three men in foreground at right are guiding a wooden piling into a large excavation.  Tools in evidence include two peavey's and a hand shovel.  Other pilings are visible lying on the snow-covered ground.
Image is an oblique view of the down-river side of the bridge showing the completed "falsework" in place from the north approach to the south river bank.  The foreground is an expanse of river gravel with lumber piles on it at middle ground near the bridge which extends across the middle ground view.  The piledriver and derrick sit atop the bridge with two plumes of steam rising from the derrick.  The forested mountain fills the backdrop.
Image is an elevated view of the bridge falsework in place taken from the mountainside upstream from the south end of the bridge.  The piledriver sits on the approach at right under a cloud of white steam.  Falsework pilings are in place for the length of the bridge, but temporary decking from the right appears to be complete for less than half the distance.  Spruce trees are in foreground, the ice-covered river forms much of the middle ground.  Gravel bars form the far side of the riverbed with heavy forest on the far shore and fog above.
Image is on top of the bridge deck showing two trucks side by side, two small buildings, and a smokestack emitting dark smoke.  The setting appears to be a temporary widening of the deck to accommodate the two trucks and building across its width.  One truck is also elevated on a ramp.   The smokestack is likely associated with heating and mixing the concrete.  A light covering of snow is apparent.
Image is a winter night view from the future roadway at the south end of the bridge showing the down-stream side of the completed "Falsework".  The derrick sits at the near end of the deck with work lights along the length of the bridge showing as bright starbursts.  Snow is apparent and a tree trunk stands at left in foreground.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are evident in background.
Image is a winter night view of the completed "falsework" taken from the snow-covered roadway along the south side of the river down-stream of the bridge.   A small clump of trees is in foreground with the frozen river beyond.  The bridgework extends across the middle ground with snow-covered mountains in background.
The view from the riverbed on the down-river side of the bridge shows one completed steel span and one partially completed span.  A large, jumbled pile of broken and bent pilings and decking lies on the ground near the end of the unfinished span as a result of the derrick being blown over during a storm.  The foreground appears to be overflow water from the river.
Image is a downstream view of the wrecked derrick and bridge falsework resulting from a storm that tipped the derrick off the bridge.  Broken beams, tipped pilings and a section of the bridge deck are lying in a heap on the gravel river bar in foreground with the damaged bridge behind.  The mountainside forms the backdrop.
This is a deck-top view looking north and shows the gap in falsework decking in foreground resulting from what was carried away with the derrick when the wind blew the derrick off the bridge.  Steel work in place for the second span when the storm hit is visibly out of alignment as a result of the high winds.  Heavy forest on the north shore of the river is evident and Bodenburg Butte is partially visible in background.
Image shows a considerable amount of post, beam and lumber construction supporting a concrete making effort to pour the south bridge footing.  A dump truck is on a raised platform at right in the process of dumping aggregate down to the concrete mixing machine at center.  Several men are visible in this area. Two other men are seen at left.  Part of wooden structure appears to be covered with canvas at left, apparently to contain heat in the concrete while it cures.
Image is a winter view of completed steel span #1 at the north end of the bridge spanning most of the photo at middle ground, and the beginning work on span #2 at right.  Steel bridge members lie on the ground in foreground with two men standing just beyond.  Falsework has been removed from below span #1 with some of that material scattered on the ground.  The ground is snow-covered.
Image is a deck-level view at bridge span #1 looking north from the beginning structure of span #2.   Falsework decking and steel beams of span #2 are evident in foreground.  A tool shed is at middle ground on the deck of span #1.  The riverbed and shoreline trees are partially visible in background.
Image is an oblique air winter view of several tent structures scattered among trees of a mixed forest with snow-covered ground and white smoke rising from several chimneys.
A view from down-river looking north shows four completed steel bridge spans diagonally across the middle ground with the derrick constructing the fifth span at right. Several men are visible working on the fourth and fifth spans.  Bodenburg Butte is visible at far left.  The river bottom is covered with snow in foreground.  "Falsework" has been removed from the first span but remains under the others.
Image is a riverbed view mostly of the bridge falsework pilings in middle ground with some of the steel span work visible in upper left.  In foreground a man is apparent standing in overflow water next to a steel girder being lifted by cables from the deck above.  Another man is visible at left.  Snow covers the immediate foreground.
This view, taken from the riverbed, shows the narrow downstream side of one of the concrete piers centered in the foreground with a portion of two steel spans attaching to the top of the pier.  The sheet pile-enclosed footing at the base of the pier is evident, as is the rather detailed cap atop the pier.  Considerable lumber appears scattered in the snow at foreground.  Enlargement revels a cat tractor on the river ice behind the pier in middle ground.  Mountains form the near and far background.
This view from the riverbed looking north shows the bridge in an oblique fashion from upper right to left center of the image.  Four completed spans are visible with part of the sixth span close overhead.  Five major concrete piers are visible with the broad side of pier #5 fully visible in the foreground.  All the "falsework" has been removed.  A man standing beside pier #5 lends relative scale to the massive structure.  Part of the snow and ice-covered river is visible at right middle ground with heavy timber on the far shore.  Mountains are slightly visible in background.
Image is taken from the unfinished north bridge approach, looking south at deck level through the tunnel-like view of the completed steel structure.  In near foreground is an array of planks in temporary fashion allowing foot traffic on to the bridge.  The north end of steel span #1 is prominent.  The forested mountainside forms the background at the far end of the bridge.  Snow covers the ground.
This elevated view of the completed six bridge spans, taken from the mountainside on the south side of the river, shows the snow-covered river occupying most of the middle ground with the bridge crossing from left to right.  Two spruce trees are prominent in foreground with dark forested land on the far side of the river, all under a featureless sky.  Enlargement reveals the piledriver machine parked at the extreme right between the spruce tree and photo boarder.
This is an elevated view of the mostly complete bridge taken from the mountainside directly at the south end of the structure.  The total length of the steel portion is visible to the north side of the river, defined by a dark band of heavy forest.  Bodenburg Butte is evident beyond in direct line with the bridge.  Foreground is framed by several scraggly trees with the bridge in the center.  The south approach to the bridge is still under construction with scattered planks and canvas apparently covering recently poured concrete abutments.  The snow-covered river occupies most of the middle ground.  Foreground accumulation indicates a foot or so of snow depth.
This is an oblique summer view of the upstream side of the completed steel bridge from the south end to the north end.  A portion of the unfinished south approach is visible in foreground at left showing the concrete wing and various timbers and planks, including some to allow temporary access to the bridge deck.  Water in the river is low enough to expose rock around the footings.
Image is an oblique view of the downriver side of the bridge seen from the south end, including the temporary approach.  A car is prominent in foreground on a rough gravel road that takes a sharp curve to the left onto the approach.  The concrete wing wall and cribbing supporting temporary planks of the approach are visible in foreground.  A small cottonwood tree frames the image at left.  River water is low enough to expose rocks around the pier footings.  Heavy forest lines the river's far bank with Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain in the background.
Image shows a large flat area of gravel in foreground leading up to the south end of the bridge replacing the temporary approach.  A young man stands in the gravel area while looking at the camera.  The south end of the steel bridge stands in middle ground with the view down its length.  The river crosses from right to left in middle ground with gravel bank on the far side visible and heavy forest in background.
Image is an oblique view of the upstream side of the bridge with the south end connection to the land in foreground at left.  The finished gravel fill approach is evident with the front of an automobile visible as it approaches the bridge.  The bridge is obviously in use as of the photo's date.  River water is obviously high during the annual flood.
Image is an upstream view of the bridge from the north end showing flood waters covering the near foreground with several bushes and stumps partially above water.  The bridge extends across the view in middle ground with the long north approach coming from the right to attach to the steel spans receding to the south.  The forested mountain forms a backdrop in far middle ground with fog covering the upper slope.
This image shows the completed approach to the Knik River bridge as seen from the upstream side.  Foreground shows flood water with a bush, a stump, and part of a gravel pile showing above the water.  The bridge approach crosses the image at middle ground with the gravel embanked section at right leading to the piling-supported open wooden section at left.  A bus and a car are apparent on the gravel section proceeding north toward Palmer.  The steep forested mountainside is in background with early morning sun highlighting rugged ridges and a valley slide path.
This is the view taken hard against the upstream side of the north approach to the bridge.  It shows the piling-supported wooden approach section entering the image at right and receding to the steel spans in upper center.  Flood waters are visible from immediate foreground to the far side of the river.  Heavy forest covers the mountainside as the backdrop in far middle ground.
Image shows the well-used gravel road in immediate foreground as it turns onto the south end of the Knik River bridge.  The down-river view of the bridge shows the water level is high, likely as a result of the Lake George break-out up at the glacier.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.
This image shows a Ford dump truck parked in a rock quarry while two men standing at the rear of the truck prepare to load rocks into it.  Rocks of all sizes are scattered around in the photo with larger ones in place on the hill behind the truck.  The apparent nature of the rock source suggest it may be the bottom of a landslide on the mountain near the bridge.  The large rocks will be hauled to the Knik River bridge and placed to provide protection for the concrete bridge piers.
This image shows a large boulder being lifted for loading onto the bed of a truck.  A chain is visible around the rock and attached to an overhead pully on a suspended cable.  The rear of the truck is apparent at left with the light-colored boulder suspended behind it.  A long-handled hand shovel is visible at right with gravel and angular rock close in front and back of the truck.  Broken tree limbs and debris on the rock pile in middle ground suggest this rock source is a landslide on Pioneer Peak near the Knik River bridge.
This image is of a dump truck parked at the location of many large boulders and rocky debris.  A large boulder, suspended from a cable, is being loaded onto the bed of the truck.  Smaller fractured rock and woody debris is visible in foreground and heavy forest is on the steep slope closely behind the truck.
Despite the caption "Loading Rock", this image is in fact a ground-level view up to the deck of the north bridge approach showing a dump truck loaded with two large boulders in the process of tipping the dump bed to deposit the rocks onto the rock pile below.  This shows the beginning of the rock fill portion of the north approach where it connected with the wooden bridge portion.
Image is a ground-level view of the large boulders placed on the upstream side of the north bridge approach connection between the wooden bridge portion and the rock fill section to protect from high water erosion.
Image is a ground-level view of the north approach rock fill section under construction.  Large boulders are placed on the upstream side at center left with fill material placement is partially complete to the right.  Two men are visible, presumably to assist in placement and unloading of additional fill.  Part of the approach downstream guard rail is visible as is part of the first steel span.  A fog-capped section of the mountainside is visible in background to the south.
Image shows a mechanical shovel and two dump trucks in foreground at a location on the river bar from which they are hauling gravel, likely for fill to finish the approaches to the bridge.  Heavy forest is just beyond in middle ground and up the mountain slope in background.
Image shows a cat tractor in foreground spreading rock fill at the base of a steep forested hill side at right. The caption indicates this activity is preparing the road connection and approach to the south end of the bridge.
Image is of two men in center foreground loading rock into the bed of a dump truck.  A crane, in near foreground, has lifted a heavy wooden platform topped with several medium-sized rocks as the men guide it over the truck bed.  Previously the platform was set on the ground and loaded by hand with rocks from the pile partially visible at right.  The platform was then lifted over the side of the truck bed as seen here. and lowered down to the sideboard.  The platform is attached to the crane with permanent cables on the right side and removable chains on the left.  When the platform is settled on the edge of the truck, the chains will be unhooked and the right-side cables will be lifted to tip the rocks off into the truck bed.  An empty dump truck is visible further down the road at right.
Image is of armor rocks being loaded onto a dump truck by a crane partially visible at right foreground.  The open truck bed is facing the camera at center and large angular rocks are being dumped into it from a wooden platform at right used by the crane to transport them from the ground.  A man stands at left watching the action.  The south approach and part of the steel bridge are visible at far left.
This image shows a dump truck in foreground, parked crosswise on the completed bridge, backed up to the upstream-side rail and, with its raised bed, dumping armor rock over the side.
This is a vertical image taken from river-bed level showing a frozen pool and gravel in near foreground and one of the concrete piers with armor rock piled around and near the footing.  Atop the pier a section of the bridge deck is visible with a dump truck poised between the girders to dump its load of rock over the side to add to the accumulation below.  A man is visible standing next to the truck.
Cover for Matanuska Bridge series
Image is looking across the Matanuska River at the bank location of the north end of the steel bridge across the river to be constructed in 1934. A high rock face is partially visible at left with lower rock exposure at the construction site.  A wooden tower is visible at right that appears to anchor a cross-river cable.  Heavy forest cover forms the near middle ground with river water and gravel bar in foreground.
Image is of several white wall tents in a forested setting comprising part of the camp associated with construction of the steel bridge across the Matanuska River east of Palmer.
Image is of two small enclosed structures used in building the bridge, one in foreground containing pumps, the other, behind with an a-frame attached, used in driving pilings and setting timbers.  They are staged on the snow-covered river bar at the south end of the bridge site.  A couple of tents are visible up on the bank in the trees beyond.
Material and equipment needed for building the bridge are staged on the snow-covered gravel bar at the south end of the planned bridge.  Tents are visible in middle ground next to a small rock bluff with trees beyond.
Image shows the piledriver machine positioned on the platform atop the temporary pilings it has previously driven into the river bed as it positions additional platform members ahead to allow it to move forward.
Image is of two men using hand shovels to prepare the site of the north pier of the bridge for construction of the forms and placement of the concrete to buttress the steel structure.
Image shows men pouring concrete to form the bridge abutments and pier for the new Matanuska River bridge.  Shown are several men standing around a concrete mixer in the upper right portion of the photo, a wooden chute leading from the mixer down to the form in lower left.
Image shows the north buttress concrete pour, dug into solid rock and covered with canvas for the concrete to cure with planks lying on top to keep the canvas in place.  The caption is corrected to identify that this is the north end of the bridge as it is positioned on the ground even though the road from that point may orient generally in a southerly direction.
Image shows the concrete buttress at the north end of the bridge with the canvas pulled back and a man working to ready it for the next stage of construction.  Water or steam pipes and bridge timbers are apparent in foreground.
Image shows permanent pilings at the south end of the bridge that lead up to the concrete pier that will support the south end of the steel structure.  The concrete in the pier has apparently recently been poured and is wrapped in canvas to contain the steam that is introduced to keep it from freezing until it cures.  A steam pipe is visible on the ground running from left to the base of the pier and steam is rising from the pier.  Snow is on the ground and frost has formed on the outside framework of the pier.  The piledriver is partially visible at right resting on the riverbed.  The rock cliff on the north side of the river is apparent at upper left.  A man working on the falsework beyond the pier is barely visible through the steam.
Image shows the piledriver machine sitting on the south approach and lifting timbers ahead of the concrete pier that will be the base for construction of the steel portion of the ridge.  The view is from down river, or from the east, despite the caption on the photo.
Image looking from the north end of the bridge to the south.  The "falsework" that will be removed after the steel bridge is constructed, is in foreground with the piledriver sitting on the permanent pilings at the south end.  On the south side of the river tents are visible immediately to the right (upstream) side of the bridge and in middle ground at left.  A building with a tall smokestack, assumed to be the steam plant, is close by the left (downstream) side of the south end of the bridge.  At far left, in the trees, stands the south shore tower that supported a cable across the river.  Close examination reveals several men at work on or around the structure.
Image is of the "falsework" pilings and framing of the north portion of the bridge that will support construction of the steel structure and then be removed.  The view is from the riverbed with large chunks of ice in the foreground.
Image is of the piledriver resting at left on the permanent pilings at the south end of the bridge and the concrete pier is at right.  View is from the riverbed with snow and ice in foreground.  A ladder rests against the pier and two steel anchor fittings are visible atop the pier where they will attach to steel bridge members.  Men are visible working at ground level.
Image is of the concrete pier that anchors the south end of the steel bridge, showing part of the "falsework" at left and the beginning of the permanent approach pilings at right.  View is from the riverbed looking downstream.  A man is visible standing near the pier.
Image is a winter scene with snow on the ground and several men working to remove large steel bridge girders by hand from a railroad flat car.  It appears that two large logs are laid at an angle to form a slide from the side of the rail car to large wooden beams on the ground.  One steel beam is at the bottom of the slide with another at the top ready to come down.  Other beams are visible on the car.  No tools or moving devises are in evidence except that one man holds a long-handled peavy.
Image shows the piledriver swinging a steel bridge member into place while guided by a man standing on the deck next to it.  Steam hoses are apparent on the ground in foreground.
Image shows three men up on the bridge deck with the piledriver and two others on the riverbed apparently preparing to lift the steel girders, visible in the foreground, up to the deck.
Image is of the temporary bridge deck looking from south to north.  The piledriver is visible at the north end, with steam rising, preparing to begin placing steel.  The deck exhibits the heavy timbers in temporary place to support the piledriver.
View from the streambed showing the piledriver atop the temporary bridge deck at left "Raising the top chord" of the steel bridge visible at right.
View from the snow-covered streambed shows the piledriver approaching the south pier as it nears completion of setting the steel bridge girders in place.
Image is a view of the mostly complete steel bridge seen from the snow-covered riverbed downstream.  The piledriver is partially visible at left as it continues to raise steel near the south end of the bridge.  Several men are visible on and under the bridge.  A small cat tractor is also visible under the bridge.
Image is the view lengthwise along the driving surface of the steel bridge from the north end.  Most of the steel is in place. The piledriver is visible at the south end, along with several men, working on the final portion.  Running surface planks and side rails are in place for much of the completed length.  Snow covers the ground, bridge members, and trees in background.  Two men are apparent in foreground.
Image is an oblique view of the downstream side of the bridge taken from the north end.  The piledriver is visible at the south end, along with several men, placing the last steel members.  Two men are standing on the top of the structure, several are on the deck and two are with the cat tractor on the riverbed.  Snow covers the ground and trees in background.
Image is a view of the finished steel installation of the bridge from the south end looking along the deck to the north.  Exposed joists of the south approach are prominent in foreground and two men are visible apparently laying decking and installing side rails.
Image is the view at the south end wooden deck approach with side railing leading up to the steel bridge in mid view.
Image is an oblique view of the bridge on the downstream side from the south end.  The steel bridge is complete and most of the underlying "falsework" is removed.  The south end wooden portion is complete.  Four men are visible in foreground at left working on a log crib on the south end of the wooden section that will anchor the south approach.  Most all snow is gone.  The exposed rock cliff on the north side of the river and surrounding forest are obvious in background.
Image is of the construction crew that built the bridge assembled on the incomplete deck near the end of the steel assembly work.
Image is a middle-distance view of the essentially completed bridge structure as seen from upstream.  Snow covers the ground and the obvious mountains in background.  Smoke rises at right near the south end of the bridge, possibly from burning construction scraps.  Tents are still partially visible at right and final fill has not been placed to complete the south approach.
Image is a view of the essentially complete bridge seen from downstream.  At left can be seen that several tents remain and fill material is not yet in place to complete the south-end approach.
Image is of the essentially complete bridge viewed from approximately atop the high rock cliff on the north side of the river.  Most of the "falsework" is removed and several men are visible on the bridge and around the south end.  Also visible is a small cat tractor, a lumber wagon and various other material at the staging area at right.  Snow and ice remain on the riverbed.
Image is of the completed Matanuska River bridge at high water, viewed from the south end upstream area.
Image shows the piledriver being loaded onto a rail flatcar following its use in constructing the Matanuska River bridge.
Image is of several men moving the piledriver used to construct the Matanuska River bridge.
Image shows two cat tractors in-line pulling a boiler on a sled along a snow-covered road.  The boiler was apparently used in association with construction of the Matanuska River bridge.
Image shows a man standing on the front of a large boiler as it pauses in being pulled by sled with two cat tractors on a snow-covered road.  The boiler was apparently associated with construction of the Matanuska River bridge.
Cover listing seven minor bridges represented in the collection by one or two photos.
Image is a ground-level oblique view of a wooden bridge crossing a tidal stream in middle ground, identified as Cottonwood Creek.   Many log pilings support cross members that support lateral sawed beams that in turn support closely spaced cross boards that form the deck.   A side rail of small diameter logs at waist height guards both sides of the deck.  The approaches at both ends appear to be steep.   Water under the bridge is at low tide with considerable mud exposed.
A foreground side view of a portion of this bridge shows numerous log pilings supporting cross beams which in turn support long sawn lateral beams topped with tightly spaced board decking and small diameter log side rails.  Water below the bridge is at low tide and reflects all members of the structure above.  Considerable mud stream bank is exposed.  Course grass is growing atop the stream bank at near left and part of a dense spruce forested hill is at extream left.
Image is a ground level oblique view of the Goat Creek bridge on the road between Palmer and Anchorage.  A pickup truck stands on the bridge facing toward Anchorage.  High water is prominent in foreground and middle ground under the bridge and among trees at right as a result of the recent break-out of Lake George, flooding the Knik River drainage.  Broadleaf trees form the backdrop in middle and background.
This view is looking upstream at the log bridge crossing Moose Creek.  Rushing water of the stream fills the foreground with the log stringer bridge in middle ground spanning from log cribbing on each bank.   The log approach sections on each end of the bridge slope up to the center horizontal span.  Alder brush lines the edge of the stream while the steep slope beyond the bridge appears to be recovering from an extensive fire several years in the past.
This ground-level oblique view of the up-stream side of Ship Creek bridge under construction shows the pilings, bracing and cross beams in place across the fast- flowing stream.  The derrick, or "traveler", sits on the cross beams in foreground ready to place additional heavy beams and planks.  Two men are visible working on the deck while a third man works under the derrick in front of the engine that powers the machine.  A truck and cat tractor are visible at far right.  A thin forest of cottonwood and spruce trees form the middle ground backdrop.
This is a broad view of the work area around construction of the Peters Creek bridge.  The mostly complete bridge, located in left middle ground, awaits installation of the approaches. The foreground exhibits considerable tree clearing and ground disturbance.  A pile of medium-sized rocks is visible at far right, possibly for use as armor around the bridge cribbing.  Atop the rock pile is a section of bridge decking, perhaps to be moved into place as part of the bridge approach.  At right of the bridge three tents are visible as part of the construction camp, and beyond is a steep cut-over slope in middle ground.  Trees are visible on the flat above the slope and a snow-striped mountain is at right in background.
This is a ground level oblique view of the mostly complete wooden bridge with heavy beam trusses on both sides of the deck.  The bridge spans the creek from log cribs, one of which is prominent in foreground.  The approaches to the bridge are yet to be constructed.  The tops of two camp tents are visible at right beyond the bridge and the deforested bluff beyond the bridge is partially visible at left.  The snow-streaked mountain is partially visible in background.
This is a ground level view of a partially complete wooden bridge identified as crossing an unidentified tail-race, likely the outflow from the Old Eklutna Power Plant.  The bridge sits on pilings rather high above ground level which appears to be tidal grass flats situated below forested hills in background.  Slow moving gray water occupies the right half of the foreground with old ice along the banks.   Planks are propped up at both ends of the bridge forming temporary foot access awaiting construction of permanent approaches.  The view under the bridge appears to show a railroad line in middle ground near the base of the hill.  A snow-streaked mountain is partially visible at right background.
This is a ground level view of the upstream side of the bridge spanning the apparently tidal influenced tailrace (likely flowing from the Old Eklutna Power Plant).  A significant pool of gray water is visible under the bridge, apparently at low tide.  The piling-supported wooden bridge has planks leaning up to the bridge ends forming temporary foot traffic approaches.  A wire fence in left foreground indicates the presence of cattle grazing on the surrounding grass flats.   The background view appears to faintly include Kinik Arm water and Talkeetna Mountains beyond.  The caption (route 75L) indicates this is part of the road development between Palmer and Anchorage that ultimately became the Glenn Highway.
This image is of four men working to construct a short bridge across a small, fast-flowing stream entering the picture in middle ground and flowing out at right foreground between exposed gravel banks.  Two long light-colored beams span the stream in foreground that may have been temporary construction access.  Just beyond, and at a higher level, three men are visible working on the deck of the permanent bridge at road grade.  One of the men is using a long crosscut saw to trim deck planks.  A fourth man is working below the bridge at right.  Looking under the bridge and just beyond, a small streamside use area is visible on a gravel bar with rocks piled along the water's edge, a small table is in place, and railings of a stairway leads down from above.  Close beyond can be seen a small house, a log cabin, and a car.  The tops of mountains are partially visible at upper left background.
A winter scene with significant snow on the ground.  The view is upstream on the left channel of Willow Creek showing a temporary log foot bridge across the stream.  A man is visible at left.  Heavy spruce forest frames the stream and forms the backdrop.
A winter scene with significant snow on the ground.  The stream is flowing across from right to left in foreground with three log stringers lying across from bank to bank.  Logs to be used in the bridge construction are piled on the far bank.  Heavy spruce and brush forest form the middle ground backdrop.
A winter scene with significant snow on the ground.  The stream flows from left to right across the foreground with three log stringers forming a foot bridge from bank to bank.  Construction of a log footing structure is begun on the far shore.  A clearing in middle ground on the far side of the stream holds many logs to be used in the bridge construction.  At the far side of the clearing is a canvas tent and numerous steel fuel barrels.  Heavy spruce forest forms the backdrop.
A winter scene of the stream in foreground with an oblique view of the bridge under construction as seen from upstream.  Heavy log stringers span the water supported by log cribbing on both sides of the stream.  A pile of logs in near middle ground on the far bank await placement across the stringers to form the running surface.  A tent frame is visible at far right in background.  Heavy mixed spruce forest forms the backdrop and significant snow covers all.
A winter view with significant snow on the ground showing five men and a cat tractor in foreground on the north side of the creek.  The cat is chained to a log it has apparently dragged to the bridge site.  The bridge under construction is partially visible in near middle ground with stringers and some cross logs in place.   In the middle ground clearing on the far side of the creek, the canvas tent and fuel barrels are visible, as is a second cat tractor parked beneath a tall pole with a cross arm at the top and a large piece of fabric hanging on it.  Heavy spruce forest is on all sides.
A winter view with the flowing stream occupying much of the immediate right-hand foreground with the log bridge seen crossing obliquely at left.  The bridge appears essentially complete with cross log decking in place.  At the far end of the bridge is a man standing bent over and holding an ax.  Immediately behind him is a cat tractor and behind the tractor is a tent frame.  Additional logs are stacked to the right of the man and the pole with a crossarm is visible at far right.  Heavy spruce forest is evident as backdrop at middle and background. Significant snow is obvious.
Image is a summer view of a log bridge in foreground spanning a swift moving stream identified as Willow Creek at mile 10 of the "Lucky Shot-St. Peter" road (now "Willow Creek" road).  The bridge consists of log cribbing at each side of the stream with log stringers lying over the stream between them.  The ends of logs lying crosswise on the stringers to form the running surface are evident with a horizontal guard log on top. The stream visible under the bridge is at low water with many rounded stream-bed boulders visible.  Heavy spruce forest forms the middle and background feature.
This is a summer view of a swift-running stream, identified as Willow Creek, in foreground and running directly away to middle ground under a log bridge.  The bridge is a common log stringer span between log cribbing on each side of the stream with a cross log running surface.  In addition to the common guard log along the edge of the running surface, a waist-high handrail is also in place.  A heavy mixed spruce and cottonwood forest line the near banks of the stream and occupy the middle ground and background.
A winter view of a simple log stringer bridge spanning from log cribbing on each side of the stream and with cross log running surface and a guard log at the sides.  Heavy snow is apparent, covering the stream.  A pair of snowshoes is visible stuck upright at the midpoint of the bridge.  Heavy spruce forest frames the stream course and forms the backdrop.
Image is a ground-level oblique view of a timber truss bridge in foreground over an unseen stream identified as Willow Creek.  The bridge appears to be set in a considerable clearing.  Heavy spruce forest forms the backdrop beyond the cleared area.
Image shows an alpine setting with a small wooden bridge in place at foreground with large angular rocks placed along the near side. The bridge appears essentially complete with heavy single lane runners in place on the deck and low bumper rails at the sides.  It appears that additional rock fill is needed at the far end before roadway gravel will be added on both ends of the bridge to form the road crossing.  Two men are apparent on the near hillside beyond the bridge using hand tools to construct a ditch above the future roadway, or possibly beginning the cut slope for the future road.
Image is a winter view across a vacant field at a typical Colony barn in middle ground right.  The barn exhibits considerable missing roofing paper resulting from strong winter winds.  Thick birch/spruce forest stands beyond the barn at far middle ground and the eastern mountains of the valley are faintly visible in left background.  Ground is mostly clear of snow with small, scattered patches apparent. Location of the farm is unidentified.
This winter view shows a number of the buildings of the vocational school campus.  A rail of the nearby railroad track is visible in right foreground.  A portion of the Chugach mountainside is apparent at left.  The noted road route, R.75L, is located between the school and the visible mountain.  A thin layer of snow covers the ground.
This easterly summer view of the Matanuska Experiment Farm, taken from Road Route 35J west of the station, shows the buildings in place in May 1930 and some of the cleared land and fencing.
Image is a summer view of several mine buildings arrayed at the base of a steep gravel hillside at near middle ground.  A narrow-gauge rail track runs from left foreground to a high-roofed structure at the left end of visible buildings, apparently the entrance to the mine.  This track is supported by a collection of rough ties and is paralleled on the right by a wide, low deposit of light-colored broken rock.  A rail track is visible running parallel to the buildings at middle ground with a rail car at extreme left on it and a speeder car on the rail at center.  Two plumes of white steam or smoke arise from small buildings at center and a larger building with a large, tall smokestack occupies the rest of the building array visible at right.  Two men in white shirts are visible standing at center near the large building, a third leans on a pole nearby, and three or four sit at extreme right.
Image shows a rough single lane road leading up to a building, identified as the Gold Mint Mill, at near middle ground on the steep slope at far right.  The building is wood-sided with numerous windows on the side and an aerial cable attached at the right side, apparently running up the mountain out of sight to the right. The rest of the view looks down an alpine valley with mountains in background.
The following is a group of miscellaneous photos in the Cookman Collection
This summer view shows the front end of a building at right foreground with a peaked roof, a window, a man-door and a large sliding door on the ground floor, and a window centered on the attic, all trimmed in white.  A sign of large white letters proclaims the building to be associated with the ALASKA ROAD COMMISSSION.  Various other buildings are apparent at left.  A fairly steep bluff of moderate height rises beyond in middle ground.  Several power poles and lines are evident.  A man stands in foreground to the left of the main building.
Railroad tracks of the Matanuska branch of the Alaska Railroad cross the foreground of this summer image.  In middle ground stand the concrete ruins of the Sutton Coal Washery including low walls paralleling the tracks with a slightly elevated platform with concrete steps at far left.  The upper story and roof of a building are partially visible above the wall at right middle ground and tall power poles are apparent in front of thick cottonwood forest forming the backdrop in near background.
This image shows a curved section of the recently completed road as it enters the frame at right foreground, proceeding left and then curves back right to cross a small bridge in middle ground before climbing a small incline and exiting the frame at right in far middle ground.  The road section approaching the bridge has been significantly built up with gravel to match the bridge elevation.  Ground on the inside of the curve has been cleared and the vegetation pushed into a row at right.  Heavy spruce and birch forest is evident on both sides of the road.
This image shows the built-up road surface entering the frame at center left, rising gently from a low area in foreground to higher middle ground before turning out of sight to the left.  Considerable fine fill material is evident to raise the lane and a half running surface ten feet or so above the low ground.  Birch forest is evident in near middle ground with apparent brush field beyond.  Remnant patches of snow remain in shaded areas.
This image shows the road from immediate foreground running directly to Goose Bay slightly visible at road's end in background.  The road surface is not built up but is of fine material, apparently just the local ground with vegetation pushed off both sides and ditches formed at the edges.  The terrain is level on both sides and covered with heavy brush.
This image show construction in progress of the tidewater dock at the terminus of the Knik-Goose Bay road.  The pile driver sits atop the skeleton of pilings and timbers that it has already placed as it moves forward to set more, extending the dock into deeper water.
ID Card for Route 35D--From Rt 35E, up Fishhook Cr., over Hatcher Pass to Willow Cr. and up Craggie Cr.
Image is a view from behind and below an open wagon with several men aboard being pulled by a cat tractor along a fine-grained gravel road between high banks of snow on both sides.
Image is of a crew of men on an open wagon being pulled by a cat tractor uphill from left to right on a fine textured gravel surface road.  Very high snowbanks are evident on both sides of the road.  The view is looking down on the vehicles and men in the foreground from atop the snowbank at left.  A partial view of a largely snow-free mountain side is visible in background.  The caption identifies the location as nearing "Willow Creek summit", now known locally as "Hatcher Pass".
This photo shows a rotary plow in the foreground, completely surrounded by high hills of snow as it proceeds away up the road, with snow being blown high off to the left.  Two men are partly visible out in front of the plow.
As viewed from above, two men with hand shovels are shoveling snow down to the rotary plow as it clears the deep snow from the road below.  Two other men rest behind the plow and a third is seen back along the cleared road.
In this winter scene five men stand by with their hand shovels watching a rotary snowplow as it clears the deep snow from the mountain road.  A plume of ejected snow is apparent as it arcs away to the right from the plow.  The snow-covered mountain slope forms the backdrop with only minor amounts of exposed rock visible at upper right.
This winter scene is of the front view of a car in foreground on a recently plowed mountain road.  Considerable loose snow still remains on the roadway which had to present a challenge to the driver.  The undisturbed level of snow on both sides through which the road has been cleared stands well above the height of the car.  On the steep slope in middle ground behind the car two small recent snow slides are apparent.
A pickup truck makes its way on a mountain road cleared through snow that appears to be over twice as high as the truck.  This is possibly carved through a snow slide area.
Image shows a partial view of a pickup truck in immediate foreground with a short section of a narrow road behind cut through a deep section of what appears to be a snow slide.  The road surface shows smooth and dark as it curves out of sight in the snow.  A man is visible in silhouette at the driver's seat of the truck.
This image shows the back end of a rotary snowplow in foreground, deep in a wide expanse of snow as it is blowing snow off the mountain road.  In front of the plow is a cat tractor, or "Dozer", pushing snow toward the front of the plow where it is ejected away to the left.  Working together, the two machines can clear a wider path through deeper snow than the plow could easily do alone.
This image shows the cat tractor and rotary plow working together clearing deep snow from the road on the Fishhook side of Hatcher Pass.  Note Pioneer Peak, a prominent mountain on the south side of the Matanuska Valley, visible in the background.
This image shows a group of seven miners from the local mines using hand shovels to clear a snow slide from the "tractor road" in the Hatcher Pass vicinity.
A cat tractor stands in the snow in foreground with one man standing on the right track working on the machine while another man at left looks on.  Disturbed snow of the snowslide occupies most of the foreground with patches of brush in middle ground further up the hill and snow-covered rounded mountains in back ground.
This view is looking up Craigie Creek, apparently from near mile 15 of Road 35D.  A cat road/trail is visible in foreground leading up the valley.  Low alpine vegetation covers the foreground slope at left.  Bare, rounded rocky mountains are prominent in middle and background.  Small patches of snow are still visible in this late season.
This image is a view looking down Cragie Creek valley from the cat trail in the upper reaches.   The snow is gone except for a small patch on the background mountain.  The creek is visible at left middle ground and the cat trail is visible from the foreground and winding down hill in middle ground.  The trail or creek can be seen winding down the valley floor in far middle ground.  A group of four tents is visible next to the trail in near middle ground and enlargement of the image shows other tents scattered along the trail farther down the valley.
ID Card for Road Route 35DA leading from Route 35D to the Independence Mine.
This image shows a section of the cat trail above two buildings of the Independence Mine complex.  The trail shows foot traffic use, and the caption suggests hand maintenance.  Portions of two mine buildings are visible in middle ground.  Numerous snow patches are evident.
This image shows a treeless mountain valley with a great deal of slide rock and angular rocks exposed.  A short section of improved gravel road is evident in middle ground next to two white tents.  A man can be seen walking on the road toward an automobile with its door open.  Another vehicle is partially visible behind one of the tents.  A wooden structure resembling a large smokehouse or privy stands between the tents.   Smoke exits the stove pipe of one of the tents.
Image is an alpine mountain setting with three white buildings, one apparently still under construction, evident in center middle ground.  Several smaller buildings and tents are downhill to the left.  A portion of another structure is visible at right and a small structure next to a road stands at left.  Five metal cylindrical structures stand isolated at right as well.  Together, the buildings form much of the Independence Mine base complex to date.  In far middle ground a portion of the access road is evident as it descends from the pass which is now referred to as Hatcher Pass.
Road route 35DB is represented by 59 photos showing road construction and maintenance, construction camps, vehicles and the Lucky Shot Mine.  Milage notations appear to begin at the mine and increase as the road progressed down hill.  The road is commonly referred to as the "Willow Creek" road today.
Image is a summer view of nine white tents pitched in an alpine setting with a rounded mountain slope behind.  The mountainside holds remnant patches of snow.  This is identified as the "Lucky Shot-St. Peters Road Camp" at mile 1.4.
Image is a summer alpine view of a complex of buildings in middle ground associated with an unidentified gold mine (possibly Lucky Shot mine).  Foreground is covered with low alpine vegetation with scattered large boulders evident.  Three small ponds are at left slightly below the buildings.  A steep mountainside rises beyond the buildings occupying the upper two thirds of the far middle ground with a horizontal road at its base.  No trees are apparent.
This photo shows a section of the road at mile 2 as it descends into the sub-alpine country with spruce trees becoming more prevalent.  The road extending from immediate foreground along the hillside into middle ground exhibits a muddy surface of the native soil and rock from which it's carved.
At mile 4 below the mines the road is seen as it has descended into the spruce forest and curves to the right alongside of Willow Creek.  The road surface appears to be of fine gravel and well maintained.  The creek appears to be flowing vigorously and heavy spruce forest with minor alder underbrush frames the scene at foreground and middle ground.
This image shows a section of the road at mile 5.5 that has not yet been capped with a gravel running surface and exhibits deep ruts from vehicles driving over the soft native soil.  Heavy spruce forest is on both sides of the road in foreground.  An open muskeg is seen in the middle ground through the gap in the foreground trees.  The gravel running surface on the road is seen to end in the muskeg area.  Small patches of ice appear to occupy some of the foreground ruts.  Enlargement of the image appears to reveal a man sitting above the road at left.
This image is of a log cabin in the near middle ground with dead grass and weeds in immediate foreground and spruce forest in back.  Identified as the "Brazil Cabin" located on the trail that became the route of the road under construction.  The reference may have been to Thomas Brazil, an early resident of the area.  On the right side of the cabin a freight sled leans against the edge of the roof.  Next to the sled leans a ladder, providing easy access to the roof so the tin can covering the top of the stove pipe may be removed when the owner returns.   A large piece of white canvas covers the nearest part of the roof.  Hanging on the end wall below the canvas are several wood hoops, likely used for stretching and drying beaver pelts in the round.
This image shows the morning commute of men from the construction camp to their work location on the road under construction.  Two men ride the cat tractor, partially visible at right foreground, and twelve others riding a sled, or "Go Devil" being pulled by the cat.  Heavy spruce forest forms the backdrop in middle ground.
This image is a winter scene of a cat tractor pulling a double "Go Devil" sled negotiating overflow water at the Deception Creek crossing.  The tractor in middle ground appears to be driving around the edge of the flooded road section while the sled remains behind.  A man is visible standing in front of the sled and enlargement of the photo shows he holds a length of cable, apparently ready to reconnect the cat to the sled.  The road surface extends from the immediate foreground to the overflow area, identified by chunks of broken ice.  Dense birch and spruce forest is on both sides and all is covered with snow.
This winter scene shows a cat tractor pulling a double "Go Devil" sled negotiating a section of stream overflow on the road at Deception Creek. The cat and sleds are at near middle ground traveling away from the viewer.  The cat and first sled have crossed the overflow area and are back up on the road or solid ice while the second sled is in the water and tipped precariously.  A man stands at left of the first sled.  Another man can be seen driving the tractor.  Birch and alder trees are on both sides of the image with black spruce muskeg vegetation in background.  Snow covers all.
This winter image shows a medium sized frame building at right foreground identified as a warehouse associated with the Lucky-Shot gold mine.  At immediate left of the building is a cat tractor with an enclosed cab and wide tracts.  At immediate left of this tractor stands a man and to the immediate left of him is a brown, white-faced horse.  In middle ground behind the horse stands a second cat tractor.   A stack of lumber and a couple of oil barrels are at the far left of the image.  In background is a sharp bluff with spruce forest on top.  Snow covers the ground.
This winter view shows some of the buildings in middle ground associated with the Lucky Shot gold mine.  Careful examination of the upper part of the image reveals the skyline cables that run from the cable house at far left up to the "workings" high on the mountainside.  Also notable are the piles of logs in the foreground, likely to be installed as support timbers inside the mine tunnels.  While the ground and background mountains are covered with snow, the buildings are remarkably clear.
This late winter view shows some of the buildings of the Lucky Shot gold mine base complex in middle ground.  Close examination reveals the highline cables running from the cable house up to the "workings" high on the mountainside out of sight at left.  Material attached to these live cables, pulled back and forth by machinery in the cable house, supplied the mining activity.  Sled tracks in the snow at left foreground, and stakes alongside, indicate an access route to the site.  A rocky mountain slope forms the background.  Snow covers all except the buildings.
This summer image shows the log buildings of the "Middle" camp associated with construction and maintenance of the road.  The building at left with the large doors is assumed to be the horse barn and/or machine garage.  The windowless building at right is likely the warehouse/storage structure, and the largest central building is probably the bunkhouse/living quarters.  An empty freight wagon is parked at left foreground next to what appears to be the access road into the site.  A cross-arm telephone pole is at left behind the barn.  Many steel fuel barrels are located at right and firewood is stacked beside the bunkhouse.  The yard exhibits stumps, roots and general disarray.  Heavy spruce forest forms the backdrop.
This summer image shows six or eight men establishing a work camp at mile 26 of the road.  One white canvas tent is erected, and another is being prepared to go up.  Two small smoky fires are evident at left.  Heavy birch forest forms the middle ground backdrop.
A stake bed truck navigates a two-wheel track through a brush field at mile 26 of the road.  Cross-arm poles are visible in the background indicating that telephone lines were also connecting to the mines.
This summer image shows a man on a cat tractor, driving away from the viewer, pulling a "Rotary", or scraper along a muddy section of pioneer road at mile 17 cut through a heavy forest of spruce trees.  Another man, carrying a hand shovel, walks beside the scraper.
This summer image is looking down the well graded road at a cat tractor in middle ground facing the viewer.  It appears to be pulling a sled or wagon on the way up to the mine.  Two men stand next to the tractor, one on each side.  Heavy birch/spruce forest lines both sides of the road with a great deal of clearing slash from the roadway piled on both sides of the road.
At extreme right foreground in this summer image stands a short building with very steep pitched roof and wide sliding doors open to the width of the building.  At center and left foreground and middle ground is a wide, smooth surface identified as an aviation field at mile 4 of the road. The building appears to be an airplane hangar.  In background are low hills covered with open spruce forest.
This summer image shows a cat tractor pulling a road grader away from the viewer as they pull soil from the edge of the road up to form the crown and running surface.  Spruce/birch forest forms the foreground and middle ground.  Two men are visible, one driving the cat and one standing on the grader operating all the control wheels.
This view looks down a straight section of road at mile 24 that traverses soft or wet ground.  Logs are visible that were laid down to support the road before gravel was placed on top to form a "corduroy road".  Heavy forest of cottonwood and spruce trees are prominent on both sides of the road in foreground and middle ground.
This view, taken from the roadside ditch, shows an automobile, likely a pickup truck, standing on the gravel road surface facing forward to the left.  Both doors stand open.  A ptarmigan, in mostly brown summer plumage, stands on the road in front of the truck.  A low gravel berm appears to run lengthwise near the road center, indicating grader maintenance is occurring on this road section.  Several spruce trees are evident on the far side of the road.  Partial views of mountains appear in background.
This image, taken from a low angle on the road, shows a cat tractor facing the viewer and pulling a road grader in the process of clearing the ditch on the far side of the road.  The road surface appears slightly muddy.  Two men are visible.  The cat driver is barely visible over the engine hood and the grader operator is standing behind all of its control wheels and handles.  The mountain slope rises beyond the road cut and is covered with heavy spruce forest in middle ground.
This image is of a non-motorized road grader that is being pulled by a cat tractor which is out of sight at right.  The grader is clearing the ditch which appears to be filled with mud and water seen being pulled up onto the road.  The image gives a good view of the marvelous array of wheels, cranks, levers and arms required to adjust everything needed to blade a flat surface, build a road crown, clear a ditch and form a proper back-slope.  It also acknowledges the operator's ability to make it all function together.
This image shows a non-motorized road grader in right foreground pulling soil out of the far ditch up to be added onto the roadway.  The machine is being pulled by a cat tractor out of the frame at right.  One man is visible operating the grader while another man is seen standing at left with a hand shovel removing large rocks from the roadway resulting from the obvious recent grading of the near ditch in foreground.
This image shows a road grader proceeding away from the viewer on the right side of the road as it grades the "back slope" or cut section of the hill above the road.  Three men are visible.  One man operates the grader while two others walk on the road at left.  One man carries a hand shovel for removing large rocks that may be plowed up.  Spruce forest cover both sides of the road and low hills in the background.
"Moving Day".  This image shows a truck facing the viewer in foreground with some sort of partially enclosed structure loaded on the back, possibly a storage shed being moved from one work camp to the next one up the road. To the right of the truck is a pickup facing the other way, apparently stopped for the occupants to talk.  A man stands between the two vehicles.   The road surface visible in near foreground appears to be fine grained soil and smooth.  Black spruce forest is on both sides of the road in middle ground.
This image shows the project shovel in middle ground being positioned in a rock pit at road mile 1 near the mine.  A cat tractor, facing left, is at the front of the shovel and a dump truck loaded with a fuel barrel and other material sits behind.   The alpine setting shows a large area of exposed fragmented rock in foreground including where the shovel is located in middle ground.  A treeless mountainside rises to the right in background.  Four men are evident, two attending to the front of the shovel, one walking at left and one bending over at right.
This image shows the project shovel being positioned in an area to be developed as a gravel source.  The shovel, with its bucket raised and cabin tilted back, stands in foreground with a dump truck behind.  Two men are visible, one at right of the shovel and one standing beside the truck.  Foreground is an expanse of broken rock which will likely become the borrow pit, and an alpine mountain slope rises behind in background.
Route 35E appears to be a portion of the Fishhook Road above the intersection of the Palmer and Wasilla sections and is represented by six photos in the Cookman collection.
Image is of a short section of the two-lane gravel Fishhook road taken from the center of the road looking uphill.  At left foreground is a rock mountainside cliff face around which the road curves out of sight.  At right of the road the bolder-filled Little Susitna River is partially visible.  At right across the river is another exposed cliff face topped by heavy spruce forest with alders next to the visible running water. At center in near bac ground a hillside slope is covered with mixed forest and brush.
This is a summer view of a gravel road running from the lower right corner of the photo to the left and curving right out of sight in background.   In the foreground a road grader is towing a power shovel along the road to the right.  In the background another grader with an umbrella over the top appears to be following.   Heavy mixed forest is on both sides of the road and in background.
This image is a foreground view of a road grader towing a power shovel away from the viewer up a gravel road.  The shovel is raised up on its wheels for transport rather than running on its tracks.
This image shows the front of a car at near middle ground heading up hill at mile 14 on the snow-covered Fishhook road.  The driver of the car is partially visible.  The photo, taken from the road center looking south, shows thin cottonwood forest on both sides.
This image shows a car in near middle ground traveling downhill at mile 15 of the Fishhook road on the snow-covered road with high banks of snow on both sides.  Several tall cottonwood trees stand at the left and brush covers the hillside at right.  A mountain slope covered with brush and snow fills most of the center and left near background.
Road Route 35H between Palmer and Wasilla appears to be measured in miles from Wasilla to Palmer as indicated on the photos.
A new road cuts across a low brushy hillside in near middle ground and gravel from the cut is deposited to fill a low spot at right to form a shallow grade.  A cat tractor in foreground is pulling a scraper on the road to smooth the surface and draw more material down to the fill area.  A man is visible operating the cat.  A barbed wire fence is visible running diagonally up the hill behind the cat.
This view, taken from the center of a muddy road, shows the new road turning to the left as it rises and cut into the side of a low hill and disappears in center middle ground.  The low hill at right middle ground is covered with grass above the road and brush below at left.  Heavy birch forest covers the near foreground at left of the photo. A motorized road grader is visible at the top of the grade apparently shaping the back slope of the road cut.  On the road below the grader is a cat tractor pulling a scraper, moving soil downhill to an area of fill approaching the hill.  A man is apparent standing at the fill area at right.  Two other men appear to be standing on the road between the two machines.
This photo, taken from the center of a flat gravel road, shows a long straight stretch ultimately curving out of sight in background. The gravel road surface is smooth with small orderly ditches on both sides as it cuts through heavy birch forest on both sides. Minor clearing debris is visible on the left clearing limit.
This winter image shows a plowed section of road through a snow-covered landscape, curving out of sight to the left in near middle ground.  Heavy spruce forest forms the middle ground and near background beyond the road, typical of the much of the valley near Palmer.  Snow-covered mountains forming the east end of the valley are partially visible in background.  A barbed wire fence is visible at right of the road and in the middle ground where an area of forest appears to be cleared.
This summer image is a view of the community of Palmer seen from the road ascending Bugge's hill west of town.  The road curves from foreground to the left out of sight and then becomes visible again in middle ground as it progresses toward town.  Homesteader John Bugge's field, barn and other buildings are visible in middle ground.  Various other structures of the town existing at the time are visible.
This view is taken from the curve of the road as it descends Bugge's hill on the approach to the Palmer community.  A pile of gravel is obvious in foreground on the inside of the road curve, exhibiting evidence of material being removed from it.  In middle ground, John Bugge's homestead field and numerous buildings are evident with the straight section of the road running directly toward the community center.   Many of the community buildings are evident, including the newly constructed Hyland Hotel.  Snow-covered mountains make up the background.  A thin layer of snow covers the valley floor with many bare spots evident.
This summer image shows the cleared area through mostly heavy birch forest where the access road will be built to the Johansen homestead, apparently the first building seen at right, and Adam Werner's homestead seen beyond.
This winter image shows the road constructed from the "Werner Connection" road, (now the Palmer Fishhook Road), to the Johansen and Werner homesteads.  Werner's house and barn are visible at the end of the road in background.  Snow covers the ground.  Mountains are slightly visible in far background.
The following five photos show construction of sections of Trunk Road beginning near the community of Matanuska and progressing north for five miles.
This rather dark image shows a log stringer bridge crossing a moderate sized stream.  The low level view shows the stream water at lower left, the bridge bottom stringer running slightly diagonally across the photo with the ends of the decking logs in view and the guard logs on top.  Fence posts run parallel to the bridge behind it with a flat field in middle ground beyond.  A rounded hill is in near middle ground exhibiting heavy spruce forest with a large section cleared.  Patches of snow are evident in the field and in immediate foreground.
This image of a newly constructed gravel road, viewed looking directly up the road, shows deep ruts in the foreground and a section of corduroy construction at middle ground before the road climbs a hillside and turns left out if sight.  A barbed wire fence parallels the road at right with a log gate structure apparent and four slanted poles against the fence in foreground.  A cleared field and hillside are visible in far background with heavy spruce timber fringe beyond.  A patch of snow in foreground is the only snow visible and may mark a now unused roadway.
Image is of a straight section of gravel road crossing a wet muskeg area using the corduroy technique of laying down brush first for support and then loading gravel on top.   The road is seen disappearing into trees in the far middle ground.  The gravel surface is apparently not yet compacted as indicated by the horse and wagon track impressions.  Remnant snow is evident on the muskeg beside the road.  Mountains are visible in the bacckground.
This image is of a 1920's vintage dump truck spreading a load of gravel over a matt of small diameter brush as this Trunk Road section is constructed over soft ground.  A considerable amount of this brush matt is visible, ready to be covered by pit-run gravel.  A man at left stands ready to assist if the dumping load gets jammed or to remove oversized rocks from the roadway.  Posts of a barbed wire fence are visible on the far side of the roadway at the edge of a large grove of small cottonwood trees.
This image is of a strait section of Trunk Road, viewed from the center of the road looking north.  This section is located on the uplands over a well-drained gravel base, exhibiting a wide running surface and shaped ditches.  Heavy mixed birch/spruce forest frames both sides with Talkeetna Mountains faintly visible in background.
Image shows flood waters in foreground in front of O.O.Krogh's store in Matanuska.  Large display windows completely fill the front wall facing the boardwalk in front.  On the wall above, large block letters proclaim "O.O.KROGH".  On the left outside wall, block lettering advertises "GENERAL MERCHANDISE" and "POST OFFICE."  At left is parked a small truck with a covered bed and standing next to it is a young man wearing a white shirt, suspenders and hip boots.  Another man stands on the boardwalk in front of the store.  Both men are looking at the camera.  At right is another frame building fronting on the boardwalk with a partially visible sign identifying it as "Allen's Liquor Store".  The water level appears ready to overtop the boardwalk and has reached the hubcap on the wheel of the truck.  This flooding was likely caused by the annual break-out of Lake George upriver at the Knik Glacier.
This view is looking back south at a low spot in the road leading from the community of Matanuska.  Overflow from the Knik River and water of Spring Creek is flooding the road with considerable ice formed on the roadway.  The elevated railroad trestle running parallel to the road is evident at left and the railroad water tower is visible beyond.  Leafless cottonwood and willow trees and brush are apparent at right and at middle ground.  Mountains are visible in background.
Image shows the up-graded road approaching Matanuska on the west side of the elevated railroad trestle prominently visible at left.  The road has been raised above the normal river flood level as seen currently occurring in this photo.  A short bridge is in place in the foreground over Spring Creek and to allow drainage of flood water.  Makeshift flags mark the edges of the foreground end of the low-profile bridge. The road is elevated to cross over the railroad tracks in middle ground instead of crossing under the trestle as previously the case.  A car is visible on the road in middle ground.  The top of the railroad water tower is visible over the railroad trestle in middle ground.
Brush and cottonwood trees are inundated by Knik River flood waters in foreground of this photo.  The elevated railroad tracks are at far right leading to the railroad water tower in middle ground.  The Matanuska railroad depot is visible in far middle ground.  Cottonwood forest forms much of the middle ground with mountains forming the background.
Image is a southerly view taken from the edge of the railroad bed, partially visible in immediate right foreground, across an expanse of Knik River flood waters in middle ground.  A band of brush and trees crosses the image beyond the water with tops of several Matanuska community buildings showing above.  Chugach Mountains clearly form the backdrop.
This image records an attempt to control some of the annual Knik River flooding that affected the community of Matanuska.  A narrow channel of water leading directly from the foreground viewpoint to far middle ground is framed on the left by brush and on the right by a short wall of vertical posts in the ground.  Two piles of sandbags are evident at right in an area of partially flooded brush and wet soil.
This easterly view is on the road approximately 1-1/2 miles from the community of Matanuska on the way to the community of Palmer.  The road boarders ice-covered Echo Lake at left, turning out of sight to the right to become visible again as it passes around the lake in middle ground turning north to Palmer.   Sparse brushy vegetation is apparent alongside the road and on low gravel hills beyond the lake.  Pioneer Peak is partially visible at right background.
This winter scene shows the snow-covered landscape on a center line view north on a straight stretch of road route 37L identified as 5.5 miles from Matanuska on the way to Palmer.  A post-and-wire fence parallels the left edge of the road enclosing a cleared field with buildings of Al Walter's homestead visible at the far end at middle ground.  The railroad grade paralleling the road is seen at right with telegraph lines and poles between the railroad and the road and a railroad signal pole near the tracks.  Talkeetna Mountains are faintly visible in background.
Image is a summer centerline view looking north on a straight stretch identified as mile 4 of the Matanuska to Palmer road.  At left is a post-and-wire fence paralleling the edge of the road with part of a homestead building visible beyond.  The railroad line is seen at right with the telegraph line between the road and railroad.  It can be seen that the road surface is composed simply of graded native soil which became axel-deep mud for vehicles with summer rains.
Image is an early springtime view north on the centerline of the Matanuska-Palmer road in the location where the town of Palmer would later develop.  A man stands at the left edge of the road in foreground observing snow melt waters that have flooded over the road behind him.  The elevated rail grade is apparent at right in middle ground with a small building on pilings between the road and the rails.  A telegraph pole is adjacent, and a parked rail car is partially visible behind the building.  The small railroad depot is visible in far middle ground next to the rail line at right across the road from the log roadhouse and other buildings of homesteader  Georen O. White.  The softening surface of the road exhibits recent passing of a horse-drawn vehicle.
This winter view shows a man walking on a snow-covered straight road, identified as the "Werner Connection" between the Matanuska branch rail line and the road from Knik leading up to the Fishhook-area gold mines.  Heavy spruce and birch forest line both sides of the road.
This is a summer image of a flat gravel road in a "dry muskeg" setting.  The road enters the frame in foreground right and then curves in mid-frame to exit directly away from the viewer.  Spruce, aspen and birch trees form the forest on both sides of the road.  The forest material has been cleared away from the road on both sides leaving the ground cover of grass and moss.  The roadbed is rough graded gravel showing no sign of traffic use.
Image is of two men in center foreground, and partial views of two others at either side, working with hand tools.  The two in the center appear to be excavating a large boulder.  Several other large rocks are apparent nearby, possibly "erratics" left by the last glacier occupying the area or shed by a nearby mountain out of sight, and presumably in the way of new road construction.  Both men wear head nets, indicating strong presence of mosquitoes.  Spruce trees and brush form the low land middle ground beyond and a low, rounded hill is in background.
This image is of a portion of the road north of the Eagle River bridge that enters the frame at left foreground and cuts a sidehill as it curves around the hill out of sight in center middle ground.  The roadway is covered with a thick layer of gravel, graded but not compact.  The hillside at right is mostly covered with brush while the area below the road at left exhibits spruce and cottonwood trees.  Snow covers the undisturbed ground.  Enlarging the photo reveals several men in middle ground working with hand tools on the road.
This view is a section of the road that has been "pioneered" with the trees and brush cleared back on both sides and with the "duff" (moss and grass) cleared off down to mineral soil.  The road climbs a small hill straight away from the viewer and a culvert can be seen installed at the base of the hill.  Gravel is evident on a section of the hillside and below, likely a natural vein exposed with the clearing or possibly placed there for use associated with the culvert installation.  The brow of the hill terminates the view in middle ground.
This image shows the cleared road entering the frame in left foreground and turning directly away in center through a heavy spruce and birch forest.  A single lane gravel running surface is in place in the center of the pioneered roadway.  In middle ground a white conical tent is visible on the left side of the road and a white peak-roofed building is on the right.  Enlarging the image reveals a woman walking across the road from the tent at left.  A low indistinct ridge forms the background.
Two men ride a cat tractor in the foreground of this image, towing an unidentified machine (a ditcher?) along a pioneer road.   Scrub trees and brush are slightly visible on flat land beyond.  Close inspection appears to show the cat driver steering with a wheel rather than levers.
A cat tractor is pulling a road grader along the edge of a graveled road at an oblique angle from right to left in this image.  One man is driving the cat while another is operating the grader.  The steel wheels of the grader are heavily tilted to counter the force of the large amount of material being moved by the grader blade.  Close inspection reveals the unusual steering wheel control of the cat and the three control wheels on the grader to adjust various settings of that machine.
This image shows the end of a section of road being carved, apparently with hand tools, from the toe of a slope at right at the edge of muskeg and scrub forest land at left.  The foreground view includes the leveled roadbed in center, the cut bank at right and a thick group of small trees at left.  Center middle ground features a lone man, wearing a head net and shoveling on a pile of dirt.  Beside him, leaning on the cutbank wall, are several additional shovels, perhaps indicating that the rest of the crew is on a break.  Patchy muskeg and scattered forest form the background.
This wide landscape view of low rolling scrub forest land, taken from the center of the road in foreground, shows the road leading away in a broad "S" curve to disappear in the vegetation at middle ground.  The roadbed exhibits a deep layer of gravel spread on it but not yet compacted, showing obvious ruts from construction vehicles.  Two small hills, heavily covered with spruce trees, rise above the lower lands in the background.
Image is of a man operating a cat tractor in foreground pushing soil and brush toward the viewer as he begins carving a pioneer roadbed from the steep slope at left.  A considerable number of broken trees are on the slope above and around the tractor.  A patch of standing trees remains undisturbed on the slope behind the tractor.  Two men are visible standing behind the tractor observing the activity.
A cat tractor in foreground is carving the pioneer road at the toe of a steep slope at right as it pushes soil, tree trunks and roots away from the viewer.  Exposed soil is evident on the cut slope at near right.  A tent can be seen at left in the heavy birch forest that occupies the middle ground.
Three dump trucks gather in middle ground at the gravel pit waiting to be loaded by the shovel at right.  The pit appears to be a flat-topped layer of river deposited material about twenty feet deep.  A low snow-covered hill rises behind the pit with sparse vegetation and many dead tree stems on the ground that may indicate it had recently been burned.
This winter image shows the process of "corduroying" the road; laying down a mat of spruce trees and boughs over wet muskeg in order to support the gravel road surface.  The easterly view appears to be on the Eklutna Flats near the village of Eklutna.  Location of "Reed" referenced in the caption is unidentified but may have been a section house on the nearby railroad.  Three men are seen working on the corduroy section with two others at near left by a partially visible cat tractor.  In middle ground, a dump truck loaded with gravel is parked near a smoking bonfire at left and another vehicle is visible at center apparently parked on the end of the gravel road section on the other side of the muskeg.  The lower portion of a sparsely forested mountain is obvious in background at right and a Butte is vaguely visible in background at left.  Snow is present overall with vegetation showing through.
This winter view looks west over a section of road crossing a portion of Eklutna Flats muskeg that is being "corduroyed" by laying down spruce trees to support the gravel fill of the roadbed.  A cat tractor is visible at right middle ground with a man on it and three other men standing nearby.  The location of "Reed" in the caption may have been a section house on the nearby railroad.
This southwesterly winter view shows the road crossing the Eklutna Flats just east of Eklutna Village.  In far middle ground a dump truck is visible dumping a load of gravel on the road.   Two other similar trucks and a cat tractor are parked nearby at right near a smoky warming fire.  The railroad tracks at the base of the mountain cliff at left middle ground are largely hidden by brush.
Image shows a cat tractor pulling a grader over a wet section of the new road.  A man operates the cat from an apparently comfortable seat while another man guides a different model grader than that seen in photo "Road-75L-007".
A cat tractor at left foreground in this image is pulling a road grader at right middle ground as they spread gravel along a new section of the pioneer road.  A deep ditch frames the roadbed at right leading away to the middle ground where the road turns out of sight to the left.  Thin forest of spruce and broad leaf trees stands behind the road at left.
This image is taken from behind a road grader being pulled by a cat tractor at right along a muddy section of new road, likely on Eklutna Flats.  Two men sit on the tractor and a third stands on the grader.  Considerable water and mud stand on the road.  A line of turned muskeg extends to the left of the road which may be a drainage ditch.  The railroad line and telegraph poles are visible at the base of a heavily forested mountainside at left middle ground.
This is an easterly view of a section of pioneer road over muskeg on the Eklutna Flats.  The muddy road surface leads away from the foreground left to the right background.  Water occupies a prominent ditch on the right side of the road.  A cross drain leads away to the right in middle ground.  A mountain shoulder is apparent at right background as is the butte to which the road skirted on the right to travel at the base of the mountains.  Many years later the road would be relocated to turn at this butte, cross the rivers and proceed northwest across the flats.  Mountains at the east end of the valley are faintly visible over mid ground brush.
This southwest view looks directly down the roadway being graded by a cat tractor at middle ground pulling a road grader toward the viewer.  Deep ditches line both sides of the road as it crosses a wide flat.  The soil looks heavy but not muddy as it is being formed up into the roadway.  At right background on the grass flat is a dilapidated rail fence.  At left background the rail line and telegraph poles are visible.  Heavy forest forms the background at the edge of the grass flats.
This summer image shows a cat tractor in foreground towing a scraper grading machine to the right over a slightly muddy road.  Following immediately behind is a light-colored car sporting an A. R. R. C. license plate.  The cat driver is looking backward as another man stands talking with the car driver.  A third man stands farther back along the road.  A passenger in the back seat of the car leans out the window and a black dog walks beside the car.  A heavily vegetated mountainside rises immediately from the road behind the vehicles and people.  This scene illustrates how anxious people were to drive the new roads, even to the point of following behind the machinery still building them.
This image is of a section of road somewhere in the length that parallels the Knik River.  The view is down the length of the road as it curves to the left with heavy birch forest on both sides.  At left is river flood water caused by the outbreak of Lake George, a large body of water caused by the Knik Glacier forming a dam across a mountain valley.  For many years the lake would burst the dam and flood the river valley for a time.  This photo shows the water level rising almost to the level of the road upon which a car is traveling.
This image shows a portion of the new gravel road located several miles west of the Knik River bridge as it parallels the river.  The road is seen at right at the base of the steep mountainside and adjacent to river flood water on the left.  A log and tangle of branches occupy the immediate foreground on the road shoulder along with exposed broken rocks.  Heavy forest occupies the middle ground from left to right beyond the low land covered by water.  Part of Pioneer Peak is visible in background at right and the mountains at the eastern end of the valley form the background across the rest of the image.
This image shows the road running forward to a cut in the foreground through a snow slide originating on Pioneer Peak at right.  A car is parked in that cut showing the snow depth to be as much as twenty feet.  The Knik River bridge is visible in far middle ground at left and mountains in background beyond.  Snow slides like this one have occurred at several locations along this part of the road over the years.
This winter scene shows the road leading away along the base of the mountain at right with a fringe of spruce and cottonwood trees and the Knik River beyond at left.  Ground water flowing downhill at right surfaces at the road cut and soon freezes in the cold air.  Where the water overflows the road surface and freezes there, significant ice build-up is beginning to occur.   Location here is a short distance west of the Knik River bridge, not visible in the photo.  Chugach Mountains at the east end of the valley are visible in background.
A dump truck, facing left in foreground on a winter road, with rear tires chained up, is attached to a wagon at right, mostly obscured by a steam cloud.  The steam is coming from a boiler, barely visible on the wagon.  A warmly dressed man stands at right attending to the equipment on the trailer.  The truck appears to be loaded with coal to feed the boiler.  A coal bucket sits on the ground next to the man.  Another vehicle is partially visible behind the trailer at right.  Heavy forest forms the middle ground backdrop on the far side of the road.  Steam from this equipment was used to melt ice that plugged culverts and ditches causing overflow onto the road, and to remove glacial build-up on the road.
This winter view looking up the snow-covered road shows a dump truck coming toward the camera with the thawing boiler in tow.  Only the stack of the boiler is visible behind the truck with steam or smoke exiting above.  The road is cut into a steep hillside covered with heavy forest on both sides.  The cut bank at right exhibits places of ground water glaciation descending into the ditch, causing the need for the thawing activity to keep ice from building up and forming on the roadway.
This winter view is looking up the road with the roadway on the left, the ditch in center and the cut bank at right.  A box-like structure with pipes protruding from the top and several long slender rods leaning on it is in the ditch at immediate foreground and two similar structures are in the ditch at middle ground.  A patch of liquid water is in the ditch in foreground.  A pickup truck sits on the road facing the camera in middle ground and a dump truck with the steam boiler in the bed is farther up the road.  A man is apparent standing next to the boiler and a hose is visible running from the boiler onto the ground.  A moderate level of snow covers the ground.
This winter image shows a self-propelled road grader in foreground advancing toward the camera plowing snow off the road while reforming the ditch and berm at left.  The operator is visible inside.  The road is visible in background curving over a low hill.  Terrain on both sides and beyond is low rolling and covered with low, thin forest.   Moderately deep snow covers the ground with berms on both sides of the road.
This image shows the self-propelled road grader in foreground moving away from the camera as it clears snow from the road surface and reforms the berm on the roadside at right.  The operator is visible inside the machine.  Heavy forest forms a narrow strip across the view in middle ground and rounded, thinly forested mountains are visible at left background.
This summer image shows the gravel road crossing the photo in foreground with a truck stopped on it.  The truck has two sets of dual wheels in back and is loaded with five heavy bridge timbers tied to each side, extending well in front of the side doors to several feet behind the rear end.  From this view it is not apparent how the driver might gain access to the cab to drive the truck.  Heavy forest fills the backdrop with large trees obvious just beyond the truck.
This summer image shows a quartering front end view of a truck with dual axels and dual tires in the rear and loaded with five large bridge timbers lashed to each side and extending from in front of the cab to well back of the bed.  The truck is standing in foreground on a gravel road seen curving out of sight beyond.  Heavy forest with large trees forms the backdrop next to the road at left and in the background at right.  A sedan with a "rumble seat", or open compartment in the back, is on the road at right beyond the truck facing away from the camera.
This image is a front view of a truck with five bridge timbers lashed to each side and extending in front of the cab.  A heavy rope is visible tying both sets of timbers together and tightened by twisting the rope with a long board which is anchored behind the bumper to keep it from unwinding.  This view solves the mystery of how the driver enters and leaves the cab with the timbers blocking both doors as it shows the front windshield opens to allow a skinny person access.
This is a quartering view of a truck in foreground facing left with a trailer attached upon which sits a non-motorized road grader.  A man is visible on the truck bed adjusting the connection between truck and trailer.  Note the steel traveling wheels on the grader and numerous adjustment wheels for setting the traveling wheel angles and blade adjustments.  A railroad passenger car appears to be sitting on tracks at left background.
This side view of a truck facing left shows a cat tractor sitting on the truck bed.  Stenciled on the truck door is "ARC 824" indicating the truck belongs to the Alaska Road Commission.  The driver is visible in the truck cab.

Bridge-Deception 000





Image is of a wide stream in foreground with a log stringer bridge crossing it in middle ground.  The bridge is composed of two long spruce logs lying from bank to bank, with smaller logs lying parallel between them.  Smaller short logs lie across the center logs to form the running surface.  The view from mid-stream, looking downstream, shows alder brush and heavy spruce and birch forest occupying all the mid and background.

Bridge-Deception 001


Alaska Road Commission


A native log bridge spans Deception Creek


Image is of a wide stream in foreground with a log stringer bridge crossing it in middle ground. The bridge is composed of two long spruce logs lying from bank to bank, with smaller logs lying parallel between them. Smaller short logs lie across the center logs to form the running surface. The view from mid-stream, looking downstream, shows alder brush and heavy spruce and birch forest occupying all the mid and background.


Near Willow, Alaska

Image shows a portion of a wooden bridge under construction across a frozen stream.  Pilings and bracing are in place with support logs attached to the tops of pilings ready to accept decking not yet in place.  Three people, apparently a woman and two children, stand on the ground at the extreme right of the bridge.  Alder brush and scattered spruce trees form the backdrop.  Ice and protruding rocks of the frozen stream form the foreground.

Bridge-Deception 002


Alaska Road Commission


A new wooden bridge is under construction across Deception Creek.


Image shows a portion of a wooden bridge under construction across a frozen stream. Pilings and bracing are in place with support logs attached to the tops of pilings ready to accept decking not yet in place. Three people, apparently a woman and two children, stand on the ground at the extreme right of the bridge. Alder brush and scattered spruce trees form the backdrop. Ice and protruding rocks of the frozen stream form the foreground.


Near Willow, Alaska

Image is an oblique view looking east at the bridge under construction showing the "falsework" pilings with bracing and log supports for decking on top.  Middle ground beyond the bridge is open with heavy spruce forest beyond.

Bridge-Deception 003


Alaska Road Commission


The bridge "falsework" is in place and ready for the permanent structure to be constructed.


Image is an oblique view looking east at the bridge under construction showing the "falsework" pilings with bracing and log supports for decking on top. Middle ground beyond the bridge is open with heavy spruce forest beyond.


Near Willow, Alaska

Image is a view to the west looking down the length of the bridge under construction in fore ground.  Falsework is in place with cross logs prominently on top.  A man stands at the far end of the bridge looking toward the camera.  Another man nearby is sitting on a small cat tractor.  Two cables and a logging chain are draped over the top logs of the bridge, presumably used to draw timbers onto the bridge.  Mixed spruce and birch forest form the background.

Bridge-Deception 004


Alaska Road Commission


Two men continue work on decking the bridge.


Image is a view to the west looking down the length of the bridge under construction in fore ground. Falsework is in place with cross logs prominently on top. A man stands at the far end of the bridge looking toward the camera. Another man nearby is sitting on a small cat tractor. Two cables and a logging chain are draped over the top logs of the bridge, presumably used to draw timbers onto the bridge. Mixed spruce and birch forest form the background.


Nrar Willow, Alaska

Image is a dark stream-bed side view of the near-complete bridge.  The falsework beneath the bridge is removed and the top-side wooden truss side structure appears complete.  Three men are visible working on the deck.  Snow covers the ground.

Bridge-Deception 005


Alaska Road Commission


Men are working on the deck of the almost complete bridge.


Image is a dark stream-bed side view of the near-complete bridge. The falsework beneath the bridge is removed and the top-side wooden truss side structure appears complete. Three men are visible working on the deck. Snow covers the ground.


Near Willow, Alaska

Image is a summer side view of the completed bridge viewed from upstream.  Water of Deception Creek running bank-full is in foreground with brush on both sides.  The bridge is across the stream at middle ground with birch forest behind.

Bridge-Deception 006


Alaska Road Commission


The completed bridge is in place over Deception Creek during the summer following construction.


Image is a summer side view of the completed bridge viewed from upstream. Water of Deception Creek running bank-full is in foreground with brush on both sides. The bridge is across the stream at middle ground with birch forest behind.


Near Willow, Alaska


Bridge-Eagle 000





Image is of a man in a square-end flat-bottom boat in the water of Eagle River.  The man is pulling on a double rope set-up to allow movement of the boat across the river to ferry men and material across as needed. Some clearing of vegetation and hand work of soil is visible on the far shore.  Birch forest with interspersed spruce covers the land from stream bank to background skyline.

Bridge-Eagle 001


Alaska Road Commission


A man is pulling a small boat across the river using a rope set-up crossing from bank to bank creating a ferry system.


Image is of a man in a square-end flat-bottom boat in the water of Eagle River. The man is pulling on a double rope set-up to allow movement of the boat across the river to ferry men and material across as needed. Some clearing of vegetation and hand work of soil is visible on the far shore. Birch forest with interspersed spruce covers the land from stream bank to background skyline.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Image is an elevated view of the new bridge location showing the forms for the south buttress in immediate foreground.  The river flows from right to left across the middle ground with a temporary log stringer foot bridge crossing.  Three men are evident working on the south end of the log bridge.  Two other men stand close to the wooden form in foreground, presumably carpenters building the forms, as sawhorses, lumber, and tool boxes are visible nearby at right.  Snow covers the ground.

Bridge-Eagle 002


Alaska Road Commission


Men are constructing the forms for the south concrete buttress pier for the bridge.


Image is an elevated view of the new bridge location showing the forms for the south buttress in immediate foreground. The river flows from right to left across the middle ground with a temporary log stringer foot bridge crossing. Three men are evident working on the south end of the log bridge. Two other men stand close to the wooden form in foreground, presumably carpenters building the forms, as sawhorses, lumber, and tool boxes are visible nearby at right. Snow covers the ground.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Image is a close view of the wooden form being constructed to contain the concrete to be poured to form the south buttress pier to support the bridge.  Close inspection revels at least four men working inside and outside the form.  Snow covers the ground.

Bridge-Eagle 003


Alaska Road Commission


Men are constructing the forms for the south concrete buttress pier for the bridge.


Image is a close view of the wooden form being constructed to contain the concrete to be poured to form the south buttress pier to support the bridge. Close inspection revels at least four men working inside and outside the form. Snow covers the ground.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Image is a winter view with snow on the ground, looking upstream along the boulder-strewn south shore of the flowing river.  A two-plank board walk is evident from the camera viewpoint along the shore to a far middle ground point where four men are working, apparently at a gravel pit.  Another man is walking on the boardwalk in near middle ground.  Snow-covered trees and brush form the backdrop on both sides of the stream.

Bridge-Eagle 004


Alaska Road Commission


Men are apparently developing a gravel source for their concrete work on the buttress pier for the bridge.


Image is a winter view with snow on the ground, looking upstream along the boulder-strewn south shore of the flowing river. A two-plank board walk is evident from the camera viewpoint along the shore to a far middle ground point where four men are working, apparently at a gravel pit. Another man is walking on the boardwalk in near middle ground. Snow-covered trees and brush form the backdrop on both sides of the stream.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Image is a winter view downstream from the gravel pit area with flowing water taking up most of the foreground and near middle ground.  At far left is the boardwalk leading to the south pier area with several men visible preparing the south support pier in middle ground.  The log stringer bridge across the stream in middle ground  is visible as is some excavation work on the north side of the river for the north end pier.  Winter mixed forest forms the backdrop on both sides of the river.

Bridge-Eagle 005


Alaska Road Commission


Men are working on installing forms for the concrete south pier.


Image is a winter view downstream from the gravel pit area with flowing water taking up most of the foreground and near middle ground. At far left is the boardwalk leading to the south pier area with several men visible preparing the south support pier in middle ground. The log stringer bridge across the stream in middle ground is visible as is some excavation work on the north side of the river for the north end pier. Winter mixed forest forms the backdrop on both sides of the river.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Image is an elevated view from the hill at the north end of the bridge looking south at the completed "falsework" and beginning work on placing the permanent support beams for the bridge.  At left foreground appear the end portion of two large beams and at right is a stack of short beams.  One long beam and several of the shorter beams are visible lying on the log falsework of the bridge where four men are at work.  Part of an approach road to the south end work area is visible.  Snow covers the ground.  A hill is prominent beyond in near background and the thin second growth trees on it make it appear decidedly hairy.

Bridge-Eagle 006


Alaska Road Commission


The bridge "falsework" is in place and men are beginning to place the permanent support beams.


Image is an elevated view from the hill at the north end of the bridge looking south at the completed "falsework" and beginning work on placing the permanent support beams for the bridge. At left foreground appear the end portion of two large beams and at right is a stack of short beams. One long beam and several of the shorter beams are visible lying on the log falsework of the bridge where four men are at work. Part of an approach road to the south end work area is visible. Snow covers the ground. A hill is prominent beyond in near background and the thin second growth trees on it make it appear decidedly hairy.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

This winter view shows the wooden truss bridge structure complete atop the falsework still in place.  Decking and side rail work remains to be completed.  Snow covers all.  Two people are visible below the bridge at left.

Bridge-Eagle 007


Alaska Road Commission


The wooden truss work appears complete atop the falsework with decking and side rails yet to be installed.


This winter view shows the wooden truss bridge structure complete atop the falsework still in place. Decking and side rail work remains to be completed. Snow covers all. Two people are visible below the bridge at left.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

This summer oblique view of the upstream side looking south shows the completed bridge with the trusses, decking, and side rails in place and the falsework removed.  Taken from the north side hill, the river is visible below, part of the south support pier is visible, and tree-covered hills beyond are in leaf.  A pile of short timbers is apparent in immediate foreground and at near right stands a scaffold structure that may have been used in setting the trusses.

Bridge-Eagle 008


Alaska Road Commission


Construction appears complete and falsework is removed.


This summer oblique view of the upstream side looking south shows the completed bridge with the trusses, decking, and side rails in place and the falsework removed. Taken from the north side hill, the river is visible below, part of the south support pier is visible, and tree-covered hills beyond are in leaf. A pile of short timbers is apparent in immediate foreground and at near right stands a scaffold structure that may have been used in setting the trusses.


Near Eagle River, Alaska

Cover for Eklutna River bridge series.

Bridge-Eklutna 000




Cover for Eklutna River bridge series.


This early spring low oblique image shows the Eklutna River flowing from lower left to center of the photo and bending back to the left.  The river is open with snowbanks on shore along both banks.  A patch of trees on both sides of the river is apparent with a large muskeg at right middle ground.  Heavy forest forms the background beyond the muskeg.  At water level on the river bend is a narrow foot bridge appearing very temporary.  A person can be seen on the bridge.

Bridge-Eklutna 001


Alaska Road Commission


The low oblique view of the potential bridge site shows a narrow footbridge in place.


This early spring low oblique image shows the Eklutna River flowing from lower left to center of the photo and bending back to the left. The river is open with snowbanks on shore along both banks. A patch of trees on both sides of the river is apparent with a large muskeg at right middle ground. Heavy forest forms the background beyond the muskeg. At water level on the river bend is a narrow foot bridge appearing very temporary. A person can be seen on the bridge.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a downstream view of the proposed bridge site showing the river flowing between canyon walls with a temporary foot bridge visible in middle ground.  Patches of snow are still visible along the river bank.

Bridge-Eklutna 002


Alaska Road Commission


The photo shows the site of the proposed new bridge to be constructed above the existing foot bridge shown.


Image is a downstream view of the proposed bridge site showing the river flowing between canyon walls with a temporary foot bridge visible in middle ground. Patches of snow are still visible along the river bank.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a downstream view of Eklutna River in center foreground.  The righthand canyon wall atop which the north end of the new bridge will sit is in middle ground.  The existing foot bridge below the cliff is visible.  Snow lines the banks of the river.  Two large spruce trees are prominent on top of the cliff at right and trees line the river bank in the background.

Bridge-Eklutna 003


Alaska Road Commission


Image shows the existing site of the proposed new bridge construction to come.


Image is a downstream view of Eklutna River in center foreground. The righthand canyon wall atop which the north end of the new bridge will sit is in middle ground. The existing foot bridge below the cliff is visible. Snow lines the banks of the river. Two large spruce trees are prominent on top of the cliff at right and trees line the river bank in the background.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is an upstream view of the new bridge site showing the north cliff face at left middle ground with a piling and decking structure supporting the "Traveler" crane that will place the steel and other heavy material.  Two concrete footings are visible on the rock face below the Traveler.  An improved foot bridge crossing the river is apparent in middle ground.  A waterfall is visible entering the river on the far bank in background just where the river turns to the right out of sight.

Bridge-Eklutna 004


Alaska Road Commission


Construction work has begun with staging of the "Traveler" atop the north cliff and concrete buttress piers in place . A new foot bridge is in place to facilitate access to the south side of the river.


Image is an upstream view of the new bridge site showing the north cliff face at left middle ground with a piling and decking structure supporting the "Traveler" crane that will place the steel and other heavy material. Two concrete footings are visible on the rock face below the Traveler. An improved foot bridge crossing the river is apparent in middle ground. A waterfall is visible entering the river on the far bank in background just where the river turns to the right out of sight.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a river level view of the north shore cliff face location of the north end of the bridge.  The temporary foot bridge over the river is partially visible in foreground leading to two concrete piers with steel connecting brackets in place hard against the cliff face ready for steel bridge members to connect.  Directly above, on top of the rock bluff, is a wood post and beam bridge approach structure atop which sits the "Traveler"--the traveling erector machine, ready to set steel in place for the north half of the bridge.

Bridge-Eklutna 005


Alaska Road Commission


The "Traveler" sits poised at the north side of the river to begin placing steel for the north end of the bridge.


Image is a river level view of the north shore cliff face location of the north end of the bridge. The temporary foot bridge over the river is partially visible in foreground leading to two concrete piers with steel connecting brackets in place hard against the cliff face ready for steel bridge members to connect. Directly above, on top of the rock bluff, is a wood post and beam bridge approach structure atop which sits the "Traveler"--the traveling erector machine, ready to set steel in place for the north half of the bridge.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a downstream view taken from the bluff east of the bridge site.  The riverbed occupies most of the foreground and middle ground center of the photo with heavy forest on the shore.  The complete north half of the arch bridge extends from the right over the river at approximately the same level as the photographer's position.  The "Traveler" sits at the left end of the span and is seen lowering a beam to waiting men on the south side of the river.  Several other men are visible on the bridge deck preparing additional material to be transferred to the staging site below.  Based on the dated photos, it took six days to complete construction of the north steel span.

Bridge-Eklutna 006


Alaska Road Commission


The north span is complete and material is being transferred to the south side of the river to begin work on the south half of the bridge.


Image is a downstream view taken from the bluff east of the bridge site. The riverbed occupies most of the foreground and middle ground center of the photo with heavy forest on the shore. The complete north half of the arch bridge extends from the right over the river at approximately the same level as the photographer's position. The "Traveler" sits at the left end of the span and is seen lowering a beam to waiting men on the south side of the river. Several other men are visible on the bridge deck preparing additional material to be transferred to the staging site below. Based on the dated photos, it took six days to complete construction of the north steel span.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a view of the finished north half of the bridge taken from water level downstream of the bridge site with the structure suspender overhead.  River water occupies most of the foreground, with rock cliffs prominent on the north side of the river in middle ground.   The "Traveler" has been lowered to the south side staging area to be hauled up to the beginning of the south half of the bridge.

Bridge-Eklutna 007



The north span of steel is complete and the "Traveler" is lowered to the south side of the river to be positioned for construction of the south half of the bridge.


Image is a view of the finished north half of the bridge taken from water level downstream of the bridge site with the structure suspender overhead. River water occupies most of the foreground, with rock cliffs prominent on the north side of the river in middle ground. The "Traveler" has been lowered to the south side staging area to be hauled up to the beginning of the south half of the bridge.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

This image is of four men operating the "Traveler"--the machine used to place the steel and heavy timbers--on the south half of the bridge.  As construction progresses it "travels" by pulling itself forward, sliding on temporary decking.  It appears that this machine is hand operated by manipulating a series of gears, mostly obscured by the men, that control the operating cables.

Bridge-Eklutna 008


Alaska Road Commission


The "Traveler" is placing steel on the south half of the bridge.


This image is of four men operating the "Traveler"--the machine used to place the steel and heavy timbers--on the south half of the bridge. As construction progresses it "travels" by pulling itself forward, sliding on temporary decking. It appears that this machine is hand operated by manipulating a series of gears, mostly obscured by the men, that control the operating cables.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge seen from the north side of the river.  The "Traveler" sits atop the south section near the center of the bridge.  The steel arch members have been joined at the center into what the caption calls a "3 hinge arch."  The decking is not yet complete between both north and south sections.  Portions of the river are visible below the river in middle ground and mountains are apparent in background.

Bridge-Eklutna 009


Alaska Road Commission


The north and south sections of the steel arch have been connected.


Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge seen from the north side of the river. The "Traveler" sits atop the south section near the center of the bridge. The steel arch members have been joined at the center into what the caption calls a "3 hinge arch." The decking is not yet complete between both north and south sections. Portions of the river are visible below the river in middle ground and mountains are apparent in background.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge showing the north and south sections fully connected into what the caption calls a "2 hinge arch."  (Why this differs from photo #9 is unclear).  The "Traveler" is no longer evident.  Side railing on the north section of the deck is largely complete and several men are visible working on the southside deck.  Small portions of the river are visible in middle ground under the bridge.  A tent roof is visible at left in middle ground and mountains are obvious in background.

Bridge-Eklutna 010


Alaska Road Commission


The steel portion of the bridge is complete and deck work is progressing.


Image is a ground-level view of the downstream side of the bridge showing the north and south sections fully connected into what the caption calls a "2 hinge arch." (Why this differs from photo #9 is unclear). The "Traveler" is no longer evident. Side railing on the north section of the deck is largely complete and several men are visible working on the southside deck. Small portions of the river are visible in middle ground under the bridge. A tent roof is visible at left in middle ground and mountains are obvious in background.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a view from down river looking at the bridge in middle ground with the cliffs on both sides of the river evident below the bridge.  A rounded, pyramid-shaped mountain is prominent in background. River water occupies much of the foreground and it's obvious that the channel has been widened by bulldozing gravel from the channel into a substantial berm along the left bank.  Part of a temporary access road to the south staging area below the bridge appears to be evident at right. The steel portion of the bridge is complete and the side railing is in place on the north section.

Bridge-Eklutna 011


Alaska Road Commission


Work continues on railing for the south half of the bridge. Channel modification downstream of the bridge is evident.


Image is a view from down river looking at the bridge in middle ground with the cliffs on both sides of the river evident below the bridge. A rounded, pyramid-shaped mountain is prominent in background. River water occupies much of the foreground and it's obvious that the channel has been widened by bulldozing gravel from the channel into a substantial berm along the left bank. Part of a temporary access road to the south staging area below the bridge appears to be evident at right. The steel portion of the bridge is complete and the side railing is in place on the north section.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a view from in the river north shore slightly upstream of the bridge.  The completed bridge is high overhead with two men visible on the deck at extreme left.  View down river under the bridge shows heavy forest on the right-side shore in background and brush-covered hill just beyond the bridge at left middle ground.

Bridge-Eklutna 012


Alaska Road Commission


The bridge appears complete as viewed from below.


Image is a view from in the river north shore slightly upstream of the bridge. The completed bridge is high overhead with two men visible on the deck at extreme left. View down river under the bridge shows heavy forest on the right-side shore in background and brush-covered hill just beyond the bridge at left middle ground.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a low oblique view taken from the bluff upriver from the bridge looking at the river below in foreground and middle ground with the completed bridge across the river in middle ground.  Two people are visible on the bridge.  Heavy forest forms the backdrop across the river in background.

Bridge-Eklutna 013


Alaska Road Commission


A view of the completed bridge from the bluff upriver.


Image is a low oblique view taken from the bluff upriver from the bridge looking at the river below in foreground and middle ground with the completed bridge across the river in middle ground. Two people are visible on the bridge. Heavy forest forms the backdrop across the river in background.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a view of the bridge at eye level from the north shore bluff upstream.  Most of the span is prominent in middle ground spanning right to left with the river in foreground and middle ground below.  Three people are visible standing on the completed bridge.

Bridge-Eklutna 014


Alaska Road Commission


The bridge is complete.


Image is a view of the bridge at eye level from the north shore bluff upstream. Most of the span is prominent in middle ground spanning right to left with the river in foreground and middle ground below. Three people are visible standing on the completed bridge.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska

Image is a view down the length of the upstream side of the bridge taken from the bluff at the north end.  The deck and steel members are seen at right foreground, proceeding to the far end in middle ground.  The south end of the steel arch connection to the concrete buttress pillars is visible.  Three men are visible on the deck.  A short section of the river is visible below the bridge.  Two power poles are visible above the brush beyond the bridge.

Bridge-Eklutna 015


Alaska Road Commission


An oblique view of the completed bridge is seen up close from the north end.


Image is a view down the length of the upstream side of the bridge taken from the bluff at the north end. The deck and steel members are seen at right foreground, proceeding to the far end in middle ground. The south end of the steel arch connection to the concrete buttress pillars is visible. Three men are visible on the deck. A short section of the river is visible below the bridge. Two power poles are visible above the brush beyond the bridge.


Near Eklutna Village, Alaska


Bridge-Knik 000





Logs are fashioned into a long sled lying crosswise across the image.  Several men are visible on and around the sled, or "freighting skids", that will be used to move the construction derrick while building the Knik River bridge.  A cat tractor is visible at right, ready to pull the skids to the bridge site.

Bridge-Knik 001


Alaska Road Commission


The freighting skids, or sled, to be used to move the bridge construction derrick around appears ready to have the derrick installed on top.


Logs are fashioned into a long sled lying crosswise across the image. Several men are visible on and around the sled, or "freighting skids", that will be used to move the construction derrick while building the Knik River bridge. A cat tractor is visible at right, ready to pull the skids to the bridge site.


Near Palmer, Alaska

A two-horse team is seen pulling logs in shallow water from right to left.  One man is walking in the water and driving the team while another man at extreme right rides the floating logs and guides them with a paddle.  Trees and brush are apparent on the riverbank in background.

Bridge-Knik 002


Alaska Road Commission


A horse team is used to float logs to the bridge site for use as pilings.


A two-horse team is seen pulling logs in shallow water from right to left. One man is walking in the water and driving the team while another man at extreme right rides the floating logs and guides them with a paddle. Trees and brush are apparent on the riverbank in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Several men, two cat tractors and the derrick are seen installing temporary "falsework" pilings and decking on the bridge north approach.  Gravel riverbed forms the foreground with heavy forest in background.

Bridge-Knik 003


Alaska Road Commission


Men, "cats" and the construction derrick are placing falsework for the bridge north approach.


Several men, two cat tractors and the derrick are seen installing temporary "falsework" pilings and decking on the bridge north approach. Gravel riverbed forms the foreground with heavy forest in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Three men are working on a cat tractor on the temporary approach deck to operate the derrick at left to drive "falsework" pilings.  Two other men stand below on the riverbed.  A pile of deck timbers is visible on the riverbed on the far side of the structure.

Bridge-Knik 004


Alaska Road Commission


Falsework for the bridge north approach is being placed by several men using a cat tractor and derrick.


Three men are working on a cat tractor on the temporary approach deck to operate the derrick at left to drive "falsework" pilings. Two other men stand below on the riverbed. A pile of deck timbers is visible on the riverbed on the far side of the structure.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a northerly view across the Knik River from the south shore location of the imminent bridge south abutment.  Tree stumps are in immediate foreground, river water fills the center middle ground with the beginning bridge work visible on the far shore.  Heavy forest forms the far river boundary with Bodenburg Butte visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 005


Alaska Road Commission


Beginning work on the north bridge approach is viewed from the future south bridge abutment location.


Image is a northerly view across the Knik River from the south shore location of the imminent bridge south abutment. Tree stumps are in immediate foreground, river water fills the center middle ground with the beginning bridge work visible on the far shore. Heavy forest forms the far river boundary with Bodenburg Butte visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a view of the north approach and bridge falsework from downstream looking upstream.  The derrick is seen at far right driving pilings.  At left another steam engine machine is visible setting sheet pilings to form footings for concrete pier #1.  Extensive gravel riverbed forms the foreground and a forested mountainside forms the backdrop.

Bridge-Knik 006


Alaska Road Commission


Installation of falsework pilings and decking progresses at right while sheet piling is installed at left for footings for concrete pier #1.


Image is a view of the north approach and bridge falsework from downstream looking upstream. The derrick is seen at far right driving pilings. At left another steam engine machine is visible setting sheet pilings to form footings for concrete pier #1. Extensive gravel riverbed forms the foreground and a forested mountainside forms the backdrop.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a steam powered derrick positioned on the north approach to the bridge where it is setting steel sheet pilings for construction of the concrete pier #1.

Bridge-Knik 007


Alaska Road Commission


Steel sheet pilings are being placed to begin construction of pier #1 at the north end of the steel bridge.


Image is of a steam powered derrick positioned on the north approach to the bridge where it is setting steel sheet pilings for construction of the concrete pier #1.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows the steam-powered derrick setting steel sheet pilings to form footings for the concrete pier #1 at the north end of the steel bridge.

Bridge-Knik 008


Alaska Road Commission


Sheet pilings are being placed as footings for pier #1.


Image shows the steam-powered derrick setting steel sheet pilings to form footings for the concrete pier #1 at the north end of the steel bridge.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of steel sheet pilings being driven into the riverbed next to wooden pilings of the bridge.  The view is from below standing on the riverbed.  A cloud of steam is apparent escaping from the driving head.

Bridge-Knik 009


Alaska Road Commission


Steel sheet piling is viewed close at hand being driven into the riverbed among wooden bridge support pilings.


Image is of steel sheet pilings being driven into the riverbed next to wooden pilings of the bridge. The view is from below standing on the riverbed. A cloud of steam is apparent escaping from the driving head.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows the piledriver in position to continue driving "falsework" pilings into the riverbed below the water level.  Seven men are visible on or near the machine.  The boiler and engine are not yet enclosed.  A skiff with outboard motor is at the shoreline at left with two of the men standing on shore nearby.  River water is apparent in foreground and a portion of a forested mountain forms the near background.

Bridge-Knik 010


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver and crew are poised to continue driving "falsework" pilings into the riverbed.


Image shows the piledriver in position to continue driving "falsework" pilings into the riverbed below the water level. Seven men are visible on or near the machine. The boiler and engine are not yet enclosed. A skiff with outboard motor is at the shoreline at left with two of the men standing on shore nearby. River water is apparent in foreground and a portion of a forested mountain forms the near background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the piledriver over the river gravel bar at the hole excavated in preparation to drive sheet pilings for footings of concrete pier #1.  A pile of gravel from the hole is in foreground next to the bridge pilings supporting the machine.  Two men are building the enclosure of the boiler and machine works at right.  Two other men are visible at the derrick.

Bridge-Knik 011


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver crew prepares to drive sheet pilings for pier #1.


Image is of the piledriver over the river gravel bar at the hole excavated in preparation to drive sheet pilings for footings of concrete pier #1. A pile of gravel from the hole is in foreground next to the bridge pilings supporting the machine. Two men are building the enclosure of the boiler and machine works at right. Two other men are visible at the derrick.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique view of the downstream side of the "falsework" in the river.  The piledriver is visible on the falsework deck through a white cloud of steam.  Logs to be used for pilings are apparent on the gravel bar in foreground.  Two men are at left at the end of the logs.  The river is apparent across the middle ground with the forested mountainside forming the close background.

Bridge-Knik 012


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver continues to set "falsework" pilings in the river.


Image is an oblique view of the downstream side of the "falsework" in the river. The piledriver is visible on the falsework deck through a white cloud of steam. Logs to be used for pilings are apparent on the gravel bar in foreground. Two men are at left at the end of the logs. The river is apparent across the middle ground with the forested mountainside forming the close background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the collapsed piledriver derrick that failed while excavating for pier footing construction.  The derrick timbers are visible collapsed to the gravel below the deck with the guide wheel on the deck.  The clamshell bucket is lying on the gravel below.  Two men are visible inside the machinery house partly visible at upper left, two are on the deck near the steel guide wheel, and one is astraddle the broken beam below the wheel.  Lumber and scattered boards are apparent in foreground.

Bridge-Knik 013


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver derrick collapsed while excavating.


Image is of the collapsed piledriver derrick that failed while excavating for pier footing construction. The derrick timbers are visible collapsed to the gravel below the deck with the guide wheel on the deck. The clamshell bucket is lying on the gravel below. Two men are visible inside the machinery house partly visible at upper left, two are on the deck near the steel guide wheel, and one is astraddle the broken beam below the wheel. Lumber and scattered boards are apparent in foreground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Four men in foreground are working on the collapsed derrick on the bridge deck.  The steel wheel is prominent at left.  Three other men are visible inside the machine shed beyond.

Bridge-Knik 014


Alaska Road Commission


Men are repairing the collapsed derrick on the temporary bridge deck.


Four men in foreground are working on the collapsed derrick on the bridge deck. The steel wheel is prominent at left. Three other men are visible inside the machine shed beyond.


Near Palmer, Alaskaa

Two men assess the damage of the collapsed derrick from the "falsework" deck.  The steel wheel is prominent as are the heavy deck beams in foreground.  Two other men are visible at far right on the ground.  Gravel of the river bar below the deck appears to be much disturbed by a cat tractor.

Bridge-Knik 015


Alaska Road Commission


Two men assess the damage to the collapsed derrick.


Two men assess the damage of the collapsed derrick from the "falsework" deck. The steel wheel is prominent as are the heavy deck beams in foreground. Two other men are visible at far right on the ground. Gravel of the river bar below the deck appears to be much disturbed by a cat tractor.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows high water overtopping the north approach to the bridge as seen from the bridge looking north.  Piles of lumber and two piles of burlap bags, perhaps filled with sand, sit in the water in foreground.  The gravel bar in middle ground is above water.  The forest beyond shows a cleared roadway in line with the bridge and appears to have a car parked in it.  A couple of white tents are located just inside the timber fringe.

Bridge-Knik 016


Alaska Road Commission


The high river water has flooded the north approach to the bridge.


Image shows high water overtopping the north approach to the bridge as seen from the bridge looking north. Piles of lumber and two piles of burlap bags, perhaps filled with sand, sit in the water in foreground. The gravel bar in middle ground is above water. The forest beyond shows a cleared roadway in line with the bridge and appears to have a car parked in it. A couple of white tents are located just inside the timber fringe.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Viewed from downriver, the piledriver is seen operating a clamshell bucket atop the "falsework" and is excavating a hole for concrete pier #2.  Two men stand on the deck to the right watching the action.  At left, men are visible working around the pier #1 location.

Bridge-Knik 017


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver excavates for the pier #2 footing.


Viewed from downriver, the piledriver is seen operating a clamshell bucket atop the "falsework" and is excavating a hole for concrete pier #2. Two men stand on the deck to the right watching the action. At left, men are visible working around the pier #1 location.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the derrick excavating the hole for pier #2 as viewed from the gravel riverbed below.  The derrick is using a clamshell bucket, seen ready to drop a load of gravel on the pile beside the pilings below.  Two men are visible, one at ground level near the excavation and the other up on the deck at the derrick.  The piledriver is visible on the deck behind the derrick.  The expanse of river gravel in foreground holds scattered lumber, a gas barrel and logs.

Bridge-Knik 018


Alaska Road Commission


The derrick excavates the hole for construction of pier #2.


Image is of the derrick excavating the hole for pier #2 as viewed from the gravel riverbed below. The derrick is using a clamshell bucket, seen ready to drop a load of gravel on the pile beside the pilings below. Two men are visible, one at ground level near the excavation and the other up on the deck at the derrick. The piledriver is visible on the deck behind the derrick. The expanse of river gravel in foreground holds scattered lumber, a gas barrel and logs.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image viewed from ground level in late afternoon shows the falsework pilings and wooden forms that will contain concrete pier #1.  Two men are visible up on the deck.

Bridge-Knik 019


Alaska Road Commission


Workmen are constructing the forms for pouring concrete pier #1.


Image viewed from ground level in late afternoon shows the falsework pilings and wooden forms that will contain concrete pier #1. Two men are visible up on the deck.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a vertical view down onto the concrete footing for pier #1.  A square wooden frame approximately 10 feet square surrounds the interlocking steel pilings that contain the concrete.  The sheet piles cross section is visible.

Bridge-Knik 020


Alaska Road Commission


Interlocking steel sheet piles contain the footing for concrete pier #1.


Image is a vertical view down onto the concrete footing for pier #1. A square wooden frame approximately 10 feet square surrounds the interlocking steel pilings that contain the concrete. The sheet piles cross section is visible.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a crew and equipment on the bridge deck pouring the concrete footing for pier #1.  The view is from ground level on the downriver side.  A man on a cat tractor at left controls the cable that raises and lowers the concrete bucket seen at right.  Behind the cat is a dump truck bringing, sand, gravel and bags of cement to the men and concrete mixer at center right.  The mixed concrete is poured into the bucket and released down the tube to the target form.

Bridge-Knik 021


Alaska Road Commission


A crew with concrete-making equipment is pouring the footing for pier #1.


Image shows a crew and equipment on the bridge deck pouring the concrete footing for pier #1. The view is from ground level on the downriver side. A man on a cat tractor at left controls the cable that raises and lowers the concrete bucket seen at right. Behind the cat is a dump truck bringing, sand, gravel and bags of cement to the men and concrete mixer at center right. The mixed concrete is poured into the bucket and released down the tube to the target form.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a crew on the temporary bridge setting up the concrete bucket and tube for pouring the footing for pier #1.  The view is from ground level below the activity.  Two men are on the deck while three others are on scaffolding below adjusting the bucket and tube.  The concrete mixer is visible at upper left as well as the chute for carrying the concrete over to the bucket.

Bridge-Knik 022


Alaska Road Commission


Men are adjusting the concrete bucket and tube for pouring the concrete footings of pier #1.


Image is of a crew on the temporary bridge setting up the concrete bucket and tube for pouring the footing for pier #1. The view is from ground level below the activity. Two men are on the deck while three others are on scaffolding below adjusting the bucket and tube. The concrete mixer is visible at upper left as well as the chute for carrying the concrete over to the bucket.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique view of the piledriver in middle ground preparing to be moved along a road by skidding it on "go-devil" sleds.  Several short logs and small rustic tables are in foreground.  At left is the driver "house" with a man standing in the rear opening.  To the right is the derrick with two cat tractors farther to the right in front.  A man is walking toward them.  Heavy spruce forest forms the background beyond the road.

Bridge-Knik 023


Alaska Road Commission


The piledrive is ready to be moved along a road on "go-devil" sleds.


Image is an oblique view of the piledriver in middle ground preparing to be moved along a road by skidding it on "go-devil" sleds. Several short logs and small rustic tables are in foreground. At left is the driver "house" with a man standing in the rear opening. To the right is the derrick with two cat tractors farther to the right in front. A man is walking toward them. Heavy spruce forest forms the background beyond the road.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

Image shows a crew mixing and pouring concrete to form pier #1.  The pier form is wrapped in canvas and a "heating unit" appears to be installed above to keep the concrete from freezing while it cures.  Two trucks are on the deck delivering sand and gravel, sacks of cement are visible stacked on the deck and empty, discarded sacks are seen on the ground below.  Gravel piles and logs are visible in foreground.

Bridge-Knik 024


Alaska Road Commission


Concrete is being poured to create pier #1.


Image shows a crew mixing and pouring concrete to form pier #1. The pier form is wrapped in canvas and a "heating unit" appears to be installed above to keep the concrete from freezing while it cures. Two trucks are on the deck delivering sand and gravel, sacks of cement are visible stacked on the deck and empty, discarded sacks are seen on the ground below. Gravel piles and logs are visible in foreground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a side view from upstream showing the piledriver setting "bearing pilings" for the footing of pier #4.  Three men are visible attending the pilings being driven and black smoke escapes the driver as it hammers the pilings down.

Bridge-Knik 025


Alaska Road Commission


The piledriver drives bearing pilings to support pier #4.


Image is a side view from upstream showing the piledriver setting "bearing pilings" for the footing of pier #4. Three men are visible attending the pilings being driven and black smoke escapes the driver as it hammers the pilings down.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a pile of sand and gravel, partially covered with a tarp, in middle ground on the gravel riverbed.  Adjacent, to the left, are two steam heating unites apparently used to keep the aggregate pile from freezing.  A covering of frost or light snow is over the foreground gravel and background trees.

Bridge-Knik 026


Alaska Road Commission


A pile of sand and gravel aggregate awaits use in concrete work on the bridge.


Image shows a pile of sand and gravel, partially covered with a tarp, in middle ground on the gravel riverbed. Adjacent, to the left, are two steam heating unites apparently used to keep the aggregate pile from freezing. A covering of frost or light snow is over the foreground gravel and background trees.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This view shows a power shovel at right poised at the edge of the aggregate pile, which has been opened and is steaming in the cold air.  Material has obviously been previously removed.  At left is the heating unit keeping the partially covered aggregate from freezing.  A man is visible beside the heater and smoke rises from the stack.  Light snow covers the ground.

Bridge-Knik 027


Alaska Road Commission


Aggregate is being kept warm and available for use in the concrete work on the bridge.


This view shows a power shovel at right poised at the edge of the aggregate pile, which has been opened and is steaming in the cold air. Material has obviously been previously removed. At left is the heating unit keeping the partially covered aggregate from freezing. A man is visible beside the heater and smoke rises from the stack. Light snow covers the ground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This overhead view is of men below the bridge in the foreground on the river ice before the overflow event occurred which disrupted the work.  They are constructing forms for use in building the concrete piers of the bridge.  Six men are visible.  Close inspection reveals their personal carpentry toolboxes on the ground nearby.  A burn barrel is also evident.  Middle ground shows the frozen river with indications of the road constructed on the far shore.  Steam from activity on the bridge at left drifts across the top of the image.

Bridge-Knik 028


Alaska Road Commission


Carpenters construct forms for use in building the concrete piers to support the bridge.


This overhead view is of men below the bridge in the foreground on the river ice before the overflow event occurred which disrupted the work. They are constructing forms for use in building the concrete piers of the bridge. Six men are visible. Close inspection reveals their personal carpentry toolboxes on the ground nearby. A burn barrel is also evident. Middle ground shows the frozen river with indications of the road constructed on the far shore. Steam from activity on the bridge at left drifts across the top of the image.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Three men are shown shoveling at the bottom of a large hole in preparation for constructing the concrete abutment, probably at the south end of the bridge.  Minimal boards are evident shoring up the hole's sides.  Light snow covers the ground surface at least twenty feet above the bottom of the hole.

Bridge-Knik 029


Alaska Road Commission


Three men are shoveling at the bottom of the excavation for the bridge abutment.


Three men are shown shoveling at the bottom of a large hole in preparation for constructing the concrete abutment, probably at the south end of the bridge. Minimal boards are evident shoring up the hole's sides. Light snow covers the ground surface at least twenty feet above the bottom of the hole.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of the construction of forms in preparation for pouring one of the concrete piers.  The view is from ground level showing the falsework deck and pilings, and the framework for raising the forms.  Three men are evident, one on the ground and two up on the form adding exterior bracing.  Light snow is on the ground.

Bridge-Knik 030


Alaska Road Commission


Forms are being installed in preparation for pouring concrete to form one of the support piers.


Image is of the construction of forms in preparation for pouring one of the concrete piers. The view is from ground level showing the falsework deck and pilings, and the framework for raising the forms. Three men are evident, one on the ground and two up on the form adding exterior bracing. Light snow is on the ground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of three men on the bridge deck in the process of pouring concrete from the bucket down a chute to form pier #5 below.  At left is the heating unit with canvas covering most of it but with the stack partly visible.  Large planks are in the foreground.  A fourth man is visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 031


Alaska Road Commission


Concrete is being poured to form pier #5.


Image is of three men on the bridge deck in the process of pouring concrete from the bucket down a chute to form pier #5 below. At left is the heating unit with canvas covering most of it but with the stack partly visible. Large planks are in the foreground. A fourth man is visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is of a dump truck standing in ice-covered water with a load of gravel and a man visible in the bed.  At right the pile of aggregate from which the truck is hauling is partially visible.  The water is overflow from the river covering the gravel bar below the bridge where much of the staging work was taking place prior to the flooding.

Bridge-Knik 032


Alaska Road Commission


A dump truck hauls aggregate through overflow river water from the gravel pile to the bridge for mixing concrete.


Image is of a dump truck standing in ice-covered water with a load of gravel and a man visible in the bed. At right the pile of aggregate from which the truck is hauling is partially visible. The water is overflow from the river covering the gravel bar below the bridge where much of the staging work was taking place prior to the flooding.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows two dump trucks in middle ground on the river ice hauling sand and gravel to the bridge site.  In background the bridge is visible with sections of the final steel structure under construction at left.  Snow-covered mountains are in far background.

Bridge-Knik 033


Alaska Road Commission


Trucks are hauling aggregate across river ice to the bridge site.


Image shows two dump trucks in middle ground on the river ice hauling sand and gravel to the bridge site. In background the bridge is visible with sections of the final steel structure under construction at left. Snow-covered mountains are in far background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows two men working to free a cat tractor in foreground which has broken through overflow ice.  Behind is a west side view of the north approach of the bridge and a portion of the falsework for the future steel bridge structure.  A dump truck is visible atop the bridge at right.

Bridge-Knik 034


Alaska Road Commission


Men are working to free a cat tractor from where it broke through overflow ice on the river below the Knik River bridge under construction.


Image shows two men working to free a cat tractor in foreground which has broken through overflow ice. Behind is a west side view of the north approach of the bridge and a portion of the falsework for the future steel bridge structure. A dump truck is visible atop the bridge at right.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows four men in the foreground working to free a cat tractor from where it has broken through river ice in this view upstream from the bridge site.  The cat is submerged to well over its tracks.  Another tractor is visible on the ice beyond and a towing cable is faintly visible between the two vehicles.  Several wooden planks lie on the ice at left.  A crosscut saw is visible leaning on the sunken cat.  Faint sections of gravel and forested riverbank are visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 035


Alaska Road Commission


Men work to free a cat tractor from where it has broken through river ice.


Image shows four men in the foreground working to free a cat tractor from where it has broken through river ice in this view upstream from the bridge site. The cat is submerged to well over its tracks. Another tractor is visible on the ice beyond and a towing cable is faintly visible between the two vehicles. Several wooden planks lie on the ice at left. A crosscut saw is visible leaning on the sunken cat. Faint sections of gravel and forested riverbank are visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Two men stand at right foreground looking at large frozen chunks of gravel around a hole excavated to receive a piling.  A portion of a piling is lying on the ground beside the hole.  Heavy forest is visible on the river shore at middle ground and mountains are visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 036


Alaska Road Commission


A hole is being readied to receive a bridge piling.


Two men stand at right foreground looking at large frozen chunks of gravel around a hole excavated to receive a piling. A portion of a piling is lying on the ground beside the hole. Heavy forest is visible on the river shore at middle ground and mountains are visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Three men in foreground at right are guiding a wooden piling into a large excavation.  Tools in evidence include two peavey's and a hand shovel.  Other pilings are visible lying on the snow-covered ground.

Bridge-Knik 037


Alaska Road Commission


Men are guiding a bridge piling into place into a large hole.


Three men in foreground at right are guiding a wooden piling into a large excavation. Tools in evidence include two peavey's and a hand shovel. Other pilings are visible lying on the snow-covered ground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique view of the down-river side of the bridge showing the completed "falsework" in place from the north approach to the south river bank.  The foreground is an expanse of river gravel with lumber piles on it at middle ground near the bridge which extends across the middle ground view.  The piledriver and derrick sit atop the bridge with two plumes of steam rising from the derrick.  The forested mountain fills the backdrop.

Bridge-Knik 038


Alaska Road Commission


The image documents completion of bridge "falsework" placement.


Image is an oblique view of the down-river side of the bridge showing the completed "falsework" in place from the north approach to the south river bank. The foreground is an expanse of river gravel with lumber piles on it at middle ground near the bridge which extends across the middle ground view. The piledriver and derrick sit atop the bridge with two plumes of steam rising from the derrick. The forested mountain fills the backdrop.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an elevated view of the bridge falsework in place taken from the mountainside upstream from the south end of the bridge.  The piledriver sits on the approach at right under a cloud of white steam.  Falsework pilings are in place for the length of the bridge, but temporary decking from the right appears to be complete for less than half the distance.  Spruce trees are in foreground, the ice-covered river forms much of the middle ground.  Gravel bars form the far side of the riverbed with heavy forest on the far shore and fog above.

Bridge-Knik 039


Alaska Road Commission


An elevated view shows most of the "falsework" installation as being in complete.


Image is an elevated view of the bridge falsework in place taken from the mountainside upstream from the south end of the bridge. The piledriver sits on the approach at right under a cloud of white steam. Falsework pilings are in place for the length of the bridge, but temporary decking from the right appears to be complete for less than half the distance. Spruce trees are in foreground, the ice-covered river forms much of the middle ground. Gravel bars form the far side of the riverbed with heavy forest on the far shore and fog above.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is on top of the bridge deck showing two trucks side by side, two small buildings, and a smokestack emitting dark smoke.  The setting appears to be a temporary widening of the deck to accommodate the two trucks and building across its width.  One truck is also elevated on a ramp.   The smokestack is likely associated with heating and mixing the concrete.  A light covering of snow is apparent.

Bridge-Knik 040


Alaska Road Commission


Concrete is being mixed and poured into forms for bridge pier #5.


Image is on top of the bridge deck showing two trucks side by side, two small buildings, and a smokestack emitting dark smoke. The setting appears to be a temporary widening of the deck to accommodate the two trucks and building across its width. One truck is also elevated on a ramp. The smokestack is likely associated with heating and mixing the concrete. A light covering of snow is apparent.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a winter night view from the future roadway at the south end of the bridge showing the down-stream side of the completed "Falsework".  The derrick sits at the near end of the deck with work lights along the length of the bridge showing as bright starbursts.  Snow is apparent and a tree trunk stands at left in foreground.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are evident in background.

Bridge-Knik 041


Alaska Road Commission


Image shows work near the south end of the bridge continuing at night.


Image is a winter night view from the future roadway at the south end of the bridge showing the down-stream side of the completed "Falsework". The derrick sits at the near end of the deck with work lights along the length of the bridge showing as bright starbursts. Snow is apparent and a tree trunk stands at left in foreground. Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are evident in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a winter night view of the completed "falsework" taken from the snow-covered roadway along the south side of the river down-stream of the bridge.   A small clump of trees is in foreground with the frozen river beyond.  The bridgework extends across the middle ground with snow-covered mountains in background.

Bridge-Knik 042


Alaska Road Commission


A down-river view shows light illuminating night work in progress.


Image is a winter night view of the completed "falsework" taken from the snow-covered roadway along the south side of the river down-stream of the bridge. A small clump of trees is in foreground with the frozen river beyond. The bridgework extends across the middle ground with snow-covered mountains in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

The view from the riverbed on the down-river side of the bridge shows one completed steel span and one partially completed span.  A large, jumbled pile of broken and bent pilings and decking lies on the ground near the end of the unfinished span as a result of the derrick being blown over during a storm.  The foreground appears to be overflow water from the river.

Bridge-Knik 043


Alaska Road Commission


The view documents destruction caused by the derrick being blown off of the bridge.


The view from the riverbed on the down-river side of the bridge shows one completed steel span and one partially completed span. A large, jumbled pile of broken and bent pilings and decking lies on the ground near the end of the unfinished span as a result of the derrick being blown over during a storm. The foreground appears to be overflow water from the river.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a downstream view of the wrecked derrick and bridge falsework resulting from a storm that tipped the derrick off the bridge.  Broken beams, tipped pilings and a section of the bridge deck are lying in a heap on the gravel river bar in foreground with the damaged bridge behind.  The mountainside forms the backdrop.

Bridge-Knik 044


Alaska Road Commission


The aftermath of a winter storm left the derrick and part of the bridge falsework broken on the ground.


Image is a downstream view of the wrecked derrick and bridge falsework resulting from a storm that tipped the derrick off the bridge. Broken beams, tipped pilings and a section of the bridge deck are lying in a heap on the gravel river bar in foreground with the damaged bridge behind. The mountainside forms the backdrop.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This is a deck-top view looking north and shows the gap in falsework decking in foreground resulting from what was carried away with the derrick when the wind blew the derrick off the bridge.  Steel work in place for the second span when the storm hit is visibly out of alignment as a result of the high winds.  Heavy forest on the north shore of the river is evident and Bodenburg Butte is partially visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 045


Alaska Road Commission


Winter storm damage to the bridge-under-construction is recorded.


This is a deck-top view looking north and shows the gap in falsework decking in foreground resulting from what was carried away with the derrick when the wind blew the derrick off the bridge. Steel work in place for the second span when the storm hit is visibly out of alignment as a result of the high winds. Heavy forest on the north shore of the river is evident and Bodenburg Butte is partially visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a considerable amount of post, beam and lumber construction supporting a concrete making effort to pour the south bridge footing.  A dump truck is on a raised platform at right in the process of dumping aggregate down to the concrete mixing machine at center.  Several men are visible in this area. Two other men are seen at left.  Part of wooden structure appears to be covered with canvas at left, apparently to contain heat in the concrete while it cures.

Bridge-Knik 046


Alaska Road Commission


Maen are preparing concrete and pouring it to form the south end bridge abutment.


Image shows a considerable amount of post, beam and lumber construction supporting a concrete making effort to pour the south bridge footing. A dump truck is on a raised platform at right in the process of dumping aggregate down to the concrete mixing machine at center. Several men are visible in this area. Two other men are seen at left. Part of wooden structure appears to be covered with canvas at left, apparently to contain heat in the concrete while it cures.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a winter view of completed steel span #1 at the north end of the bridge spanning most of the photo at middle ground, and the beginning work on span #2 at right.  Steel bridge members lie on the ground in foreground with two men standing just beyond.  Falsework has been removed from below span #1 with some of that material scattered on the ground.  The ground is snow-covered.

Bridge-Knik 047


Alaska Road Commission


Two men pose in front and below completed steel bridge span #1.


Image is a winter view of completed steel span #1 at the north end of the bridge spanning most of the photo at middle ground, and the beginning work on span #2 at right. Steel bridge members lie on the ground in foreground with two men standing just beyond. Falsework has been removed from below span #1 with some of that material scattered on the ground. The ground is snow-covered.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a deck-level view at bridge span #1 looking north from the beginning structure of span #2.   Falsework decking and steel beams of span #2 are evident in foreground.  A tool shed is at middle ground on the deck of span #1.  The riverbed and shoreline trees are partially visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 048


Alaska Road Commission


A deck view looking north shows completed span #1.


Image is a deck-level view at bridge span #1 looking north from the beginning structure of span #2. Falsework decking and steel beams of span #2 are evident in foreground. A tool shed is at middle ground on the deck of span #1. The riverbed and shoreline trees are partially visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique air winter view of several tent structures scattered among trees of a mixed forest with snow-covered ground and white smoke rising from several chimneys.

Bridge-Knik 049


Alaska Road Commission


The Knik River bridge construction camp is quiet on a still winter day.


Image is an oblique air winter view of several tent structures scattered among trees of a mixed forest with snow-covered ground and white smoke rising from several chimneys.


Near Palmer, Alaska

A view from down-river looking north shows four completed steel bridge spans diagonally across the middle ground with the derrick constructing the fifth span at right. Several men are visible working on the fourth and fifth spans.  Bodenburg Butte is visible at far left.  The river bottom is covered with snow in foreground.  "Falsework" has been removed from the first span but remains under the others.

Bridge-Knik 050


Alaska Road Commission


Four steel spans have been completed and erection of the fifth span is underway.


A view from down-river looking north shows four completed steel bridge spans diagonally across the middle ground with the derrick constructing the fifth span at right. Several men are visible working on the fourth and fifth spans. Bodenburg Butte is visible at far left. The river bottom is covered with snow in foreground. "Falsework" has been removed from the first span but remains under the others.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is a riverbed view mostly of the bridge falsework pilings in middle ground with some of the steel span work visible in upper left.  In foreground a man is apparent standing in overflow water next to a steel girder being lifted by cables from the deck above.  Another man is visible at left.  Snow covers the immediate foreground.

Bridge-Knik 051


Alaska Road Commission


A steel girder is being lifted up to the bridge deck.


Image is a riverbed view mostly of the bridge falsework pilings in middle ground with some of the steel span work visible in upper left. In foreground a man is apparent standing in overflow water next to a steel girder being lifted by cables from the deck above. Another man is visible at left. Snow covers the immediate foreground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This view, taken from the riverbed, shows the narrow downstream side of one of the concrete piers centered in the foreground with a portion of two steel spans attaching to the top of the pier.  The sheet pile-enclosed footing at the base of the pier is evident, as is the rather detailed cap atop the pier.  Considerable lumber appears scattered in the snow at foreground.  Enlargement revels a cat tractor on the river ice behind the pier in middle ground.  Mountains form the near and far background.

Bridge-Knik 052


Alaska Road Commission


One of the concrete piers is shown with two completed steel spans attached to it.


This view, taken from the riverbed, shows the narrow downstream side of one of the concrete piers centered in the foreground with a portion of two steel spans attaching to the top of the pier. The sheet pile-enclosed footing at the base of the pier is evident, as is the rather detailed cap atop the pier. Considerable lumber appears scattered in the snow at foreground. Enlargement revels a cat tractor on the river ice behind the pier in middle ground. Mountains form the near and far background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This view from the riverbed looking north shows the bridge in an oblique fashion from upper right to left center of the image.  Four completed spans are visible with part of the sixth span close overhead.  Five major concrete piers are visible with the broad side of pier #5 fully visible in the foreground.  All the "falsework" has been removed.  A man standing beside pier #5 lends relative scale to the massive structure.  Part of the snow and ice-covered river is visible at right middle ground with heavy timber on the far shore.  Mountains are slightly visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 053


Alaska Road Commission


A man standing next to pier #5 gives scale to the completed steel structure and its supports.


This view from the riverbed looking north shows the bridge in an oblique fashion from upper right to left center of the image. Four completed spans are visible with part of the sixth span close overhead. Five major concrete piers are visible with the broad side of pier #5 fully visible in the foreground. All the "falsework" has been removed. A man standing beside pier #5 lends relative scale to the massive structure. Part of the snow and ice-covered river is visible at right middle ground with heavy timber on the far shore. Mountains are slightly visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is taken from the unfinished north bridge approach, looking south at deck level through the tunnel-like view of the completed steel structure.  In near foreground is an array of planks in temporary fashion allowing foot traffic on to the bridge.  The north end of steel span #1 is prominent.  The forested mountainside forms the background at the far end of the bridge.  Snow covers the ground.

Bridge-Knik 054


Alaska Road Commission


The steel bridge construction appears to be finished and awaiting completion of the north approach.


Image is taken from the unfinished north bridge approach, looking south at deck level through the tunnel-like view of the completed steel structure. In near foreground is an array of planks in temporary fashion allowing foot traffic on to the bridge. The north end of steel span #1 is prominent. The forested mountainside forms the background at the far end of the bridge. Snow covers the ground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This elevated view of the completed six bridge spans, taken from the mountainside on the south side of the river, shows the snow-covered river occupying most of the middle ground with the bridge crossing from left to right.  Two spruce trees are prominent in foreground with dark forested land on the far side of the river, all under a featureless sky.  Enlargement reveals the piledriver machine parked at the extreme right between the spruce tree and photo boarder.

Bridge-Knik 055


Alaska Road Commission


An elevated view from the mountain on the south side of the river shows the completed bridge.


This elevated view of the completed six bridge spans, taken from the mountainside on the south side of the river, shows the snow-covered river occupying most of the middle ground with the bridge crossing from left to right. Two spruce trees are prominent in foreground with dark forested land on the far side of the river, all under a featureless sky. Enlargement reveals the piledriver machine parked at the extreme right between the spruce tree and photo boarder.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This is an elevated view of the mostly complete bridge taken from the mountainside directly at the south end of the structure.  The total length of the steel portion is visible to the north side of the river, defined by a dark band of heavy forest.  Bodenburg Butte is evident beyond in direct line with the bridge.  Foreground is framed by several scraggly trees with the bridge in the center.  The south approach to the bridge is still under construction with scattered planks and canvas apparently covering recently poured concrete abutments.  The snow-covered river occupies most of the middle ground.  Foreground accumulation indicates a foot or so of snow depth.

Bridge-Knik 056


Alaska Road Commission


With the steel erection complete, construction of the south approach is under way.


This is an elevated view of the mostly complete bridge taken from the mountainside directly at the south end of the structure. The total length of the steel portion is visible to the north side of the river, defined by a dark band of heavy forest. Bodenburg Butte is evident beyond in direct line with the bridge. Foreground is framed by several scraggly trees with the bridge in the center. The south approach to the bridge is still under construction with scattered planks and canvas apparently covering recently poured concrete abutments. The snow-covered river occupies most of the middle ground. Foreground accumulation indicates a foot or so of snow depth.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This is an oblique summer view of the upstream side of the completed steel bridge from the south end to the north end.  A portion of the unfinished south approach is visible in foreground at left showing the concrete wing and various timbers and planks, including some to allow temporary access to the bridge deck.  Water in the river is low enough to expose rock around the footings.

Bridge-Knik 057


Hewitts Photo Shop


Planks offer temporary access onto the south end of the bridge while awaiting completion of the permanent approach.


This is an oblique summer view of the upstream side of the completed steel bridge from the south end to the north end. A portion of the unfinished south approach is visible in foreground at left showing the concrete wing and various timbers and planks, including some to allow temporary access to the bridge deck. Water in the river is low enough to expose rock around the footings.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique view of the downriver side of the bridge seen from the south end, including the temporary approach.  A car is prominent in foreground on a rough gravel road that takes a sharp curve to the left onto the approach.  The concrete wing wall and cribbing supporting temporary planks of the approach are visible in foreground.  A small cottonwood tree frames the image at left.  River water is low enough to expose rocks around the pier footings.  Heavy forest lines the river's far bank with Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain in the background.

Bridge-Knik 058


Hewitts Photo Shop


A car approaches the temporary south access to the bridge.


Image is an oblique view of the downriver side of the bridge seen from the south end, including the temporary approach. A car is prominent in foreground on a rough gravel road that takes a sharp curve to the left onto the approach. The concrete wing wall and cribbing supporting temporary planks of the approach are visible in foreground. A small cottonwood tree frames the image at left. River water is low enough to expose rocks around the pier footings. Heavy forest lines the river's far bank with Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain in the background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows a large flat area of gravel in foreground leading up to the south end of the bridge replacing the temporary approach.  A young man stands in the gravel area while looking at the camera.  The south end of the steel bridge stands in middle ground with the view down its length.  The river crosses from right to left in middle ground with gravel bank on the far side visible and heavy forest in background.

Bridge-Knik 059


Alaska Road Commission


A large flat gravel area is in place to form the south bridge approach.


Image shows a large flat area of gravel in foreground leading up to the south end of the bridge replacing the temporary approach. A young man stands in the gravel area while looking at the camera. The south end of the steel bridge stands in middle ground with the view down its length. The river crosses from right to left in middle ground with gravel bank on the far side visible and heavy forest in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an oblique view of the upstream side of the bridge with the south end connection to the land in foreground at left.  The finished gravel fill approach is evident with the front of an automobile visible as it approaches the bridge.  The bridge is obviously in use as of the photo's date.  River water is obviously high during the annual flood.

Bridge-Knik 060


Alaska Road Commission


The south approach to the bridge is complete and traffic is apparently using crossing.


Image is an oblique view of the upstream side of the bridge with the south end connection to the land in foreground at left. The finished gravel fill approach is evident with the front of an automobile visible as it approaches the bridge. The bridge is obviously in use as of the photo's date. River water is obviously high during the annual flood.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image is an upstream view of the bridge from the north end showing flood waters covering the near foreground with several bushes and stumps partially above water.  The bridge extends across the view in middle ground with the long north approach coming from the right to attach to the steel spans receding to the south.  The forested mountain forms a backdrop in far middle ground with fog covering the upper slope.

Bridge-Knik 061


Alaska Road Commission


The completed Knik River bridge is viewed at flood stage.


Image is an upstream view of the bridge from the north end showing flood waters covering the near foreground with several bushes and stumps partially above water. The bridge extends across the view in middle ground with the long north approach coming from the right to attach to the steel spans receding to the south. The forested mountain forms a backdrop in far middle ground with fog covering the upper slope.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This image shows the completed approach to the Knik River bridge as seen from the upstream side.  Foreground shows flood water with a bush, a stump, and part of a gravel pile showing above the water.  The bridge approach crosses the image at middle ground with the gravel embanked section at right leading to the piling-supported open wooden section at left.  A bus and a car are apparent on the gravel section proceeding north toward Palmer.  The steep forested mountainside is in background with early morning sun highlighting rugged ridges and a valley slide path.

Bridge-Knik 062


Alaska Road Commission


Traffic was using the bridge prior to the official opening on September 4, 1936.


This image shows the completed approach to the Knik River bridge as seen from the upstream side. Foreground shows flood water with a bush, a stump, and part of a gravel pile showing above the water. The bridge approach crosses the image at middle ground with the gravel embanked section at right leading to the piling-supported open wooden section at left. A bus and a car are apparent on the gravel section proceeding north toward Palmer. The steep forested mountainside is in background with early morning sun highlighting rugged ridges and a valley slide path.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This is the view taken hard against the upstream side of the north approach to the bridge.  It shows the piling-supported wooden approach section entering the image at right and receding to the steel spans in upper center.  Flood waters are visible from immediate foreground to the far side of the river.  Heavy forest covers the mountainside as the backdrop in far middle ground.

Bridge-Knik 063


Alaska Road Commission


Flood water flow beneath the bridge and north approach.


This is the view taken hard against the upstream side of the north approach to the bridge. It shows the piling-supported wooden approach section entering the image at right and receding to the steel spans in upper center. Flood waters are visible from immediate foreground to the far side of the river. Heavy forest covers the mountainside as the backdrop in far middle ground.


Near Palmer, Alaska

Image shows the well-used gravel road in immediate foreground as it turns onto the south end of the Knik River bridge.  The down-river view of the bridge shows the water level is high, likely as a result of the Lake George break-out up at the glacier.  Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.

Bridge-Knik 064


Alaska Road Commission


The south bridge approach is well established by the photo date.


Image shows the well-used gravel road in immediate foreground as it turns onto the south end of the Knik River bridge. The down-river view of the bridge shows the water level is high, likely as a result of the Lake George break-out up at the glacier. Bodenburg Butte and Lazy Mountain are visible in background.


Near Palmer, Alaska

This image shows a Ford dump truck parked in a rock quarry while two men standing at the rear of the truck prepare to load rocks into it.  Rocks of all sizes are scattered around in the photo with larger ones in place on the hill behind the truck.  The apparent nature of the rock source suggest it may be the bottom of a landslide on the mountain near the bridge.  The large rocks will be hauled to the Knik River bridge and placed to provide protection for the concrete bridge piers.

Bridge-Knik 065


Alaska Road Commission


Two men prepare to load rocks onto a dump truck in a rock quarry.


This image shows a Ford dump truck parked in a rock quarry while two men standing at the rear of the truck prepare to load rocks into it. Rocks of all sizes are scattered around in the photo with larger ones in place on the hill behind the truck. The apparent nature of the rock source suggest it may be the bottom of a landslide on the mountain near the bridge. The large rocks will be hauled to the Knik River bridge and placed to provide protection for the concrete bridge piers.


Knik River area near Palmer, Alaska

This image shows a large boulder being lifted for loading onto the bed of a truck.  A chain is visible around the rock and attached to an overhead pully on a suspended cable.  The rear of the truck is apparent at left with the light-colored boulder suspended behind it.  A long-handled hand shovel is visible at right with gravel and angular rock close in front and back of the truck.  Broken tree limbs and debris on the rock pile in middle ground suggest this rock source is a landslide on Pioneer Peak near the Knik River bridge.

Bridge-Knik 066


Alaska Road Commission


A boulder is being suspended by cables and chains for loading onto a truck.


This image shows a large boulder being lifted for loading onto the bed of a truck. A chain is visible around the rock and attached to an overhead pully on a suspended cable. The rear of the truck is apparent at left with the light-colored boulder suspended behind it. A long-handled hand shovel is visible at right with gravel and angular rock close in front and back of the truck. Broken tree limbs and debris on the rock pile in middle ground suggest this rock source is a landslide on Pioneer Peak near the Knik River bridge.


Knik River bridge near Palmer, Alaska

This image is of a dump truck parked at the location of many large boulders and rocky debris.  A large boulder, suspended from a cable, is being loaded onto the bed of the truck.  Smaller fractured rock and woody debris is visible in foreground and heavy forest is on the steep slope closely behind the truck.

Bridge-Knik 067


Alaska Road Commission


A large boulder is being loaded onto a truck for transport to the Knik bridge site.


This image is of a dump truck parked at the location of many large boulders and rocky debris. A large boulder, suspended from a cable, is being loaded onto the bed of the truck. Smaller fractured rock and woody debris is visible in foreground and heavy forest is on the steep slope closely behind the truck.


Knik Bridge near Palmer, Alaska

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