Time Period

Hitchen Collection

Richard Estelle
Palmer Museum of History and Art
Open Finding Aid
About the​​​ 
Hitchen Collection

The Hitchen collection contains 80 color 35mm slides of the Matanuska Valley area from the late 1940's and early 1950's. Some of the images are presented in Black & White for clarity due to poor color rendition of the slides.

A silver-colored rear-engine bus, likely a tour bus with "PALMER" showing on the front overhead sign, sits parked on a gravel pad among golden-leaved birch trees near Wasilla Lake.  This is possibly a tour bus that has stopped at the lodge on Wasilla Lake for lunch.
This fall color photo shows a three-quarter rear view of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Eklutna Village in foreground, displaying the south side and east end as it appeared in 1948.  A sheet of corrugated metal roofing lies on the ground against the rear wall.  A young spruce tree stands in immediate foreground at right and another frames the image standing near the front of the church at left.  The bell tower and cross are plainly visible over the front of the church at left and a smaller cross is less obvious on the roof at the rear.  The joint where the horizontal logs of the side wall join is plainly visible.   Numerous snags and leafless trees are visible beyond the building in far middle ground.
This color photo shows a group of burial houses in the cemetery at the Native village of Eklutna as it appeared in 1948.  The foreground half of the image is cleared of trees but exhibits thin low leafless brush and several small spruce seedlings and young trees.   Numerous low burial houses are arranged across the image in near middle ground with tall leafless birch trees and young spruce behind.
This color photo shows several Native burial houses, sometimes referred to as "spirit houses", located in the Eklutna Village cemetery as they appeared in 1948.  Two houses in near foreground are painted white as are two associated free-standing crosses in the Russian Orthodox fashion.  Some other houses are painted tan and brown. The three larger houses in front exhibit roof ornamentation.  Two weathered houses behind the others appear to be older and unmaintained.  Mixed heavy birch and spruce forest provide the backdrop in middle ground.
This color photo shows a recently installed grave house in the foreground located in the Eklutna cemetery.  The miniature house, painted light blue, is formed in three stories with three small windows visible and a decorative comb on top.  A free-standing small white Russian Orthodox style cross stands in the center of the image adjacent to the end of the house.  Another similar cross is visible behind the house where it stands in front of another partially visible house.  Mixed birch and spruce forest forms the middle ground backdrop.
Photo is a color image of a woman standing on the Eklutna Flats among blooming Shooting Star flowers with large metal radio towers rising behind.  A small white building is visible in background next to a small hill.  Another building is partially visible at left.  This was a typical scene in May on the Flats during the 1940’s and 50’s, on both sides of the road, as the shooting stars and blue iris bloomed.  As willow brush became more prevalent the flowers have continued to be crowded out.
Image is a fall color view of the Matanuska Experiment Farm buildings taken from Trunk Road south of the farm.  The gravel road is prominent in foreground with a car parked on the shoulder.  A field of ripe grain is to the left and the farm buildings are in middle ground, center.  A power pole is visible to the right of the road and telephone poles and wires are evident on the road’s left side.  Fluffy white clouds are in blue sky overhead.
This black & white image looks southeast over the greenhouse and head house in foreground on the lower bench of the farm below the main building complex.  A smaller building is near the house at far left.  In middle ground a field of hay is harvested and placed on numerous vertical stakes scattered around the field to dry.  Another field of grain at left has been harvested and the bundles have been formed into shocks to dry.   A strip of heavy forest projects from the left in near background with a Colony farmstead visible in a clearing at center.  Mountains of the Chugach Range form the background.
This black & white image looks down from one of the benches on the Experiment Farm at the flat crop land below.  In foreground is a fenced portion sectioned into small parcels with a small hut in each (perhaps hog farrowing pens?).  In middle ground are partially harvested hay fields at left with scattered haystacks, and at right are partially harvested grain fields with scattered grain shocks evident.  Heavy timber at far middle ground define the field edge at left and the face of the bench land at right.  A cleared section of the bench is visible in center background.
This black & white fall photo shows a Matanuska Valley farmstead as seen from a gravel road partially visible running diagonally across the image at left foreground.  A barbed wire fence parallels the road from right to left beyond the road ditch with a power pole in line at right.  A field of grain stubble rises gently across the middle ground with the farmstead buildings arranged across the brow of the low hill.  A white single-story house with peaked roof and attic window is at far left.  A smaller dark building (wellhouse?) is close by to the right.  Farther to the right is a small, fenced enclosure including two small structures, likely small animal barns.  At far right is a low shed partially visible beyond a large two-story barn.  The barn is longer than wide and not of the typical "Colony Barn" style.  A fringe of mostly deciduous trees is visible behind the buildings at the left half of the image.
This photo shows several brown and white (Guernsey?) cows behind a barbed wire fence grazing an early spring pasture.  A fringe of mixed spruce and leafless birch trees define the hilly foreground pasture.  Another cleared rolling field is visible in middle ground with heavy mixed forest beyond.  The still heavily snow-covered Talkeetna Mountains are prominent in background.
This color image shows a farm in the "Four Corners" area of the Valley.  The location commonly known as "Four Corners" was where the Trunk Road, connecting Matanuska and the Experiment Farm with the gold mines to the north, crossed the road between Palmer and Wasilla.  At one time there was a building at that location serving as dance hall and convenient gathering spot for folks of the surrounding area.  This photo displays one of the homesteads in that area.  In the near foreground, occupying almost half of the image, is an area of disturbed soil, likely a recently harvested field of potatoes.   Across the center of the image in middle ground is a narrow view of a large grain field with harvested grain formed into shocks to dry.  At left in this field are several small buildings and fences.  Beyond the grain field is a narrow strip of heavy forest stretching across the image on the face of raised bench land.  In the background stand heavily snow-covered Pioneer Peak and other Chugach Mountains in late afternoon sun.
This summer black & white photo shows the Matanuska Glacier as it appeared from approximately mile 100 on the Glenn Highway in 1964.  The foreground is covered with extensive mixed spruce and deciduous forest viewed from this slightly elevated position.  The white glacier ice appears in middle ground at the base of a rugged mountain at right and extends back to the left out of sight before other snow-capped mountains in background.
This black & white image shows the Worthington Glacier, approximately 29 miles north of Valdez on the Richardson Highway, as it appeared in September 1948.  The foreground is a flat, shrub-covered plain leading to ridges of dark gravel-covered ice in middle ground across the image.  Immediately behind these ridges the white ice of the glacier splits into two large lobes around a large rocky outcrop.  Behind the outcrop the glacier rises into the background defined by pyramid-shaped mountains on both sides and at its crest in center.  Patches of snow persist on the mountain sides.
This photo shows a log building in near middle ground, identified as the Tazlina Lodge, located on the shore of Tazlina Lake at approximately mile 156 on the Glenn Highway.  A rather modern automobile for the day is parked near the left end of the lodge in near middle ground.  A smaller log building is partially visible at extreme left.  A partial view of the lake is visible between the buildings and past several mature spruce trees.  Numerous other spruce trees are apparent behind and to the right of the lodge.  The foreground is largely composed of a vacant graveled area.  A woman is visible standing to the left and behind the car.
This summer color photo shows the alpine Talkeetna Mountain valley location of the Independence Mine and the Gold Cord mine.  Taken from the road extension climbing to cross Hatcher Pass (behind and left of the photo), it shows the light colored mine facilities in the background near the valley floor.  Independence mine buildings are the lighter structures at the lower level.  Gold Cord facilities are slightly higher on the bench above.  The Independence Mine excavation of gold ore comes from the mountain at left out of view in this photo.  At right in immediate foreground a portion of the gravel Hatcher Pass Road (only open during summer) is apparent.  Rugged mountains form the background side of the valley with blue sky and fluffy white clouds above.
Photo is a color view of the buildings of Independence gold mine taken from the north above as it appeared in 1948.  The view includes bunkhouses and administration buildings, fuel tanks, ore processing buildings and mine timber piles.
This color photo shows a fall view from Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Mountains looking southwest down Willow Creek valley.  A portion of Upper Willow Creek is in the middle ground at right.  The landscape character is of rounded hillsides covered with low alpine vegetation of a greenish-brown color.  The most obvious feature is the section of Willow Creek Road as it enters the view in center foreground and wraps around the hill, switching back to the left and climbing out of sight toward Hatcher Pass.  Remnants of the older cat road and trails used to surmount the pass in days of early gold mine development in the Little Susitna River drainage are visible in the lower part of the image.  A small cabin appears to be located in the middle ground where the cat road turns from Upper Willow Creek toward the pass.
This sunny winter view looks eastward along the highway between Palmer and Anchorage where the road crosses the Eklutna Flats.  This straight section of road aims directly at a low butte in middle ground before the road curves to the right.  A dark mountain shoulder descends from middle ground right toward the butte with the sun-lit upper portion of Pioneer Peak visible beyond in far middle ground.  Other Chugach mountains are visible across the image in far background.  All is covered with snow.  The road has been plowed with 4-foot berms on both sides.  Powerlines and poles are visible paralleling the road on the left side and telephone lines and poles are seen along the right side of the road.  Low angle sun casts blue shadows on the road and mountains at right. In this view the road continues on to the right of the butte, following along the base of the mountains before turning left to cross the Knik River and proceed north to Palmer.  More recently the road was constructed to turn left at that butte to immediately cross the Knik and Matanuska Rivers and proceed to Palmer, Wasilla and points north.
This fall color photo shows a straight section of a narrow road with a fine gravel surface, identified as the road between Wasilla and Big Lake, Alaska.  Heavy birch and spruce forest line both sides of the road.  The birch trees exhibit yellow fall leaves, many of which have dropped and obviously line the ditches on both sides of the road.  Low angle sun at left casts tree shadows across the road.  Partly clouded blue sky fills the top of the image.
No items found.
No items found.
A silver-colored rear-engine bus, likely a tour bus with "PALMER" showing on the front overhead sign, sits parked on a gravel pad among golden-leaved birch trees near Wasilla Lake.  This is possibly a tour bus that has stopped at the lodge on Wasilla Lake for lunch.

Bus 4




A striking silver bus awaits among a golden birch forest for its passengers to return.


A silver-colored rear-engine bus, likely a tour bus with "PALMER" showing on the front overhead sign, sits parked on a gravel pad among golden-leaved birch trees near Wasilla Lake. This is possibly a tour bus that has stopped at the lodge on Wasilla Lake for lunch.


Wasilla Lake, Alaska

This fall color photo shows a three-quarter rear view of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Eklutna Village in foreground, displaying the south side and east end as it appeared in 1948.  A sheet of corrugated metal roofing lies on the ground against the rear wall.  A young spruce tree stands in immediate foreground at right and another frames the image standing near the front of the church at left.  The bell tower and cross are plainly visible over the front of the church at left and a smaller cross is less obvious on the roof at the rear.  The joint where the horizontal logs of the side wall join is plainly visible.   Numerous snags and leafless trees are visible beyond the building in far middle ground.

Church 19




The old St. Nicholas Orthodox Church at Eklutna Village is seen in the fall of 1948


This fall color photo shows a three-quarter rear view of the St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Eklutna Village in foreground, displaying the south side and east end as it appeared in 1948. A sheet of corrugated metal roofing lies on the ground against the rear wall. A young spruce tree stands in immediate foreground at right and another frames the image standing near the front of the church at left. The bell tower and cross are plainly visible over the front of the church at left and a smaller cross is less obvious on the roof at the rear. The joint where the horizontal logs of the side wall join is plainly visible. Numerous snags and leafless trees are visible beyond the building in far middle ground.


Eklutna, Alaska

This color photo shows a group of burial houses in the cemetery at the Native village of Eklutna as it appeared in 1948.  The foreground half of the image is cleared of trees but exhibits thin low leafless brush and several small spruce seedlings and young trees.   Numerous low burial houses are arranged across the image in near middle ground with tall leafless birch trees and young spruce behind.

Eklutna Cemetery 1




Numerous Native burial houses cover graves in the Eklutna, Alaska cemetery.


This color photo shows a group of burial houses in the cemetery at the Native village of Eklutna as it appeared in 1948. The foreground half of the image is cleared of trees but exhibits thin low leafless brush and several small spruce seedlings and young trees. Numerous low burial houses are arranged across the image in near middle ground with tall leafless birch trees and young spruce behind.


Eklutna, Alaska

This color photo shows several Native burial houses, sometimes referred to as "spirit houses", located in the Eklutna Village cemetery as they appeared in 1948.  Two houses in near foreground are painted white as are two associated free-standing crosses in the Russian Orthodox fashion.  Some other houses are painted tan and brown. The three larger houses in front exhibit roof ornamentation.  Two weathered houses behind the others appear to be older and unmaintained.  Mixed heavy birch and spruce forest provide the backdrop in middle ground.

Eklutna Cemetery 2




Several Native burial houses cover graves in the Eklutna, Alaska cemetery.


This color photo shows several Native burial houses, sometimes referred to as "spirit houses", located in the Eklutna Village cemetery as they appeared in 1948. Two houses in near foreground are painted white as are two associated free-standing crosses in the Russian Orthodox fashion. Some other houses are painted tan and brown. The three larger houses in front exhibit roof ornamentation. Two weathered houses behind the others appear to be older and unmaintained. Mixed heavy birch and spruce forest provide the backdrop in middle ground.


Eklutna, Alaska

This color photo shows a recently installed grave house in the foreground located in the Eklutna cemetery.  The miniature house, painted light blue, is formed in three stories with three small windows visible and a decorative comb on top.  A free-standing small white Russian Orthodox style cross stands in the center of the image adjacent to the end of the house.  Another similar cross is visible behind the house where it stands in front of another partially visible house.  Mixed birch and spruce forest forms the middle ground backdrop.

Eklutna Cemetery 3




A Native burial house covers a recently installed grave in the Eklutna, Alaska cemetery.


This color photo shows a recently installed grave house in the foreground located in the Eklutna cemetery. The miniature house, painted light blue, is formed in three stories with three small windows visible and a decorative comb on top. A free-standing small white Russian Orthodox style cross stands in the center of the image adjacent to the end of the house. Another similar cross is visible behind the house where it stands in front of another partially visible house. Mixed birch and spruce forest forms the middle ground backdrop.


Eklutna, Alaska

Photo is a color image of a woman standing on the Eklutna Flats among blooming Shooting Star flowers with large metal radio towers rising behind.  A small white building is visible in background next to a small hill.  Another building is partially visible at left.  This was a typical scene in May on the Flats during the 1940’s and 50’s, on both sides of the road, as the shooting stars and blue iris bloomed.  As willow brush became more prevalent the flowers have continued to be crowded out.

Eklutna Flats Flowers


Malita & Sparks


A woman stands among a field of shooting star flowers blooming under radio towers on Eklutna Flats near Eklutna Village, Alaska


Photo is a color image of a woman standing on the Eklutna Flats among blooming Shooting Star flowers with large metal radio towers rising behind. A small white building is visible in background next to a small hill. Another building is partially visible at left. This was a typical scene in May on the Flats during the 1940’s and 50’s, on both sides of the road, as the shooting stars and blue iris bloomed. As willow brush became more prevalent the flowers have continued to be crowded out.


Eklutna, Alaska

Image is a fall color view of the Matanuska Experiment Farm buildings taken from Trunk Road south of the farm.  The gravel road is prominent in foreground with a car parked on the shoulder.  A field of ripe grain is to the left and the farm buildings are in middle ground, center.  A power pole is visible to the right of the road and telephone poles and wires are evident on the road’s left side.  Fluffy white clouds are in blue sky overhead.

Experiment Farm 33




A color view of the Matanuska Experiment Farm viewed from Trunk Road on the south


Image is a fall color view of the Matanuska Experiment Farm buildings taken from Trunk Road south of the farm. The gravel road is prominent in foreground with a car parked on the shoulder. A field of ripe grain is to the left and the farm buildings are in middle ground, center. A power pole is visible to the right of the road and telephone poles and wires are evident on the road’s left side. Fluffy white clouds are in blue sky overhead.


Matanuska, Alaska

This black & white image looks southeast over the greenhouse and head house in foreground on the lower bench of the farm below the main building complex.  A smaller building is near the house at far left.  In middle ground a field of hay is harvested and placed on numerous vertical stakes scattered around the field to dry.  Another field of grain at left has been harvested and the bundles have been formed into shocks to dry.   A strip of heavy forest projects from the left in near background with a Colony farmstead visible in a clearing at center.  Mountains of the Chugach Range form the background.

Experiment Farm 40




Hay and grain harvest is seen at the Experiment Farm.


This black & white image looks southeast over the greenhouse and head house in foreground on the lower bench of the farm below the main building complex. A smaller building is near the house at far left. In middle ground a field of hay is harvested and placed on numerous vertical stakes scattered around the field to dry. Another field of grain at left has been harvested and the bundles have been formed into shocks to dry. A strip of heavy forest projects from the left in near background with a Colony farmstead visible in a clearing at center. Mountains of the Chugach Range form the background.


Matanuska, Alaska

This black & white image looks down from one of the benches on the Experiment Farm at the flat crop land below.  In foreground is a fenced portion sectioned into small parcels with a small hut in each (perhaps hog farrowing pens?).  In middle ground are partially harvested hay fields at left with scattered haystacks, and at right are partially harvested grain fields with scattered grain shocks evident.  Heavy timber at far middle ground define the field edge at left and the face of the bench land at right.  A cleared section of the bench is visible in center background.

Experiment Farm 41




Hay and grain harvest is seen at the Experiment Farm.


This black & white image looks down from one of the benches on the Experiment Farm at the flat crop land below. In foreground is a fenced portion sectioned into small parcels with a small hut in each (perhaps hog farrowing pens?). In middle ground are partially harvested hay fields at left with scattered haystacks, and at right are partially harvested grain fields with scattered grain shocks evident. Heavy timber at far middle ground define the field edge at left and the face of the bench land at right. A cleared section of the bench is visible in center background.


Matanuska, Alaska

This black & white fall photo shows a Matanuska Valley farmstead as seen from a gravel road partially visible running diagonally across the image at left foreground.  A barbed wire fence parallels the road from right to left beyond the road ditch with a power pole in line at right.  A field of grain stubble rises gently across the middle ground with the farmstead buildings arranged across the brow of the low hill.  A white single-story house with peaked roof and attic window is at far left.  A smaller dark building (wellhouse?) is close by to the right.  Farther to the right is a small, fenced enclosure including two small structures, likely small animal barns.  At far right is a low shed partially visible beyond a large two-story barn.  The barn is longer than wide and not of the typical "Colony Barn" style.  A fringe of mostly deciduous trees is visible behind the buildings at the left half of the image.

Farm 21




Buildings of an unidentified Matanuska Valley farmstead await the coming winter after harvest is complete.


This black & white fall photo shows a Matanuska Valley farmstead as seen from a gravel road partially visible running diagonally across the image at left foreground. A barbed wire fence parallels the road from right to left beyond the road ditch with a power pole in line at right. A field of grain stubble rises gently across the middle ground with the farmstead buildings arranged across the brow of the low hill. A white single-story house with peaked roof and attic window is at far left. A smaller dark building (wellhouse?) is close by to the right. Farther to the right is a small, fenced enclosure including two small structures, likely small animal barns. At far right is a low shed partially visible beyond a large two-story barn. The barn is longer than wide and not of the typical "Colony Barn" style. A fringe of mostly deciduous trees is visible behind the buildings at the left half of the image.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This photo shows several brown and white (Guernsey?) cows behind a barbed wire fence grazing an early spring pasture.  A fringe of mixed spruce and leafless birch trees define the hilly foreground pasture.  Another cleared rolling field is visible in middle ground with heavy mixed forest beyond.  The still heavily snow-covered Talkeetna Mountains are prominent in background.

Farm 22




A small group of dairy cows search out early spring grass on a Matanuska Valley farm.


This photo shows several brown and white (Guernsey?) cows behind a barbed wire fence grazing an early spring pasture. A fringe of mixed spruce and leafless birch trees define the hilly foreground pasture. Another cleared rolling field is visible in middle ground with heavy mixed forest beyond. The still heavily snow-covered Talkeetna Mountains are prominent in background.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This color image shows a farm in the "Four Corners" area of the Valley.  The location commonly known as "Four Corners" was where the Trunk Road, connecting Matanuska and the Experiment Farm with the gold mines to the north, crossed the road between Palmer and Wasilla.  At one time there was a building at that location serving as dance hall and convenient gathering spot for folks of the surrounding area.  This photo displays one of the homesteads in that area.  In the near foreground, occupying almost half of the image, is an area of disturbed soil, likely a recently harvested field of potatoes.   Across the center of the image in middle ground is a narrow view of a large grain field with harvested grain formed into shocks to dry.  At left in this field are several small buildings and fences.  Beyond the grain field is a narrow strip of heavy forest stretching across the image on the face of raised bench land.  In the background stand heavily snow-covered Pioneer Peak and other Chugach Mountains in late afternoon sun.

Farm 23




A Valley homestead exhibits evidence of fall harvest as new snow begins to cover surrounding mountains.


This color image shows a farm in the "Four Corners" area of the Valley. The location commonly known as "Four Corners" was where the Trunk Road, connecting Matanuska and the Experiment Farm with the gold mines to the north, crossed the road between Palmer and Wasilla. At one time there was a building at that location serving as dance hall and convenient gathering spot for folks of the surrounding area. This photo displays one of the homesteads in that area. In the near foreground, occupying almost half of the image, is an area of disturbed soil, likely a recently harvested field of potatoes. Across the center of the image in middle ground is a narrow view of a large grain field with harvested grain formed into shocks to dry. At left in this field are several small buildings and fences. Beyond the grain field is a narrow strip of heavy forest stretching across the image on the face of raised bench land. In the background stand heavily snow-covered Pioneer Peak and other Chugach Mountains in late afternoon sun.


Matanuska Valley, Alaska

This summer black & white photo shows the Matanuska Glacier as it appeared from approximately mile 100 on the Glenn Highway in 1964.  The foreground is covered with extensive mixed spruce and deciduous forest viewed from this slightly elevated position.  The white glacier ice appears in middle ground at the base of a rugged mountain at right and extends back to the left out of sight before other snow-capped mountains in background.

Glacier 4




The Matanuska Glacier and surrounding mountains offer a scenic view from the Glenn Highway.


This summer black & white photo shows the Matanuska Glacier as it appeared from approximately mile 100 on the Glenn Highway in 1964. The foreground is covered with extensive mixed spruce and deciduous forest viewed from this slightly elevated position. The white glacier ice appears in middle ground at the base of a rugged mountain at right and extends back to the left out of sight before other snow-capped mountains in background.


Mile 100 of Glenn Highway, Alaska

This black & white image shows the Worthington Glacier, approximately 29 miles north of Valdez on the Richardson Highway, as it appeared in September 1948.  The foreground is a flat, shrub-covered plain leading to ridges of dark gravel-covered ice in middle ground across the image.  Immediately behind these ridges the white ice of the glacier splits into two large lobes around a large rocky outcrop.  Behind the outcrop the glacier rises into the background defined by pyramid-shaped mountains on both sides and at its crest in center.  Patches of snow persist on the mountain sides.

Glacier 5




Worthington Glacier is an attraction viewed from the Richardson Highway north of Valdez, Alaska


This black & white image shows the Worthington Glacier, approximately 29 miles north of Valdez on the Richardson Highway, as it appeared in September 1948. The foreground is a flat, shrub-covered plain leading to ridges of dark gravel-covered ice in middle ground across the image. Immediately behind these ridges the white ice of the glacier splits into two large lobes around a large rocky outcrop. Behind the outcrop the glacier rises into the background defined by pyramid-shaped mountains on both sides and at its crest in center. Patches of snow persist on the mountain sides.


Near Valdez, Alaska

This photo shows a log building in near middle ground, identified as the Tazlina Lodge, located on the shore of Tazlina Lake at approximately mile 156 on the Glenn Highway.  A rather modern automobile for the day is parked near the left end of the lodge in near middle ground.  A smaller log building is partially visible at extreme left.  A partial view of the lake is visible between the buildings and past several mature spruce trees.  Numerous other spruce trees are apparent behind and to the right of the lodge.  The foreground is largely composed of a vacant graveled area.  A woman is visible standing to the left and behind the car.

Lodge 3-Tazlina




The image shows Tazlina Lodge as it appeared in 1948.


This photo shows a log building in near middle ground, identified as the Tazlina Lodge, located on the shore of Tazlina Lake at approximately mile 156 on the Glenn Highway. A rather modern automobile for the day is parked near the left end of the lodge in near middle ground. A smaller log building is partially visible at extreme left. A partial view of the lake is visible between the buildings and past several mature spruce trees. Numerous other spruce trees are apparent behind and to the right of the lodge. The foreground is largely composed of a vacant graveled area. A woman is visible standing to the left and behind the car.


Tazlina, Alaska

This summer color photo shows the alpine Talkeetna Mountain valley location of the Independence Mine and the Gold Cord mine.  Taken from the road extension climbing to cross Hatcher Pass (behind and left of the photo), it shows the light colored mine facilities in the background near the valley floor.  Independence mine buildings are the lighter structures at the lower level.  Gold Cord facilities are slightly higher on the bench above.  The Independence Mine excavation of gold ore comes from the mountain at left out of view in this photo.  At right in immediate foreground a portion of the gravel Hatcher Pass Road (only open during summer) is apparent.  Rugged mountains form the background side of the valley with blue sky and fluffy white clouds above.

Mine 17




A far view of Independence and Gold Cord gold mines is had from the Hatcher Pass Road to the southwest.


This summer color photo shows the alpine Talkeetna Mountain valley location of the Independence Mine and the Gold Cord mine. Taken from the road extension climbing to cross Hatcher Pass (behind and left of the photo), it shows the light colored mine facilities in the background near the valley floor. Independence mine buildings are the lighter structures at the lower level. Gold Cord facilities are slightly higher on the bench above. The Independence Mine excavation of gold ore comes from the mountain at left out of view in this photo. At right in immediate foreground a portion of the gravel Hatcher Pass Road (only open during summer) is apparent. Rugged mountains form the background side of the valley with blue sky and fluffy white clouds above.


Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer, Alaska

Photo is a color view of the buildings of Independence gold mine taken from the north above as it appeared in 1948.  The view includes bunkhouses and administration buildings, fuel tanks, ore processing buildings and mine timber piles.

Mine 5, Independence


Malita & Sparks


Overview of Independence gold mine buildings in 1948


Photo is a color view of the buildings of Independence gold mine taken from the north above as it appeared in 1948. The view includes bunkhouses and administration buildings, fuel tanks, ore processing buildings and mine timber piles.


Talkeetna Mountains north of Palmer, Alaska

This color photo shows a fall view from Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Mountains looking southwest down Willow Creek valley.  A portion of Upper Willow Creek is in the middle ground at right.  The landscape character is of rounded hillsides covered with low alpine vegetation of a greenish-brown color.  The most obvious feature is the section of Willow Creek Road as it enters the view in center foreground and wraps around the hill, switching back to the left and climbing out of sight toward Hatcher Pass.  Remnants of the older cat road and trails used to surmount the pass in days of early gold mine development in the Little Susitna River drainage are visible in the lower part of the image.  A small cabin appears to be located in the middle ground where the cat road turns from Upper Willow Creek toward the pass.

Road 4




The modern road from Willow Creek to Hatcher Pass lies in stark visual contrast with the surrounding alpine mountain landscape.


This color photo shows a fall view from Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Mountains looking southwest down Willow Creek valley. A portion of Upper Willow Creek is in the middle ground at right. The landscape character is of rounded hillsides covered with low alpine vegetation of a greenish-brown color. The most obvious feature is the section of Willow Creek Road as it enters the view in center foreground and wraps around the hill, switching back to the left and climbing out of sight toward Hatcher Pass. Remnants of the older cat road and trails used to surmount the pass in days of early gold mine development in the Little Susitna River drainage are visible in the lower part of the image. A small cabin appears to be located in the middle ground where the cat road turns from Upper Willow Creek toward the pass.


Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska

This sunny winter view looks eastward along the highway between Palmer and Anchorage where the road crosses the Eklutna Flats.  This straight section of road aims directly at a low butte in middle ground before the road curves to the right.  A dark mountain shoulder descends from middle ground right toward the butte with the sun-lit upper portion of Pioneer Peak visible beyond in far middle ground.  Other Chugach mountains are visible across the image in far background.  All is covered with snow.  The road has been plowed with 4-foot berms on both sides.  Powerlines and poles are visible paralleling the road on the left side and telephone lines and poles are seen along the right side of the road.  Low angle sun casts blue shadows on the road and mountains at right. In this view the road continues on to the right of the butte, following along the base of the mountains before turning left to cross the Knik River and proceed north to Palmer.  More recently the road was constructed to turn left at that butte to immediately cross the Knik and Matanuska Rivers and proceed to Palmer, Wasilla and points north.

Road 6




A snowy winter view shows the Glenn Highway where it crossed the Eklutna Flats between Anchorage and Palmer in 1948.


This sunny winter view looks eastward along the highway between Palmer and Anchorage where the road crosses the Eklutna Flats. This straight section of road aims directly at a low butte in middle ground before the road curves to the right. A dark mountain shoulder descends from middle ground right toward the butte with the sun-lit upper portion of Pioneer Peak visible beyond in far middle ground. Other Chugach mountains are visible across the image in far background. All is covered with snow. The road has been plowed with 4-foot berms on both sides. Powerlines and poles are visible paralleling the road on the left side and telephone lines and poles are seen along the right side of the road. Low angle sun casts blue shadows on the road and mountains at right. In this view the road continues on to the right of the butte, following along the base of the mountains before turning left to cross the Knik River and proceed north to Palmer. More recently the road was constructed to turn left at that butte to immediately cross the Knik and Matanuska Rivers and proceed to Palmer, Wasilla and points north.


Eklutna, Alaska

This fall color photo shows a straight section of a narrow road with a fine gravel surface, identified as the road between Wasilla and Big Lake, Alaska.  Heavy birch and spruce forest line both sides of the road.  The birch trees exhibit yellow fall leaves, many of which have dropped and obviously line the ditches on both sides of the road.  Low angle sun at left casts tree shadows across the road.  Partly clouded blue sky fills the top of the image.

Road 7




This photo documents the nature of the automobile road from Wasilla to Big Lake in 1948.


This fall color photo shows a straight section of a narrow road with a fine gravel surface, identified as the road between Wasilla and Big Lake, Alaska. Heavy birch and spruce forest line both sides of the road. The birch trees exhibit yellow fall leaves, many of which have dropped and obviously line the ditches on both sides of the road. Low angle sun at left casts tree shadows across the road. Partly clouded blue sky fills the top of the image.


Between Wasilla and Big Lake, Alaska

Explore the Rich History of the Matanuska Valley

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