Road 6

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid



Hitchen Collection

Time Period



This sunny winter view looks eastward along the highway between Palmer and Anchorage where the road crosses the Eklutna Flats. This straight section of road aims directly at a low butte in middle ground before the road curves to the right. A dark mountain shoulder descends from middle ground right toward the butte with the sun-lit upper portion of Pioneer Peak visible beyond in far middle ground. Other Chugach mountains are visible across the image in far background. All is covered with snow. The road has been plowed with 4-foot berms on both sides. Powerlines and poles are visible paralleling the road on the left side and telephone lines and poles are seen along the right side of the road. Low angle sun casts blue shadows on the road and mountains at right. In this view the road continues on to the right of the butte, following along the base of the mountains before turning left to cross the Knik River and proceed north to Palmer. More recently the road was constructed to turn left at that butte to immediately cross the Knik and Matanuska Rivers and proceed to Palmer, Wasilla and points north.


Eklutna, Alaska


Color 35mm slide



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